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Friday, April 26, 2024

Nunc Pro Tunc: Now For Then, Three Little Latin Words That Mean Something Is Going On That I Don't Know About! Something Legal.


It's not just the disrespect, it's the gloating and the mental abuse.

Do you know something?  When you are gay you deal with a lot of people's poor attitudes towards your lifestyle and all the things that come with it.  This is about the 21st year that I have been working on this case and something happened just before I came into work today.  It isn't something that I am going to talk about because my team then has to suffer the wrath of two people who have been subversive to our investigation since the beginning.  Missy and Jeffrey.  We know that they are dirty cheaters and that both have bad attitudes, but tonight I just wanted to let you all know that I'm fine.  I've dealt with this gaycism for years and I completely understand that I am going up against the most stubborn man in Hollywood and one of the Lead Pussycats from the Lesbian Mafia.   Both seem a bit jealous and we were hoping this would change but clearly, working together is not possible.

It seems that it's all for them and nothing for us.  We did all the hard work while someone sniffed her way into a problem but didn't care because she had her benefactor.  It was this attitude today that made me upset, not the fact that a victim's father would support one of our worst criminals.  Remember, Missy is still the person that stole my MRIs from the Desert Regional Hospital when Lori severely beat the shit out of my skull.  Did you know that Missy called Lori in the middle of that bashing to ask, "When will the drugs be here?"  She was fully aware of the attempted homicide going on, but wanted her!!!

She didn't call the police or anything, of course, but when the damage was done, she wouldn't even let me enter the hospital.  I went to the ER twice but Missy committed the crime of stealing my MRIs and covering up my rape.

Then there are the hundreds of other things that Missy has done in the meantime since.  To me.  My sister. My niece.  My father.  It's just a dirty laundry list of a drug addict that can't pull her head out of her jealous ass to save her own life.

I'm not going to tell you what the two have tried to do now.  I get punished by Missy and Jeffrey for doing that.  Instead, I'd like to tell you what really pisses me off.  It's the complete and utter disrespect shown by Missy Erickson to Jeffrey's son Benjamin and his wife Marilyn.  Yes, I've been mad at them before, but they aren't my family.  I call it the way I see it then I usually follow that up with a good reason why I get so scathing.  I don't want either of them to get into trouble.

Missy, after what appears to be some more of her whining and crying to Jeffrey (who is supposed to not be talking to her; bullshit) got her way again and literally said "In your face Marilyn and Benjamin; I still own him" tone.  It sickens me to think that a father would hate me so much that he would make his own wife and child suffer because of me.  It's one of those things that makes me wonder, "How far is this man willing to go to make a ho a housewife?"

The issue is somewhat like Donald Trump asking for "presidential immunity" from being prosecuted when the victims and team that I put together were jailed, harassed, harangued, and tortured for the entire time that it took Missy Erickson to do as many drugs as she could.  She then went after my mom, father, sister, niece, and apparently one more member of my family who has a drug problem; I've heard it was Missy Erickson-related.  The entire time, I've wondered why Jeffrey acts so hateful towards my family and so favorably towards Missy Erickson.  We are really nice people that have suffered through this for decades and this project was to put an end to this crime.  Missy Erickson could have done that in Arizona and taken all the credit, but instead, she bailed Lori and Brian out so that they could continue to torture my family with Missy Erickson.  She got a golden ticket and wiped her ass on it.  I never even got a sniff of justice, not one.

So for all of you that heard Missy's snort of contentment towards my friend Benjamin today, I wanted you to know that he didn't deserve that and neither did his mother.  What Jeffrey does to help this tramp is something I've dealt with for a long time.  I realize he hates me and I accept his hatred with one question.  Are you really going to destroy your own family just so that you can make me look wrong?  Jesus Jeffrey, I didn't want the person who took my MRIs to walk away free.  You know the rest of the shit she's done since she's been here, so I won't get into it.  I just can't stand being the reason why you treat your wife and kid with such contempt.

I would never have helped your son if I'd known that you would become so jealous and hateful.  I honestly just wanted to help him.  Guess you still don't love him as much as we do.

On a brighter note, the words "nunc pro tunc" were used.  That is a Latin legal term that means, "Now for then."  This would show that someone had a filing deadline that they missed and now wants to file something late.  The subject matter of what is going to be filed is salacious to my team but shows that someone is really taking a look at this case.  I am very happy about that.  It's something that I've known since my filing clerk days in the Southern District of California, San Diego.  Nunc pro tunc is for late filings.  So someone has a court case that is looking into our investigation, but it is most likely turning into "Jeffrey's investigation with Missy".  I'm appalled that she still thinks that she is so special that she can just walk to the front of every line and stick those titties out and get what she wants.  It's blatant gaycism and it isn't funny.

The content of that late filing seeks to approve Missy Erickson as some kind of informant or "personal assistant" to Jeffrey Katzenberg using my own team's home base to spy on me and then help Missy.  It's a ballsy move but it's dirty.  I think that Jeffrey really hates the Mendenhalls and he is using me to help him to help Missy Erickson.  I don't like it.  My support is still behind the guys that did this job.  Jonathan is a far better informant than Missy Erickson.  Anthony is a far better informant than her as well.  Christopher is a much better person to deal with than Missy, David, Bessie, or Jeffrey.  I've been doing this for so long and it would appear that Jeffrey is still trying to ruin my dream of stopping this crime by using our plan and our informant's status.  Missy Erickson is trying to have her cake and eat it too.  Using drugs night and day until something happens then having immunity when it does.  We were never given that kind of opportunity and she shouldn't get that either.  

Missy Erickson does not deserve immunity from anything.  If she wanted away from whatever was inside that drug den, then she should have walked.  She had a car bought by Jeffrey and there are more than enough hospitals that would take her in.  It's an end-run around a team that gave their heart and soul while Missy took until she couldn't take any longer.  My sister and mother deserved far more than what Missy Erickson did.  I don't expect Jeffrey to understand in his delirious state with his "girlfriend".  It's just blinding how she manages to gloat over her hold over Jeffrey's family.  I can't stand it.

Who's your victim now Missy?  Trying to pull a Karla Homolka on us isn't very nice!  A deal with the devil has been tried over and over again.  I would suggest that a complete review of all of the videotapes that Lori has made will yield a truer picture of Missy's role with child pornography and real-time rapes.  Don't offer immunity from prosecution to the criminals when my guys and gals can give you the truth for the mere price of clearing our illegally obtained criminal records.
