Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Corruption? Here's Another Case Involving Law Enforcement in Riverside County. This Kind Of Thing Does Happen!

Here's a case where law enforcement from Riverside County, the same county as Palm Springs, DID do the right thing when they found out that a fellow cop was doing something dirty.

All our community wants is to be recognized as the group that was targeted by Lori LaFond and some of the PSPD officers who arrested us to keep her crimes a secret.  There are a lot of victims.  They deserve the same respect that this case tried to bring to law enforcement officers.

We don't and won't be disrespected as a community.  This was a horrible crime and it cost many lives.  We need to feel safe.

Yesterday's Blog Header: Psycho The Rapist, It's Not Your Office Lori, It's Your Diagnosis


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Will Someone Please Arrest Lori LaFond Already...She's Way Overdue!!!


With her big brother/sister now in the jail...everyone wants to know:

How long until Lori LaFond goes?  It's time for her to finally meet up with the women who won't put up with that big fat mouth of hers!  Apparently the women that do live with her are the kind that think it's funny to talk to people that aren't criminals.  Rape victims deserve better Missy and Leah...just so we're clear, I don't think either of you fits the category of rape victim.   

Have a nice day ladies!!!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

I Started A Parent (of Electronically Harassed Victims) Coalition So That The FAMILIES of Victims Would Compare Experiences Through Conversations With Each Other


Ever notice how Lori LaFond is deathly afraid of people talking to each other about her?  I certainly have and I want to tell you this is nothing new for this mentally challenged basket case.  Even in high school, Lori LaFond didn't want anyone telling on her while she tattled on the entire school.  It is part of her narcissistic need to "feel powerful" and "keep people from finding out."  This kind of naivete has led to the proliferation of this kind of microwave harassment all over the world.  People are afraid to tell people that they suffer from this out of fear of being labeled crazy.  I assure you, I am not one of those people.

Ashamedly, I was one of those kinds of people who did not believe in this kind of surveillance or harassment.  I was vocal about it.  I knew that the conspiracy theorists were out there telling people that the government was spying on them and I worked for the U.S. Department of Justice.  I saw how prosecutors and federal investigative agencies went about securing things like wiretaps and search warrants.  It was all on the up and up.  Remember, if you could do what Lori can do, there would be no need for any of that procedure.  Unfortunately, the law requires a much higher standard than simply the word of a mentally ill drug dealer who thinks she's an actress.  I had plenty of people from the public filing cases about "hearing voices" in their heads and I wrongly laughed them off.  Then, it happened to me.

What I didn't understand was that it had been happening to me all along.  I didn't hear voices until after I left the USDOJ, to find out who tried to kill me in San Diego.  Then I heard them and finally, I could equate the streets full of stalkers in my neighborhood with the voices I now heard in my head.  I also knew that admitting to hearing them was going to be looked at like I was crazy...just as I had done to others.  I no longer do that.

I took my time.  I researched.  I found out it was Lori Jean LaFond, my high school bully, who was behind this tech that is, on the one hand easily researched, and on the other, hard to convince people that it is being used.  When people saw Dr. Stephen Hawking use it, it was a miracle, but when I tell you a USMC military brat stole it and then used it on the public, nobody listens.  I guess you just have to know Little Miss Know-It-All to understand the level of depravity that she is capable of.  Nobody I know tells Lori LaFond anything about themselves, yet she shows up at reunions with a notebook full of dirty secrets to spread around.  Why?

Lori is trying to recreate her high school experiences again.  This is the kind of mental patient we are dealing with.  She's catfishing on Facebook using another person's account.  She's calling everyone that she can think of to complain about me (nothing new there).  She is selling drugs from a rental home owned by her brother-in-law's family.  She has already stalked me on my vacation to Sedona, Arizona where she was promptly arrested over and over again.  Lori is a predator with a mind-reading machine.  She's using it to kill.  Someone needs to put her in jail for the crimes that she and her brother have skipped out on and plead guilty to.  This would ensure a safer investigation into this crime.

Believe me, I wasn't trying to tell people about this crime until I knew it was true.  Anything short of who it was and how she obtained it would look crazy.  Lori's history with this tech goes all the way back to 1978-79 when she and her brother stole it from the USMC, 29 Palms.   Find out.  Ask General Etnyre.  Ask her own mother and sister.  They will tell you that she is a huge danger to this small community.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Lori Was Threatening To Put Bags of Crystal Meth At My Father's Home...Then Junior Got Busted (Allegedly)


Rumor has it that Lori's brother, Brian LaFond, whom she calls "Junior" had an arrest yesterday.  Seems he's been driving around town, high, and without a valid driver's license.  Never had one, never will.  He's already been popped two other times in this same vehicle...maybe a different one...but the result is still the same.  Drugs in the car or on his person were likely found, but he already has several warrants for his arrest out of Arizona and a case involving Benjamin Katzenberg in Palm Springs.  Seems Junior doesn't like serving his sentences when he presents a false name.

I do believe that Martin's mother and father also have an arrest warrant arising from a break-in at Martin's old apartment in Palm Springs, CA.  There is a video of this break-in where Lori Jean LaFond and Brian LaFond introduce themselves to my boyfriend/informant partner, Christopher Monti with Jonathan Mendenhall present.  The video reveals that Lori pretends that she is working for the police and that she knows that both Christopher and I are informants for Bryan Anderson.  This was a long time before she filed that bogus restraining order where Lori says she doesn't know if I am an informant or not.  She definitely knew.

Hot dog!!!  Are we going to finally see Lori in bracelets that she didn't steal?  Let's hope so.  Let's also hope that they are tuberculosis testing Brian and giving him the attention he needs.  This is a dangerous criminal who has firearms in that home where his sister is still using drugs and planning his escape.

Are Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond going to "Thelma and Disease"?  Who knows as the drama continues....

In the meantime, Lori was threatening to put bags of crystal meth at my father's home so she could call the police on me or him or all of us.  I want this to stand as a warning to police that Lori has been planting drugs on people in her own family to send them to jail.  My father and my family have nothing to do with drugs, but I am the informant on this case that Lori would love to ruin the reputation of.  Don't fall for it.  Lori is the drug dealer and my father has been her target for years and years.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

How A Billboard Helped Solve Another "Impossible" Case In The Palm Springs Area...BTW Some Of Lori's Cops Have Worked For The Riverside Sheriff's Department!


The reason that our local crimes go unprosecuted has to do with the unprofessional law enforcement that we have in our area.  Many of the local police and sheriff's officers were implanted by Lori Jean LaFond.

Here is another case that could have easily been solved if law enforcement took their work far more seriously than they do out here.

These law enforcement officers act outside the color of the law.  They lie to their supervisors.  They are put on cases that they are completely incompetent to have.  They protect Lori and her friends like they think they are part of the law enforcement family, but they aren't.  If they knew Lori's background, they would never believe anything that she has told them or that she has told them about herself.  She is a professional liar and a lifetime criminal.  

Yes, there are some good cops in our area, but they are snuffed out by the bad ones keeping their pensions alive to receive the maximum benefits.  I think that the sacrifices to the LGBTQI+ community are far too high so that a handful of officers get to stay employed.  It is a well-known secret that Lori and the police have an illegal and clandestine relationship, but most of those officers don't know about the two high school shootings that Lori was involved with just before the end of her senior year.  She's a lifetime fugitive who uses fake IDs to get out of jail like an 18-year-old trying to sneak into a 21+ club.   She's a 57-year-old juvenile delinquent with a body count and a long history of making up false claims to the police (see Coach Steve Fabian for the truth).

This whole area needs to be overhauled from the police and sheriff's department to the commissioners at the Larson Justice Center.  It is a situation that Riverside District Attorneys, the Riverside Crime Lab, and the Riverside Public Defenders need to know about and have been far too silent on.  Now it is time to bring this area into the modern era of police work.


Did Your Lights Flicker? Lori Just Experienced A Power Shortage!!! So Did Jeffrey Katzenberg!!!


Lori, Lori, Lori.   Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeffrey.

When will the two of you learn?

Your problems are with each other, yet you still keep pointing them at me and my sister.  I don't know where you get the idea that you can do the things that you have both done and expect me to keep quiet about it.  I'm not going to.

Lori uses the phone system like a weapon.  Jeffrey uses Lori and Missy as a weapon.  All of you need to understand something.  Your fight is with each other, not with me.  I can't seem to convince either one of you that this collision course with me is only going to end with a head-on collision between the two of you, but I am way ahead of you both on this one.  It appears that Jeffrey is still trying to use familial ties to try to cause a conflict using money.  I am not the kind of family member who would let money tear my sister and me apart.  That's one place you two will fail.  Secondly, if you think that causing a problem between us is going to solve your problems with each other, you are sorely mistaken.  I can prove that you both have problems with the law and that you both have extorted me at the same time.  Elderly abuse, bail fraud, attempted murders...this is getting really ugly.

As the two of you continue to scratch your hooves at the ground and snort while getting ready to charge at me, I'll remind you both that I'm not going to be standing in that bull ring with either of you.  You have your problems, you both participated and you used me and my sister to set this up....your failure is your own. Failing to understand who you are dealing with and does not constitute a problem for my team, but it could result in the incarceration of your family members and yourselves.  That is the most likely outcome because I've protected myself from both of you.  Christopher knows that you are both coming at me like two guided missiles, but I'm not in the building you have targeted.

Your constant game of threats and playing invisible terrorists are starting to make you BOTH look guilty.  I can't imagine a less likely pair.  By now, one of you should have been able to figure a way out without coming for me, but old plans die hard.  Die is the word you need to pay attention to.  Often times admitting a problem exists is the hardest thing to do.  I would suggest that you both change your course of direction before you collide.

There is no solution to your problems where causing me a problem or my family will help you.  It's time for both of you to confront each other in a court of law.

Powerless to explain what is wrong with either of you!

My side of the street is clean and neat.  Your gutters get more traffic than your sidewalk...I suggest cleaning up your act Jeffrey.

Monday, April 29, 2024

What Can We Learn About Lori Jean LaFond After Watching This Story? There Is Plenty To Suggest That 35 Years Of Power Changed Her Into A "She-Pazuzu"


I want you to pay particular attention to the comments made at the 18:13 time mark on this video.  This is inherantly the same exact kinds of problems that Lori Jean LaFond has suffered from all of her life.  Turning her loose on society after a bungled rape investigation in my case, was essentially doing the same thing.  SHE PUT HER FROZEN BLOOD INSIDE OF MY BODY.. and they think that she is your run of the mill troubled girl?  Not by a long shot!

I want you all to hear the testimony about Pazuzu where the guy that turned him in is telling you that P. loves to talk other people into killing people.  That IS Lori LaFond!  She has told others that she can't be caught because the Devil protects her.  Lori talks about bloodletting children so that she can enjoy the "life source" of their blood.  I've heard that there are even movies where she is doing something like this; I've not seen them.  I have heard Anthony Dabiere talk about these films and he went to the police to tell Chief Reyes.  I have an email from Chief Reyes saying that although Anthony did come by, as he'd asked me to send him, Anthony didn't possess any valuable information about these films.  It's sick.  The Devil didn't protect Lori LaFond, Chief Reyes did.

I want you all to take a look inside of this Pazuzu guy's home.  I've seen two of the homes that Lori LaFond lived in.  They were virtually the same.  They stink.  They are full of odd photos of families that Lori has "put together".  There are pentagrams and other satanic symbols.  There was one or two fingers cut off from people on sticks.  This isn't normal behavior.  This borders on occult and definitely fits the profile of a serial killer.  Lori is very sick...nobody seems to care.

Lori rarely bathes.  Her body is septic and full of open sores and staph infections.  Pazuzu was exactly the same. 

There are violent acts against his mother, but Lori, allegedly, has done the same things to her mother, father, and sister.  I've heard that there are photos and videos of Lori assaulting their knocked out and lifeless bodies.  What does it take for people to act?

Lori LaFond has said on numerous occasions, "I make people disappear!"  There are dead bodies and missing people from our community in Palm Springs, CA, that we know are linked to Lori.  What does this all mean?  A simple investigation into what she does for a living and her criminal past, using DNA and fingerprints, should yield that kind of information, yet, getting that done seems to be harder than Lori getting rid of someone she doesn't like.  Oh yeah, she "hates everyone and everything," according to her own self examination.  Don't be surprised when someone else ends up dead.  This is a serious crime...please pay attention.

Remember this, and other, notes left at my work?

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Stalking My Friends Has Been A Life Long Obsession For Lori Jean LaFond...It's Now Under Federal Investigation!


Everyone with different strengths, weaknesses, experiences, talents, approaches, and so much more goes into my circle of friends.  I really like having an eclectic and varied group.  Lori seems to be very jealous of that sort of thing.

What you are reading in today's headline for this blog is true.  Many years went into my stalking and the stalking of my friends, but it is our unique bond of friendship that will stop this for all of us.  I didn't do it alone or it definitely wouldn't have happened.  I, truthfully, was honest the whole time and did what I am trained to do.  It's a hard crime to solve if you don't know how it is done or who is behind it.  I had to work at this, but some of my friends had to work at other things too.  It is the collective group that makes the biggest difference.

I don't have a lot of time right now, as I write this, but I can tell you that if you know Lori LaFond and you know what she is like, this story will make more sense than it ever did.  She contacts literally everyone I know to make her life feel like mine, but what it really does is show me that I have the right friends who not only stuck up for me, but who knew me well enough to know that I was nothing like what she said.

I'm still me everyone.  Older, heavier, and wiser, but still the same happy inside person that I always have been.  When we met, through our times together, and especially now.  I am still Kevin Bond, your friend and the person that makes you laugh.

Work together to prove that I have those types of friends.  It will mean the world to Christopher and me.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Bio Hacks Are Somewhat Useful, But What Lori Jean LaFond Did With Them Was Sinful And Dangerous (Sometimes Deadly)


I am a techie.  I know that life can be made easier by using simple bio hacks that open doors and contain information for privacy, but what Lori Jean LaFond did with them is sinister.  Most people see these life hacks as easier ways to keep track of thing like keys or other RFID enhancements, but what they don't tell you is how far some of these hacks have been studied.  The military wasn't concerned with opening cabinets or front doors, they wanted to know how to use them to read minds.

What Lori and Brian LaFond did was steal these bio transmitter/receivers to read people's minds and use them to cause terror in the small city of Palm Springs, California.  If there was ever a test study in what could go wrong, it is Palm Springs' LGBTQii+ community.  Using our minority and Lori's homophobic needs to punish gay people for her very early HIV infection, she pressed for the imprisonment of gay people so that she could take over the Coachella Valley's crystal meth/drug community.  Lori's dream was to enslave as many gay people as she could.  When they became a problem, she would use her implanted police officers to rid her of the problem causes.  This is a theme with these criminals that use others to make money for them or to supply them with information to steal from banks.  It is identity theft on a much more personal level.

I've been working with LifeLock to ensure that when these biohackers are hacked that they are found and put to the justice system like the criminals they are.  In essence, rape victims are being raped over and over again in their personal lives and professional careers.  This system is fragile, however, now that we have access to the same systems that Lori has used for decades.  In fact, we can take down their own resources.  With the help of the United States Attorneys Office, we are devising a plan to track down these offenders to bring them to justice.  This "invisible crime" is starting to become visible to the correct authorities.

Usually the criminals find a way to hack into systems after they become public reality.  This crime is backwards.  They hacked into our private lives before the public was made aware.  What you see now is the introduction of these systems to do simple things, but the complications are coming from innocently ambushed citizens that have no idea what they are about to become the victims of.  RFID bio mind reading has been possible since the 1950's and Lori Jean LaFond pioneered the domestic terrorism that we have in Palm Springs, CA and all over the world.  Indeed, she is a living urban legend terrorist among the people that commit this crime.  She is not well liked and is about to suffer the greatest fall in the history of domestic spying; and she doesn't work for the government.  This is a huge win for all American citizens, but it takes a huge effort to stop her.

Dangerous Things website can show you how easy it is to find these is here.

Friday, April 26, 2024

And Lori's Looreese!!! Er. Dooneese! Live Inside The LaFond Family On The Military Base!!!


This one even featured Lori Jean's crabs!!!  Lori Jean is so awkward even her arms aren't the real distraction when they should be!

Nunc Pro Tunc: Now For Then, Three Little Latin Words That Mean Something Is Going On That I Don't Know About! Something Legal.


It's not just the disrespect, it's the gloating and the mental abuse.

Do you know something?  When you are gay you deal with a lot of people's poor attitudes towards your lifestyle and all the things that come with it.  This is about the 21st year that I have been working on this case and something happened just before I came into work today.  It isn't something that I am going to talk about because my team then has to suffer the wrath of two people who have been subversive to our investigation since the beginning.  Missy and Jeffrey.  We know that they are dirty cheaters and that both have bad attitudes, but tonight I just wanted to let you all know that I'm fine.  I've dealt with this gaycism for years and I completely understand that I am going up against the most stubborn man in Hollywood and one of the Lead Pussycats from the Lesbian Mafia.   Both seem a bit jealous and we were hoping this would change but clearly, working together is not possible.

It seems that it's all for them and nothing for us.  We did all the hard work while someone sniffed her way into a problem but didn't care because she had her benefactor.  It was this attitude today that made me upset, not the fact that a victim's father would support one of our worst criminals.  Remember, Missy is still the person that stole my MRIs from the Desert Regional Hospital when Lori severely beat the shit out of my skull.  Did you know that Missy called Lori in the middle of that bashing to ask, "When will the drugs be here?"  She was fully aware of the attempted homicide going on, but wanted her!!!

She didn't call the police or anything, of course, but when the damage was done, she wouldn't even let me enter the hospital.  I went to the ER twice but Missy committed the crime of stealing my MRIs and covering up my rape.

Then there are the hundreds of other things that Missy has done in the meantime since.  To me.  My sister. My niece.  My father.  It's just a dirty laundry list of a drug addict that can't pull her head out of her jealous ass to save her own life.

I'm not going to tell you what the two have tried to do now.  I get punished by Missy and Jeffrey for doing that.  Instead, I'd like to tell you what really pisses me off.  It's the complete and utter disrespect shown by Missy Erickson to Jeffrey's son Benjamin and his wife Marilyn.  Yes, I've been mad at them before, but they aren't my family.  I call it the way I see it then I usually follow that up with a good reason why I get so scathing.  I don't want either of them to get into trouble.

Missy, after what appears to be some more of her whining and crying to Jeffrey (who is supposed to not be talking to her; bullshit) got her way again and literally said "In your face Marilyn and Benjamin; I still own him" tone.  It sickens me to think that a father would hate me so much that he would make his own wife and child suffer because of me.  It's one of those things that makes me wonder, "How far is this man willing to go to make a ho a housewife?"

The issue is somewhat like Donald Trump asking for "presidential immunity" from being prosecuted when the victims and team that I put together were jailed, harassed, harangued, and tortured for the entire time that it took Missy Erickson to do as many drugs as she could.  She then went after my mom, father, sister, niece, and apparently one more member of my family who has a drug problem; I've heard it was Missy Erickson-related.  The entire time, I've wondered why Jeffrey acts so hateful towards my family and so favorably towards Missy Erickson.  We are really nice people that have suffered through this for decades and this project was to put an end to this crime.  Missy Erickson could have done that in Arizona and taken all the credit, but instead, she bailed Lori and Brian out so that they could continue to torture my family with Missy Erickson.  She got a golden ticket and wiped her ass on it.  I never even got a sniff of justice, not one.

So for all of you that heard Missy's snort of contentment towards my friend Benjamin today, I wanted you to know that he didn't deserve that and neither did his mother.  What Jeffrey does to help this tramp is something I've dealt with for a long time.  I realize he hates me and I accept his hatred with one question.  Are you really going to destroy your own family just so that you can make me look wrong?  Jesus Jeffrey, I didn't want the person who took my MRIs to walk away free.  You know the rest of the shit she's done since she's been here, so I won't get into it.  I just can't stand being the reason why you treat your wife and kid with such contempt.

I would never have helped your son if I'd known that you would become so jealous and hateful.  I honestly just wanted to help him.  Guess you still don't love him as much as we do.

On a brighter note, the words "nunc pro tunc" were used.  That is a Latin legal term that means, "Now for then."  This would show that someone had a filing deadline that they missed and now wants to file something late.  The subject matter of what is going to be filed is salacious to my team but shows that someone is really taking a look at this case.  I am very happy about that.  It's something that I've known since my filing clerk days in the Southern District of California, San Diego.  Nunc pro tunc is for late filings.  So someone has a court case that is looking into our investigation, but it is most likely turning into "Jeffrey's investigation with Missy".  I'm appalled that she still thinks that she is so special that she can just walk to the front of every line and stick those titties out and get what she wants.  It's blatant gaycism and it isn't funny.

The content of that late filing seeks to approve Missy Erickson as some kind of informant or "personal assistant" to Jeffrey Katzenberg using my own team's home base to spy on me and then help Missy.  It's a ballsy move but it's dirty.  I think that Jeffrey really hates the Mendenhalls and he is using me to help him to help Missy Erickson.  I don't like it.  My support is still behind the guys that did this job.  Jonathan is a far better informant than Missy Erickson.  Anthony is a far better informant than her as well.  Christopher is a much better person to deal with than Missy, David, Bessie, or Jeffrey.  I've been doing this for so long and it would appear that Jeffrey is still trying to ruin my dream of stopping this crime by using our plan and our informant's status.  Missy Erickson is trying to have her cake and eat it too.  Using drugs night and day until something happens then having immunity when it does.  We were never given that kind of opportunity and she shouldn't get that either.  

Missy Erickson does not deserve immunity from anything.  If she wanted away from whatever was inside that drug den, then she should have walked.  She had a car bought by Jeffrey and there are more than enough hospitals that would take her in.  It's an end-run around a team that gave their heart and soul while Missy took until she couldn't take any longer.  My sister and mother deserved far more than what Missy Erickson did.  I don't expect Jeffrey to understand in his delirious state with his "girlfriend".  It's just blinding how she manages to gloat over her hold over Jeffrey's family.  I can't stand it.

Who's your victim now Missy?  Trying to pull a Karla Homolka on us isn't very nice!  A deal with the devil has been tried over and over again.  I would suggest that a complete review of all of the videotapes that Lori has made will yield a truer picture of Missy's role with child pornography and real-time rapes.  Don't offer immunity from prosecution to the criminals when my guys and gals can give you the truth for the mere price of clearing our illegally obtained criminal records.


Friday, April 19, 2024

If You Won't Be Her "Family" She'll Kill You; Lori LaFond's Warped Sense Of Flattery Shown By Her Stalking Of You


I remember seeing it for the first time.  My initial response was, "What happened?"  My second thought was that it was sinister and a big red flag!

It was a picture of myself, my sister, and my two nieces.  A black and white picture we took after I'd completed a rehab and spent some time with my family.  There was, what looked like blood, splashed all over the photograph in what appeared to be an ominous threat.  It was creepy and I asked my family about it.  They thought that one of the kids had gotten ahold of some red nail polish and splashed it all over some brand-new cabinets and all over this picture.  It reminded me of something that I'd seen before in my apartment in Palm Springs.

That time, I was knocked unconscious after someone had put something in my drink and I fell asleep on my couch.  When I awoke someone had taken a bottle of lotion and sprayed it all over the walls and ceiling.  It was everywhere.  I had no idea what had happened and was concerned that I'd blacked out.  I wasn't on drugs, I was drugged.

Lori has a strange obsession with my sister and our family.  It goes as far back as I can remember.  It's something that she has openly told people about over and over again by oversharing things that she's made up about my family members.  Once again, my family barely knows her.  She's never been in our homes by invitation.  She's only been there to rob or to ransack things.  This is how she ended up with a very expensive tennis bracelet that my sister owned.  It is also how she got the bank account number that allowed her to steal the insurance money that was left for my nieces when their father was shot and killed.  Lori has a need to hurt people and she's surrounded herself with "friends" that she calls "family" who do anything she tells them to no matter how outrageous the crime is.  These friends of hers are just like the ones she made in high school; willing to take the blame for her when she does these criminal acts.  At some point, Lori goes too far and the friends turn on her, but they never escape her feelings of hatred for them afterward.  After all, once Lori threatens you not to do something, she will try to kill you for breaking her warning.  She's a killer out for blood.

The "friends" usually have so many problems that they do these things for a place to live or for drugs that flow from Lori's home like air from the A/C unit.  Drugs for violence is a calling card for Lori LaFond.  She uses crystal meth like it is a weapon.  She doesn't just abuse crystal, she uses it to abuse other people.  It is her desire to run a criminal empire through force and violence that makes her a danger to society.  She's been like this for as long as I can remember.  I've known her since the fifth grade.  She was even doing it then.

When Lori took a gun to one of my best friend's home looking for me, I should have been told.  She went back two days later and tried it again, shooting up the home and pushing one of her friends underneath a moving vehicle.  She should have been sent away for good.   Instead, 40 years later, I'm still dealing with Lori trying to kill me because one man decided that one of Lori's "family" members was worth the cost of my life.  I am really incensed about his poor decision-making, but he remains steadfast in supporting this bitch even though she has continued to show time after time that she is willing to help Lori complete her goal.  My death.

If I did the same thing to his kid, he would lock me up.  Instead, Jeffrey's homophobic attitude and irrational hatred toward my family grows out of control.  I think he needs a psychiatrist and medication for the problems that he has believing someone that has shown his entire family that she will use them until she is put in a jail cell of her own.

If you think that he is wrong, then let him know it.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

There Is A Three-Part Series On Gang Stalking in Psychology Today That Gives Both Sides Of This Dilemma: Of Course You Already Know It Is True And Real


In my effort to bring you all up to date on the place where most victims of this crime are with law enforcement and public knowledge about this crime of neural stalking, I am always trying to find the most recent and most informative articles about it.  Reputable magazines and published scientific articles can be used in a court of law.  I wanted to show you more of what the victims deal with.

There is a certain amount of shame that comes from being someone who knows they are being gang stalked and electronically harassed; particularly where Voice-to-Skull (V2K) is the case.  I am reminded of my own journey to this understanding of the crime by writing years and years of journals about my experience with Lori Jean LaFond and her "gang" of stalkers in San Diego, California.  I will say this, it didn't start in San Diego, Ca.  Nope, I was 19 years old when Lori raped and infected me with HIV which was accompanied by a neural implant that allowed her to stalk my every conversation and location.  It began in Riverside, California but had its roots in Palm Springs, CA.   There is no doubt in my mind that it was Lori LaFond that created this life of stalking and threats; something that she is very proud of when she isn't denying it.

Indeed it was Lori who began by having people hired at the places where I worked like "Spoons" Restaurant in the Riverside Plaza area.  I was also followed on campus at U.C. Riverside.  Lori and her brother would also make contact with my roommate and back then I had a girlfriend too.  Brian LaFond contacted both of them to confront me.  Lori did the job on my fraternity brothers at Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) too.  What Brian wouldn't do in person, Lori would try over the phone.  It's a very strange thing when this begins, there are no "voices in your head" but there is a presence of strangers that follow you everywhere.  I am certain that my friend Mindy knows that this was going on too.  She even mentioned strange people coming into her work while we lived together for a short while.  

During this period, Lori made contact with my brother-in-law and sister about my drug use.  I wasn't using a lot of drugs, but I did know that someone had contacted my sister and b-i-l; when I asked him, he told me that it was Lori LaFond and to be very careful about her.  She has a weird thing about my sister and me, he told me.  He knew her to be a drug dealer and got drugs from her too.  How she would know anything about me was, at the time, not very clear and it confused me.  Lori was also running around telling people that I had HIV and that I told nobody about it.  My response is, "If I had HIV and told nobody about it, then how in the world could she know?  She is the very last person on this Earth that I would disclose something like that to and certainly not someone that I would ever have sex with."  Lori and her brother Brian were already using this brain link to spy and have others stalk me.

Indeed, Lori even has been rumored to be in receipt of my car license plate from that period.  It was a California personalized plate that I had in high school, "KEV BOND", and the plate she took was reported stolen.   The most incriminating part is the registration sticker on the plate that shows that it was Lori or Brian who stole the plate from me.  I reported the plate stolen to the campus police.  It ended up in Lori's possession.  It is Lori that is behind my stalking.

In Psychology Today, there are a series of three articles about gang stalking and electronic harassment.  

The first is Part 1: "Gang Stalking: Real Life Harassment or Text Book Paranoia: The paranoid reality of "targeted individuals"

Part 2:  "Conspiracy, Delusion, and Shared Belief:  When group affiliation reinforces delusion-like beliefs.

Part 3: "Gang Stalking: A case of mass hysteria?"

I will now ask you, our readers, to read each of these articles.  Some of you know absolutely that this is a REAL thing.  Others are casual readers who may not know my team or this crime.  For you, I ask that you understand that I too, did not believe this was a real thing.  I never bought into "voices in my head" or anything like that.  Gang stalking wasn't something I had ever heard of, but I did experience it.  I called it "people following me everywhere."  I never thought it was a brain-driven thing.  Now it makes total sense.  The trepidation I felt about coming forward was only matched by the anger I felt about someone having done this to me and then bragging about it to everyone when she was the person responsible for my HIV infection and the infections of over a thousand others.   My community is bigger than just myself.  So I came forward to tell my story hoping to convince some of you that it is as real as you could possibly imagine!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Thought I Was Lying About How Lori and Her Friends Talk To Other Electronic Harassment Stalkers? Just Got This Off Of Quora


Found Some More Information Online: This Is Really Good For Resourcing


Hit "full screen" mode to read and download.  Also, the links at the end of this doc are really helpful too.  Remember, though, we know for a fact that it is Lori Jean LaFond using this tech that she and her brother stole from the USMC in 29 Palms, CA.  Even the military base is aware of this theft and the two of them were under investigation for this crime way back in the late 1970's.

Most victims simply want to know who is behind this.  In our case, we know it is Lori LaFond and five other people.  All of these people DO NOT work for the U.S. Government, but they ARE on a U.S. Military connection.  They all live in Joshua Tree, CA., just across from the Morongo Sheriff's office.

We are thinking of getting a petition together to force Jeffrey Katzenberg to turn her in, once and for all.  If not, he will be facing criminal charges along with the rest of these domestic terrorists.  We've tried to reason with him but to no avail.  He continues to allow this woman to harass and torture innocent Americans.  It has to stop or this movie producer will go to prison for aiding and abetting.  Period.

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Mental Cruelty Of Being Left To Die


It should come as absolutely no surprise that for the past 14 years, I have been put through absolute Hell physically and mentally.  It will also surprise nobody that the other half of my "relationship" was given everything in return for his silence.  It's a little game that Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond have played for decades.  If you are in a relationship, they split you in half and the other half is ALWAYS doing better than you are.  

I warned Christopher about that and you would think that he would not allow it to become the case, but in a not-so-interesting twist, he went right along with everything.  Leaving me here in the middle of nowhere to die, alone, tortured, robbed, and raped.  Most of you think that he is such a nice person, but I will remind you that there was a very real-time when nobody could stand him, just me.  So I asked people to be friendly to him, and they were.  Boy were they friendly to him.  They were so friendly to him that he completely forgot all about me, my family, and what I did for him.  

This whole project began as a way to keep his own mother aware of what was going on in Palm Springs, California.  In truth, it was a response to a request that his own mother made of me to keep her updated.   I, obviously, could not use the cellphone service due to Lori's complete control over the phones because of her illegal computers, so I began writing here.   This way, Christopher would know where I was, how I was doing, and what was going on.  I thought it was genius.  It wasn't.

Instead of listening to me.  He listened to everyone else.  BIG MISTAKE.  HUGE MISTAKE.  ENORMOUS MISTAKE.  

Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife, Marilyn, decided to stick their noses right into the middle of my business.  They were warned not to, but if you know Jeffrey, he's like a teenage girl.  All the pain and suffering that I went through in the relationship before, with Steven Frey, Benjamin, and his family put me through again...only instead of four years of hurtfulness, it has been about 16 years.  Jeffrey warned him not to contact me and opted instead for a hateful letter from his mother to me.  It was the lowest blow I've ever received.  You can read it for yourself on this blog.  The same woman that made me promise to keep her informed was now telling me to fuck off.  I believe that letter was sent by Lori LaFond during her restraining order period, but nevertheless, the mental cruelty began.

There was no word from his mother or sister that I tried to keep informed.  I once told them about Lori LaFond and kept this blog for her son.  They have NEVER tried to be friendly or positive,  just hateful and silent.  Obviously ungrateful for the work that I put in to save their son and brother from a certain death at Lori LaFond's hands.  Lori then put him in jail for a year and a half because he stubbornly would not listen to anything I told him.  He doesn't listen to me.  He doesn't care.

The letter was hateful.  The letter was cruel.  The letter was just before Lori LaFond put him in jail.  You didn't see Jonathan Mendenhall helping him either.  He simply disappeared from my life.  This is what he wanted.
Here is the best copy I have:
I just want you all to see the kind of cruelty that I have been put through that Christopher and his mother perpetuated.  It is very interesting to note that it wasn't more than a week before Marie's son was sent to jail for over a year and a half.  So this letter is a bunch of shit.

This was sent to my home during Lori LaFond's period of restraint for that "workplace violence" restraining order that she violated in Sedona, Arizona right in front of Marilyn Katzenberg and her husband.  Do you know what Jeffrey told Christopher?  "Do not talk to Kevin for at least a year." That was well over 14 years ago.  Not only did it hurt me deeply on a personal level, it also stopped my informant partnership as Christopher was already the other informant in this case.  So it was a violation, witness tampering, informant misconduct, and hurtful beyond words.  I'd already received another notice of Jonathan's death.  That was another obstruction of justice when his mother let that stand without saying that he was alive.  Did it do anything to Lori, no.  She knew he was alive so telling me was simply a direct obstruction to me only.  He would have been in no more danger than he already was because Lori LaFond is who put him there.  So this is a direct result of two mothers that didn't give a fuck about my well-being, at all.  My mental health was damaged severely.

Jeffrey then told both Mrs. Monti and Mrs. Mendenhall not to tell me that these letters were falsified either through his accomplice Missy Erickson or directly through him.   He was obstructing justice already and knew that he was only trying to hurt me.  He is a bastard for doing this.

Later I was told that Christopher and his entire family had moved to San Diego from New York City.  He moved in with the Mendenhalls.  He never said a single word to me.  Jonathan also never said a single word to me.  Instead, all I heard was about how much he still loved me and still considered me a boyfriend.  This is mental cruelty at it's finest.

Jeffrey then began his assault on my sister.  Something else that Christopher just let slip on by.

With similar emails and letters, Lori LaFond and Missy Erickson began a full on assault on my sister's second husband.  This ended in a divorce then a robbery when Lori and her gang decided to rob this man of his sports memorabilia.  Of course, Missy Erickson was now familiar with my sister because Jeffrey's other whore, Bessie Smith decided to introduce Missy E. to my sister.  That began a campaign of pushing my sister to confront my mom about her pending Alzheimer's situation.  It was a full on assault by Jeffrey and his friends to gain control over my savings account.  It had absolutely nothing to do with my mother's health.  Jeffrey gave the girls all the information he could about Alzheimer's diagnosis and a place where my sister could take my mother.  Jeffrey wanted a diagnosis so that he could have Missy Erickson and Bessie Smith enter my sister's life again.  They pushed and pushed for her to remove all my money from my savings account to give it to Jeffrey Katzenberg.  That is called elderly abuse; in its most classic form.  They then told my sister to tell me that there "was no account" when I'd saved for more than ten years to put away money for Christopher and me.  Do you think Christopher said anything?  Nope.  He just let the girls steal everything I'd worked for and saved.

In the meantime, I learned why Jonathan Mendenhall was pretending to be dead.  It would seem that Jonathan was the person who bailed out one of the LaFond siblings when they were arrested in Arizona and provided one of them with his own father's address as a place of residence when they were released on bail.  His father, a pastor, lived in Dewey, Arizona.  The siblings were not allowed to leave the state during the pendency of this action.  The other bail was paid by Laura Katzenberg, Jeffrey's daughter.  That sibling was to live with Marilyn's father, in Seligman, Arizona.  This was all known to Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg at the time, but neither alerted the police.  This is in addition to allowing Missy Erickson to take money from both Jeffrey and Jeffrey's father to post the bail.  That is also illegal.  So not only did Marilyn Katzenberg and her husband ignore the rape of two young boys, they also participated in the deception of this bail in the first and second cases.  Oh yes, there is another case that happened in both Benjamin Katzenberg and Marilyn, who were in Sedona to stalk me, allowing Lori LaFond and her brother to escape.   

So why all of this deception?  Simple, Jeffrey was in love with Missy Erickson and whatever she said, he did.  This is the same girl who stole my MRIs from the emergency room when I was beaten nearly to death.  Jonathan, then escapes to San Diego, with my boyfriend where Christopher and his family accept a bribe for his family's silence on this matter.  This is clearly an attempt by all parties to intentionally inflict emotional distress on me as both Lori, Brian, Missy, David, Christian, and Leah F., escaped back to their drug den in Joshua Tree, California; a known location by the entire Katzenberg family.  So not only did they know of this escape plan and participate in it,  they also hid these fugitives from justice for the next 14 years while they tortured me night and day.

The mental cruelty did not stop there either.  There were phone calls from Lori LaFond to my father, and the theft of my niece's car for a joy ride with Brian LaFond and David.  There have been numerous attempts to have drug customers of Lori LaFond's work with me so that they could harm me.  Jeffrey let all of that go, all the while telling the Mendenhalls and the Montis that he wasn't helping Missy Erickson, but clearly was.

Benjamin Katzenberg, a former team member of mine, was used as emotional bait.  My friends all like him very much but Jeffrey used him for emotional blackmail so that nobody would tell the truth.  This is the kind of parenting that Marilyn and Jeffrey do.  They use him as some kind of teddy bear on top of a dumpster fire that they both caused.

When Benjamin asked to join my investigation he wanted to find the $150,000 that was stolen from his work account.  I agreed and never gave any kind of permission for his father to take over, he just did.  I've already experienced the false identifications that Lori makes because she once stole all of the insurance money from my sister's first husband that was left for his girls.  I believed then as I do now that Missy Erickson and perhaps Bessie Smith or Lori LaFond were in receipt of this money that was stolen by using fake IDs that were acquired by robbing Marilyn's home.  This is something that Jeffrey refused to prosecute but was fully reimbursed for by his insurance.  I believe that both the LaFond siblings, who have had that home under surveillance since Benjamin's childhood, broke into that home and stole everything they needed to steal the business money from Benjamin's work account.   It reminded me of the Desert AIDS Project scam where Lori stole over $2 million and blamed it on my friend John O'Brien.  A fake id and a fake bank account allowed Brian LaFond to move the money out of one account and into a separate account that bore John O'Brien's name.  Then Brian LaFond took money from the account until Lori called the police and told them that John O'Brien had stolen it.  He went to prison for it, but the money was stolen by the LaFonds.  

The same thing with the Nichols family represented by the Geragos Law Firm.  You see, Lori is a thief and she uses this system to steal.  My bank account was next.  Police informants don't do well in Palm Springs because the police help Lori to escape.  Other people don't get any investigation because of Lori's four-year relationship with Bryan Anderson which she freely admits to in her bogus restraining order application.  He is the "only police officer" that Lori knows.  However, there are more than thirty police officers that have been implanted by Lori LaFond herself.  Can't imagine that she would tell everyone that she "worked for the police" for decades, then all of a sudden she only knows one; my police contact Bryan.  You see, he was the Crimes Against Person's head when my rape happened and he alone was responsible for that crime lab report that was discarded and substituted for a fake that Lori made at home.  Jeffrey and Marilyn even saw that on this system, but Jeff just ignored that too, so did Benjamin.

I told Benjamin that I was living with Steven Frey and even saw items from Marilyn's home inside of Steven's.  Lori was trading her stolen goods for meth and all kinds of memorabilia began showing up there, but Jeffrey couldn't care less.  I believe that the money was taken and then given to Steven to buy over a hundred pounds of meth from a dealer whose name and other information was handed to Bryan Anderson right in front of Christopher Monti.  He could have stopped the sale, but Bryan looked the other way.  You see, the two have a very "special" relationship when it comes to the gays.  They both hate us and they both illegally arrest us using this system of illegal surveillance that they have both been on since their military days.  Both are very suspicious and it should be mentioned that it was Bryan who approved of Jeffrey overseeing this situation here with me.  You can see why the whole thing is a fucking mess.

I am crippled with mental anguish over what Jeffrey has done to my sister, father, mother, and nieces.  I absolutely hate him for what he did to Christopher and my relationship which is over.  Jeffrey destroyed everything he could for Missy Erickson, David, and Bessie Smith, but their list of crimes against our community is lengthy and sordid.  His devotion to Missy Erickson is far more important to him than his own son's life.  It's a sickness that he refuses to get over.  What kind of man chooses a criminal over his son? You would have to ask the two people who did that: Marilyn and Jeffrey Katzenberg.  They are the two who perpetuated this crime and lied to everyone about what they were going to do.  They are responsible but they don't care about anything that Lori, Missy, Bessie, Brian, Leah, and David did to my mother, sister, father, or myself.  They are truly the worst that America has to offer.  The worst parents on this planet, but the other parents aren't far behind.

Whatever Christopher Monti did to me is far worse than anything else that I've been through.  He literally destroyed my life and ignored everything he promised to do when he became an informant.  His heartless need for greed and bribery far outweighed his moral obligations as a pastor, friend, boyfriend, and informant.  He alone needs to be held responsible for his deception and his own character.

The rest of these characters.  The Mendenhalls, the Montis, the Katzenbergs, and all the rest should be held accountable for the crimes that they have committed.  My life has been in danger for as long as I can remember and Jeffrey is behind all of it.  You can bet, he will be left out in the cold at the end.  

As for my feelings about all of them.  You can bet that they have changed dramatically, especially where Jonathan is concerned.  You lied to me and you stole my best friend away.  You have done this your whole life.   Jared would be furious with you.

The intentional infliction of emotional distress caused by the Montis, the Mendenhalls, and the Katzenbergs is crippling.  I tried to help you and all you did was try to get me killed.  I hope it was all worth it.

You are all cruel people with inhumane actions towards me.  I warned you this would happen.  Now it has.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Tired Of Living Paycheck To Paycheck: Tell Jeffrey and Marilyn To Find A Way To Get MY Money Back....Please, I'm Begging You

 Almost 8 years ago, Jeffrey, Missy, Bessie, and David approached my sister to take all the money I'd saved out of a bank account with my mom's name on it (with mine).  Since then, not one tiny effort has been made to get a dime back to me.  Jeffrey is known to steal money like this from others.  Please tell him to get me some of my money back now.  I have to live from paycheck to paycheck and I can't survive with this problem.

Some of you pledged to never let him do this again.  Now is the time to let him know.  You can't steal again or we'll tell on you!

Please help me!

Thank you,


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Constant Burning: Lori Likes To Punish People That Don't Like Her, So She Burns Them With Christian...This Is What It Looks Like!


My arms are bleeding from hours and hours of microwaving!

Lori calls this, "Making him crispy!"   Isn't that funny?  I know, it isn't.  The problem that I have with all of this is the lack of retaliation for these kinds of behaviors.  How is she able to burn her victims with microwaves and absolutely nobody does anything to stop her?  This is about four or five hours of microwaving after Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond get into a fight.  They fight, and then Lori lashes out and burns people.

What you aren't seeing is the other burn marks on my body that Lori caused.  For Jeffrey, not a priority as long as Missy Erickson gets out of trouble. 

I'm pretty sure this is what the victims of Havana Syndrome get too.  

For the honor of being raped by Lori LaFond you get a lifetime of burning all over your body.  One of the most common, is when she burns you to the point where you get a 3 inch blister on your back and it weeps and burns for about a week and a half.   The punishment for telling you all the truth about this crime is burning.  Like a witch in Salem, Mass.

My wish is for the military to give the civilian victims of this crime the ability to find and extract the microchips out of our bodies.  Lori has a problem with power.  Leaving these chips inside the bodies of unknowing victims is sinful.   Everyone should have the opportunity, military dependent or not, to have the Lori LaFond implants removed; free of charge.  We want to see the military work WITH the victims of Lori Jean LaFond so that everyone that has an implant can have it removed safely without having to look for it.  They are small and can go unnoticed if they don't have a chip reader.