Morally Conscious

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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Who's Yanking Your Chain? Electronic Harassment in Palm Springs, California Is All About Control And Manipulation


Knowing what I know now, there are a lot of things that I would change before taking on this challenge of helping the world to understand microwave terrorism.  Remember, different cells in different areas may vary, but the result is usually the same, the victims feel like someone is controlling them and the criminals feel like they own this person or group of implanted individuals.

Controlling what people think and know are two different things.  I often refer to the Palm Springs' victims as zombies because you can tell that even though they are standing right in front of you, they are "in their heads having a conversation".  Often you can even watch their mouths move as if they are talking to someone, and they are.  For most of us, it is a challenge to find out who is behind this crime and who are the "voices in your head".  Of course, most of them make up a name and use it to communicate with the victim.  I think it is because there is some kind of narcissistic need for the criminal to force a relationship with the victim.

In our project I took out the guess work and told you all that "Lisa", "Jessica", "Victoria", "Sara", and "Sheree" were all played by one really disturbed mental patient named Lori Jean LaFond.  How do I know?  I grew up with her in 29 Palms, California, and she has a long history with this technology because her father, Sgt. Major Eugene C. LaFond was in charge of personnel on the military base in the 1970's when this tech was introduced to the dependents of military families as well as the enlisted.  Lori's father was in charge of parts of this tech being introduced and Lori, a problem child, was a good candidate for monitoring because she is a psychotic mess that was diagnosed with mental issues.  Funny how that word was used by the police to describe me, isn't it?  It's probably because Lori Jean LaFond has heard that her whole life.

The entire crime is based on lies and military tech.  You would think that would make it easier for people to stop Lori from accessing this system.  It is because she uses military personnel's military id's to help her find military people and she "pretends" that she is still working for her father that hasn't been in charge of this since the 1980's.  Her father is also now deceased, so Lori is basically calling wherever this is headquartered, probably the Marine Corp's Base in Camp Pendleton.  This is one reason that people that are "gang stalked" are so prevalent in San Diego.  There are more military people there than anywhere else in California.  It's a huge Navy town and the Marines are a division of the U.S. Navy.

To bolster her claims that she is in charge of this system Lori procured her father's Marine letterhead.  So she starts off by writing people and telling them that this is some kind of "secret" way of keeping track of military personnel, but she is now bringing it to the public.  She then sends a list of rules and regulations all geared to making her system, a paid service, where you pay Lori for the microchips and she supplies the phone numbers all from her computers at home.  Military computers that were stolen from her father's home back in the 1980's.  I know that Lori is the person because I have many friends that were implanted by the military that Lori harassed for many years until they complained to her mother and father about her illegal use of this system.  The system contains a section that uses portable cell phone numbers to link to the brain computer interface.  Most victims complain about their phone bills after a while because they are outrageously high in the data department which looks like an unusual amount of text messaging.

The truth is that the whole operation is a repurposing of stolen military equipment for spying on private citizens for financial gain and torture.  It isn't for what Lori says it is for, it's more for stealing and manipulating innocent people targeted for stalking.  In San Diego, there are so many of these gang stalkers that think they are working for the government or the police, when what they are really doing is stalking for Lori Jean LaFond.  Now you can also purchase a cache of RFID chips and a "plan" where you can have so many chips and so many phone numbers for a fee that gets paid directly to Lori and her brother Brian.  Then rather than having a Verizon phone bill, Lori goes in a zeroes out the bill.  Literally she is using Verizon to run an illegal domestic terrorism group without anyone knowing because it is military.  Millions of dollars has been stolen because of this customer data breach.   Lori simply finds a phone number and changes the number to associate with a chip inside someone's body...then switches the number back when the phone she stole it from doesn't work. 

Police officers in Palm Springs were probably microchipped with the information that the system was proprietary for the LaFond Family.  It is not!  Lori neither has any kind of association with the military (they kicked her out after she stole these computers) or law enforcement.  She does not own these computers, they are stolen.  What she has done is take her psychiatric problems and used military computers to create a terrorist network worldwide.  It's not safe.  People have been destroyed personally and financially and lives have been taken.  Lori has a need to control everyone, she is a narcissist.  She also gets very involved in the lives of the people that she's raped.  Additionally Lori is a rapist that likes to infect her victims with HIV so that they "know what she is going through".   Unfortunately, implanting the police did a lot of harm to their department, families, and the LGBTQ community.  Lori loves power and is a sexual sadist so this system is down right perfect for her paraphilia.  Something her own parents knew from the beginning. 

Even my own father, a teacher Lori once had accused of sexually molesting a male student from the high school, also implanted by the military, said to me that she is "too sexually mature for a female of her age."  This is just a nice way to say she is a sex addict that uses crystal meth and GHB on this system to cause the pain and anguish of rape, while she masturbates to whomever is having sex that she is listening to.  She's immature and really has never had consensual sex or even a partner.  She thinks that Missy Erickson is her girlfriend, but is too closeted to call herself a lesbian.  So she makes up boyfriends out of people she's heard of or out of gay men that would never have sex with her.  The only man she's had sex with was her own brother, allegedly.

This system and crime is all about how to entrap someone into her world to help her commit crimes whether they know it or not.  For example.  If I went to the store and bought a new and expensive pair of shoes, Lori would know it.  She would then find some tweeker that would do anything for drugs, like Missy Erickson, and tell them that those shoes are her brother's and I stole them from him.  She would then send Missy to my home to steal them for her and Missy would then get drugs for the shoes.  Then Lori starts talking to me about how she's stolen the shoes and how she can steal anything she want from me.  Of course, Missy wouldn't have known they were mine and after a while she wouldn't care.  They steal any and everything for drugs, but of course these people are told, "You don't know me if something should happen."  So the people that know Lori, don't know her...that's the first really big lie.  They all know her...most of them have to ask what name she is calling herself by this week because she changes her character time after time.  It's all one girl, Lori Jean LaFond.

This system is 100% military...not approved for use in the public domain.  It isn't even really used any longer by most military...only the person enlisted.  Lori has tried to turn this into a personal business for 35 years, but, as she says, "It's not the most legal thing."  It's not, it has been used in conjunction with her rapist motives to stalk people and steal their identities.  Lori, above all, loves to rape...and infect....and kill.  This have been her entire life's work, my life.  I'm over it.  Tonight I will talk about "control" and how it is like a pyramid scheme used for the implantation of almost anyone that a user doesn't like.  Think of the manipulations you can cause if you know what your target is's endless until they find out what this is like.  I found's Lori Jean LaFond.

Tonight I will continue our discussion of what this is, how she uses lies and partial truths to commit these frauds, and how she has managed to entrap the parent of my friends and their families to keep her system a's a hint... they are destroying me to keep themselves from losing money.