Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Bio Hacks Are Somewhat Useful, But What Lori Jean LaFond Did With Them Was Sinful And Dangerous (Sometimes Deadly)


I am a techie.  I know that life can be made easier by using simple bio hacks that open doors and contain information for privacy, but what Lori Jean LaFond did with them is sinister.  Most people see these life hacks as easier ways to keep track of thing like keys or other RFID enhancements, but what they don't tell you is how far some of these hacks have been studied.  The military wasn't concerned with opening cabinets or front doors, they wanted to know how to use them to read minds.

What Lori and Brian LaFond did was steal these bio transmitter/receivers to read people's minds and use them to cause terror in the small city of Palm Springs, California.  If there was ever a test study in what could go wrong, it is Palm Springs' LGBTQii+ community.  Using our minority and Lori's homophobic needs to punish gay people for her very early HIV infection, she pressed for the imprisonment of gay people so that she could take over the Coachella Valley's crystal meth/drug community.  Lori's dream was to enslave as many gay people as she could.  When they became a problem, she would use her implanted police officers to rid her of the problem causes.  This is a theme with these criminals that use others to make money for them or to supply them with information to steal from banks.  It is identity theft on a much more personal level.

I've been working with LifeLock to ensure that when these biohackers are hacked that they are found and put to the justice system like the criminals they are.  In essence, rape victims are being raped over and over again in their personal lives and professional careers.  This system is fragile, however, now that we have access to the same systems that Lori has used for decades.  In fact, we can take down their own resources.  With the help of the United States Attorneys Office, we are devising a plan to track down these offenders to bring them to justice.  This "invisible crime" is starting to become visible to the correct authorities.

Usually the criminals find a way to hack into systems after they become public reality.  This crime is backwards.  They hacked into our private lives before the public was made aware.  What you see now is the introduction of these systems to do simple things, but the complications are coming from innocently ambushed citizens that have no idea what they are about to become the victims of.  RFID bio mind reading has been possible since the 1950's and Lori Jean LaFond pioneered the domestic terrorism that we have in Palm Springs, CA and all over the world.  Indeed, she is a living urban legend terrorist among the people that commit this crime.  She is not well liked and is about to suffer the greatest fall in the history of domestic spying; and she doesn't work for the government.  This is a huge win for all American citizens, but it takes a huge effort to stop her.

Dangerous Things website can show you how easy it is to find these is here.