This is one that really is disrespectful to our families. I don't believe, for one second, that my sister is any kind of ally for Lori Jean LaFond. We don't usually talk about Lori because neither my sister nor I have anything to do with her. We've known for far too long the kinds of problems she has inside her head. Trying to change Lori or do what she suggests does no good. Lori is going to pigheadedly attempt to finish off what she started in 1979 whether we like it or not.
The best thing I can do is continue to love my sister, just as I always have. Lori seems to be trying to create conflict, but I refuse to question my sister's love for me. There is nothing better than knowing that my sister understands as much about Lori as I do. She has years of experience dealing with the complications caused by Lori, each of which came at a cost. We need to come together now that someone else has involved her in this situation. To be honest, my sister was already involved, but I wanted to limit her exposure to it. In hindsight, that may not have been the best approach. We'll have to wait and see how things unfold.
I am not surprised that Lori would use her "femaleness" in this situation because she believes that women afford her more sympathy. This is a significant mistake to make regarding Lori. If all the sisters of all the victims in Palm Springs, Ca., realize that Lori is a rapist with AIDS, a pedophile, a fugitive from several very violent gun incidents, and a sexual sadist, I'm pretty sure that our sisters would never listen to a word she says. Don't let Lori manipulate you with her emotions. Just because she has scam experience doesn't mean you are the same. It is a shallow perspective to assume that all women are the same. It is insulting to suggest that they are. I believe in the individuality of women, which makes them stronger, rather than focusing on similarities that could be used to pit one against another. Nothing is more detrimental than that.
Someday, I hope to find the women whom Lori has hurt through their brothers. I am not there to criticize them, but to support them for decisions made without the opportunity to talk to their own brothers about it. I know what Lori's friends do; I have witnessed their deceitful lies tearing families apart for a long time. I've seen mothers and fathers so upset that they no longer listen to their sons. Frankly, I can understand why. In many cases, these guys weren't making the necessary changes to protect themselves from the voices in their heads. My friends were NOT like that. My friends were hand-selected to help me with this crime. If I saw a crack, I didn't use them. Desperate, poor, addicted, affected, and homeless are some good cracks to avoid, but the victims have to get and stay off drugs. Lori will still say they are using drugs, but the facts speak for themselves. I wasn't but it was made to look that way. There was no way to win, so I took the hardest route to the truth. It was my only chance.
I had to learn that it was good enough for me to know I wasn't using drugs. Who did and did not believe me was a "them" problem. Fighting that battle wasn't going to catch Lori LaFond. It only feeds into her ego.
I am truly displeased with those who believe that our sisters lack the intelligence to recognize when they are being exploited. Many of them are doctors, teachers, businesswomen, and judges. I want everyone who has been victimized to finally share in the voice I have created for you. For too long, Lori LaFond was the only voice heard. While she identified as Lori within my family, she may have used names like "Jessica," "Lisa," or others with yours. In my family, she had to show her true self; otherwise, it wouldn't have aligned with her desires.
Just ask Lori's brother, Brian; he gets blamed every time Lori messes up and gets caught. In Palm Springs, Brian is the person Lori has blamed for virtually everything. The issue is that Lori's blood is the primary source of the disease-related problems. It isn't Brian's blood, it's Lori's. The violence against gay men is primarily Lori LaFond's too. Numerous videotapes and conversations clearly indicate that Lori LaFond is the suspect we are looking for. I have always known that Lori was violent and mentally ill; I had to prove her connection to this technology to establish her guilt in the sexual assaults.
I predicted that LaFond would share my blog because I know she likes to interfere. If Lori gets a chance to make me look bad, she takes it without thinking. In every conversation, Lori talks about herself and puts me down. This applies to "Jessica," "Lisa," "Victoria," or any other name she uses. That’s how you know it’s Lori Jean LaFond.
I am asserting my intelligence where it needs to be. I have spent most of my life studying the law and have years of experience working with judges and lawyers. The last twenty or so years were spent looking for the girl that ordered my shooting. I never took a break and always sought a solution to the terrorist acts that Lori orchestrated from a distance. Never forget that Osama Bin Laden did not fly the planes; he ordered the destruction. That is an act of terrorism, and he was the mastermind. He was nowhere near NYC or the Pentagon, but nonetheless responsible for the deaths of those Americans.
Lori LaFond employs Gestapo-like tactics and engages in civilian vigilantism that deeply affects the lives of her victims and their families. Those who assist Lori in committing these crimes are misled by a drug dealer seeking to assert her power. We must clarify our intentions with everyone to ensure that no families are ever in danger again.
Lori Jean LaFond was sentenced to prison by a judge, and she accepted the decision. An arrest and subsequent incarceration are necessary. That is the law of this country.