Morally Conscious

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Thursday, February 20, 2025

I Have Lots Of Friends That Lori LaFond Attacked In Palm Springs, CA and Elsewhere: Would Love To Have The Military Help Us Remove These Chips Safely!!!


"I know Kevin Bond, I went to high school with him," Lori Jean LaFond always tells people that she is about to lie to.  Even the statement that she "knows me" is subject to discretion.  I know Lori LaFond on several levels, none of which are conversational or in-person.  

I know what she does because I've lived in the same area of California as she did for many years.  I can tell you that drugs, lies, rumor-mongering, expulsion, sexual immaturity, mental issues, violence, guns, and many other things are associated with Lori LaFond's name.  I know of her work because she tried it out on my father and several others while she lived in our area.  False accusations of fathers molesting other people's sons.  All cases went to trial, and all were acquitted but with one similarity...Lori LaFond's false accusations and contact with the child's parents.  Lori LaFond is a serial false police reporter.  It is a hobby she's had her whole life.  Committing crimes and then blaming someone else for them.  If that doesn't happen she dreams up a crime and then tries to make it fit her fantasy with false evidence.  In other words, Lori frames more than a contractor...or an artist's paintings.  Lori is a framer.

I know Lori because I've lived through her false accusations since I was about 10 years old.  My mom has received them.  My sister has heard them from Lori.  My father has been the subject of her lies and has heard from Lori herself.  Lori doesn't seem to understand that her reputation isn't just that she's a lesbian, nope that is the unimportant part.  Her reputation is that she is a LIAR to the police!  She PRETENDS to be someone she's not!  She has AIDS and spreads it to everyone (and other STD's).  She is a fugitive that escaped her punishment.  I know Lori's actions because I know who she did it to.

Know her is kind of a misnomer for people to understand.  I know who she is.  I know the things she's done.  Do I know her like go to her home or invite her to mine, NO!  I met her first day, the first period of junior high school.  She was in our 7th grade science class and by the end of the week she was removed for her sexual antics towards the teacher and the way she treated the students in that class.  She was supposed to be a teacher's aide, but she was more of a disaster.  She was kicked out of school shortly afterward.

The next time I saw her my father's case was over and he was fully acquitted in a jury trial.  The other people she accused were similarly acquitted; they had other cases.  Lori's imagination ran wild in those days thinking that all parents molest other people's children.  It was a lie then and it still is.  Oh yeah, the same attorney represented all these defendants including Coach Steve Fabian from Palm Springs High School.  He also knows Lori Jean LaFond and her mental issues with children, sex, and teachers.  I'm sure he can enlighten all of you.  

It was my first day of high school and from what I understand, Lori was still serving a suspension from the year before.  It was likely for shooting at my friend Paige and her mother.  Nevertheless, Lori knew my father was fully acquitted so she planned to stalk me from the very first minute of my first day.  She accosted me and my friend, Kim, and made me understand that she was a completely violent homophobe.  My friend Kim didn't forget it either.  It was then that I decided that talking to her wasn't going to ever happen.  It never did.  So, "knows me from high school" is a bully's way of saying, "Oh yeah, I kinda tortured him with homosexuality because I am a huge flaming lesbian that is still in the closet!"  That's what she means.

I didn't like her then, I was right not to.  She would later prove that I was right about her homicidal tendencies when she shot up a freshman girl's slumber party while she was a few months before graduating.  Lori likes the younger girls.  She followed up that slumber party shooting with another shooting at the same home two or three nights later.  In other words, she isn't the kind of crazy person who learns lessons about shootings.  Oh yeah, she tried to blame me for these actions, but I was not in attendance for either.  Lori's so crazy that she dreams of me in these situations.

So, yeah, I know her, but I do not pretend that I'm any kind of friend, past, present, or future.  Neither is my sister, father, or family.  We once lived across the street from her aunt, her father's sister, and that is how Lori became obsessed with my family.  That is all it took.

That last incident cost Lori her freedom, or at least it should have.  She got in big trouble for pushing one of her "friends" behind a moving vehicle that was backing up fast (Lori had a gun after all!).  This plus the first shooting saw Lori LaFond cop a guilty plea and she was to spend a significant time behind bars, but she got a self-surrender date and skipped out on the sentence.  That means that she was a fugitive from justice the entire time that she was living in Palm Springs, CA,.  They were literally taking calls from a fugitive who stole this communications computer from the military and was a convict from a school-related shooting.  Lori lies.  All the time.

It was a huge mistake for Lori LaFond to tell people that she knows me from high school but apparently using me that way allowed her to meet up with people who normally would have balked at the idea.  I'm a presentable and friendly person to my friends, so if someone claimed we were friends, it is completely normal that they would respond positively.  However, once Lori meets them, she can't resist going bonkers on them with lies about me and my family.  Christopher, how is that video?  Can this prove the point I am making?  I'm sure it does.  I know Lori can't ever keep her mouth shut about me and if she opens it, it's going to be a lie.

You see, there is absolutely no way that I would be obsessed with Lori because I've known since the sixth grade that she was obsessed with me.  It's something all kinds of people know about here where we live.  I'm pretty sure that Bryan Anderson knows how Lori is because she's been obsessed with him before too.  She still is.  She's told my friends that she was "married to" Bryan, was cheating with him on his wife, "has children with him", and that she "works with him on the PSPD special forces unit."  All of this is untrue.  Lori made it all up.  Nobody I know would be surprised.

Here's the thing.  I was told that my friend who was involved as a victim in the high school shootings could talk to General Etnyre about Lori.  That's good.  She's back.  She's been at my father's home near General Etnyre's home.  She is stalking me.  She has implanted and infected more of my friends than I can tell you about.  I want to work with Generaly Etnyre to bring these people to the base to have these chips removed.  They can't bring themselves to do this without knowing they won't be ridiculed by the local hospital that seems to have some ties to Lori LaFond too.   See my broken skull?  The ER in Palm Springs deliberately missed my skull MRI on two occasions and EVERYONE CAN SEE THAT IT WAS SMASHED!!!

I am absolutely certain that my friend is tired of running into Lori LaFond and the ambush that ensues.  Can you imagine if I had gone to that high school reunion?  We need to be certain that she is stopped at the door before ever being let in.  Same thing with her own classes' reunions.  Lori like guns and a mass shooting is not out of the conversation.

I'd like to get permission from the base to bring out some of these victims to retrieve the evidence from their heads.  These were the property of the USMC, but we need them to prosecute the citizens who stole them and put them into the heads of gay men and women.  I'm pretty sure there are more victims than anyone knows.

This promotes goodwill between the USMC and the LGBTQ+ communities and will promote anti-terrorism all over the country.  I know I can help!  It's just a matter of getting the word out.  Anthony Dabiere could write an article for the G&L Times and I can help with the logistics of these appointments.  It's time that Gen. Etnyre and I work together to stop Lori LaFond.  It's been a long time coming and we're already friends.

My friends allegedly have a database of the victims that Lori LaFond has made and put on this system using her father's ID card.  Pretty much anyone put on the system using her father's ID over the years is a victim anyway.  It's not hard to figure out how many people Lori and Brian implanted, but we do want to make sure their privacy is maintained.  It's not the same experience for everyone, but mostly the range is "horrible to dead."  Nobody walks away from Lori's system without the feeling of being raped and invaded.  Everyone wants to know who she is.  I repeat, she told everyone that she "knows me from high school."

There are many ways to stop Lori LaFond these days, pick one!