Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Constant Burning: Lori Likes To Punish People That Don't Like Her, So She Burns Them With Christian...This Is What It Looks Like!


My arms are bleeding from hours and hours of microwaving!

Lori calls this, "Making him crispy!"   Isn't that funny?  I know, it isn't.  The problem that I have with all of this is the lack of retaliation for these kinds of behaviors.  How is she able to burn her victims with microwaves and absolutely nobody does anything to stop her?  This is about four or five hours of microwaving after Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond get into a fight.  They fight, and then Lori lashes out and burns people.

What you aren't seeing is the other burn marks on my body that Lori caused.  For Jeffrey, not a priority as long as Missy Erickson gets out of trouble. 

I'm pretty sure this is what the victims of Havana Syndrome get too.  

For the honor of being raped by Lori LaFond you get a lifetime of burning all over your body.  One of the most common, is when she burns you to the point where you get a 3 inch blister on your back and it weeps and burns for about a week and a half.   The punishment for telling you all the truth about this crime is burning.  Like a witch in Salem, Mass.

My wish is for the military to give the civilian victims of this crime the ability to find and extract the microchips out of our bodies.  Lori has a problem with power.  Leaving these chips inside the bodies of unknowing victims is sinful.   Everyone should have the opportunity, military dependent or not, to have the Lori LaFond implants removed; free of charge.  We want to see the military work WITH the victims of Lori Jean LaFond so that everyone that has an implant can have it removed safely without having to look for it.  They are small and can go unnoticed if they don't have a chip reader.