It's easy to think that Lori LaFond will make a play for the old "mental defect" defense, but I want you all to consider something else.
You don't take a bowl of diseases filled frozen blood to thaw out at a crime scene only to put it inside of another human being's body without premeditating that horrible act. Similarly, you don't take a dirty syringe full of the same material to a crime scene to inject yourself, you could do that at home. No, you take things like transmitter/receiver microchips and tainted bodily fluids to do two things. One is to make the person sick, the other is to watch while they get sick and die. Lori also likes to watch what a victim is thinking while she is committing the crime against them. It's like a real time look into what a victim is thinking while they are being raped or killed. What serial killer wouldn't want that?
Lori is already known to take trophies from her victims, but why not keep what they were thinking too. It is already a given that she photographs the rapes and videotapes them, but isn't it more exciting for a serial to remember exactly what her victim was thinking while she was beating the crap out of them? There is only one problem with that happening in my rape however, I actually know who Lori Jean LaFond is, and I tell her so. I also tell her that she is still, "the ugliest girl I've ever seen." This is all my recollection of the rape and it is recorded. This is the victim's identification of his own rapist. To make it worse for Lori, she doesn't know that I know it is her until she looks at a computer screen, so she screams out that she's "Lori LaFond" a hundred times during the videotaped rape.
Wo-mens rea goes to the guilty mind of the female criminal. What you will see and hear in our case are a whole lot of immobilized men, women, and children that can't escape while Lori LaFond and her brother, Brian, torture them. This is what this technology can do as well.
Think about what a "mind reading" crime is going to do in court against the rapist. It's impressive.
Lori's wo-mens rea also thought about creating a separate Riverside crime lab report that took her off of it and filed a restraining order for a place she can't work (she's a fugitive) because her mind knows she is guilty. So if Lori is criminally insane, she sure does know a whole lot about getting rid of evidence and people that know she is guilty. Doesn't seem too crazy to me...but that is a legal determination.