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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lori's Perspective Is Sexual Extortion: How It Can Be Proven Through My Diaries And Her Photographs

There is one thing that I know is common in Lori's terrorism.  Sexual extortion.  The Lesbian Mafia counts on it.  I think it is really sad that a group of girls would use our sexuality and their perversions as a weapon.  We all know that Lori has massive sexual deviancy problems.  Many of the problems involve adults and children.  So tonight I want to explain to all of you that Lori can easily be charged with sexual extortion in the State of California based on several different factors.

First of all I did not sit for these photographs above to be taken.  I know when I've been photographed just like you do.  When I first heard of Lori taking nude pictures of me during this rape, it came directly after the rape.  It was her attempt to keep me from reporting it.  Most of those conversation were through microwave hearing and this crime, but one or more of the conversations that I had with her came through the writing about that experience in my diary.

At that time, all I knew was that I had been raped, my skull was smashed, the emergency room wasn't admitting me and that something was wrong.  Lori and Brian were content to sit on the other end of the microphone telling me how bad my skull was smashed and that "Peter" and "Steven" were responsible.  Even though I knew the two of them, they didn't know each other.  To prevent me from reporting the rape directly to the police Lori started telling me that during the rape she and her brother photographed me with a minor boy in that bed while I was knocked out.  I was enraged!  

You don't have a memory of the just remember going to bed and waking up nude and bleeding.  Of course my head was smashed during that encounter too.  So to keep me from reporting the rape again, the first time was at the hospital emergency room, Lori told me about the pictures she had taken.  At that time, there was no proof that there were any pictures like that.  My head was so busted that I called to report the rape anyway, but I wrote about the extortion in my diary.  What I wrote about was how disgusted I was that anyone would accuse me of having sex with a child.  As you all know, Lori has done this many times to many men over the years.  Forced a child to make accusations that were false.  So, I wanted to be sure that I wrote about it in my diary.  You can clearly see that child molestation makes me sick beyond words.

So then I report the rape to Kelly Fieux and it was so unprofessional that the ACLU wrote a letter on my behalf about this interview.  Officer Fieux was angry with me and searched my home with other officers at the report.  All I was doing is what Bryan Anderson suggested that I do, call and report the rape.  The police have told the Palm Springs City Council that because I "waited" a month to report it that they didn't believe me.  I had a friend working inside the Palm Springs City Council that heard that and told me he was disgusted by that bullshit too.  I reported that rape three days after it happened in the emergency room.  Lori pulled some more bullshit there to keep the PSPD from showing up.  It had nothing to do with lying, it had to do with misinformation and a failure to do their job at the hospital and with the police.   Officer Fieux told me that I'd "reported being in a car accident" to the hospital...bitch, I DIDN'T EVEN OWN A CAR!!!  That came from Lori to him...I told him I reported a rape.  Lori had already stolen the MRI's from the hospital and knew the extent of the injuries she caused.

I moved back into a home that I had lived in previously and then came this postcard and this picture.  These were FROM THE RAPE.  So now I know that she has raped me, photographed me nude and that the only thing that she said that I hadn't seen was the minor child in the pictures.  It is SEXUAL EXTORTION TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE!!!

As the victim of this crime to hear from your attacker that she smashed your head and got away with it, then photographed you with a is utter chaos.  I took that picture on top and gave it to the police.  To me, it showed that I was being extorted and that I was raped.  I know it is me.  I know my face.

Here's the thing.  Since I wrote about those conversations while they were happening...they are dated by the way, they show you the "real time" state of mind that I was in when she tried to scare me into not contacting the police.  Why would I contact the police if Lori had photographs of me with a child.  She knows what she has done to my father in the past with a false accusation.  She's also done this to Coach Steve Fabian, the Duke Family, the Collins family and probably others.  My theory is that if she had pictures, she was the rapist, but you know the PSPD.  It's arrest first and ask no questions.

When these pictures show up you have to take into account that the emergency room did nothing.  The police did nothing.  The entire investigation was going the rapist's way.  I had no idea what she had done while I was knocked out.  This is sexual extortion and I want to be clear, my diaries haven't be touched since they were stolen and recovered by Jonathan Mendenhall.  So the writings are solid evidence of this extortion.

Lori loves extortion, she's doing it right now.  I don't have painful childhood memories because of Lori, I have excruciating memories because of her constant admission to doing these things and getting away with them.  It is a constant conversation about how she can "convince" people that she is telling the truth.  The unfortunate thing is that pictures don't's just her perspective on violence against gay men and raping them.  This is an advertisement for violence coupled with an extortion for silence.  She's a fucking bitch.

As a victim of rape and sexual extortion, I thought that I could help more victims of this crime with the evidence that she took at the crime scene then used as an extortion plot to keep me silent.  Lori loves humiliating a victim of her rapes.   It's what she does every single day of her life with me since 2007.  She's a bully that thinks she can call hospitals and police departments and they will do anything she says.  The victim is re-victimized a thousand times with this police department and Lori.  In essence she re-rapes the victims of this crime with memories...and she isn't much of a lady about it.  Right now she is back peddling hard to say that it isn't me in the picture to the people she sent the postcards to, but to other people she's saying she isn't the photographer.  In court documents she says she doesn't know anything about me since high school.  How can all this exist?

I know it's me, I know what the rape felt like.  Any sexual assault victims out there care to chime in?  My skull was so badly smashed that brain matter is forced into my ear canal.  The police want to blame the hospital then?  They have their faults too.  It's all these people believing phone calls about a victim that Lori stalks everywhere.  Are the police really thinking that she doesn't do this with them while they are working and when they aren't?  Come on people, we know a cover up when we see one don't we?

My diaries were stolen from me then allegedly recovered by Jonathan Mendenhall who was working for me inside Lori's own apartment.   She didn't know the significance of those diaries but they were stolen so that I couldn't have a chance to forge them...they are my real thoughts at the time and they will show you that Lori LaFond is one of those thoughts and so is extortion for those very pictures you see above.

Let me reiterate, I find child molestation to be filthy, rotten and sickening.  So does Anthony and he also was jailed for thinking that after seeing the home made kiddie porn that Lori DID MAKE.  She's a sick one.

So if I was a police officer looking to get a search warrant, I would use the fact that these pictures appear to be digital and morphed.  I can tell and prove to you that one of them was sent to my home via U.S. Postal Service.  This means that the police can get a search warrant for a computer or computers or cell phone with any association with Lori LaFond.  You can't morph on a photograph unless the image is scanned into a computer.  I would also be looking for a camera or cameras.   I would be looking for more images from sexual assaults and it proves that Lori threatens with at least some kind of photographic evidence from the crime scene.  We already know what Anthony and I have seen with boys and Lori/Brian in various sexual situations.

Photography from these rapes is used as an extortion plot and we already have evidence that she's contacted families before.

I am not ashamed of my body or anything that I've agreed to do on film or photo...but when someone knocks me out and takes my image without my consent...then uses those images to threaten me, I won't stand for it.  Never ever say that I am a child molester.  That's the worst thing a person could be.  The photographs show that during the rape I was photographed.  I was nude when I woke up after sleeping in my clothes. There was no reason to believe that Lori and Brian hadn't tried to put some kid in a bed next to me in these's nothing but extortion.   Once again, Lori has tried to force what she does on to me.  She's the one with photos and films of herself with little boys and she knows how other operators of this system feel about it.

She has a long history of forcing kids to make false allegations.  I should know, I know the kids and the adults she's accused.  Why isn't someone looking at her.  By the way, not one of those cases was ever successfully prosecuted.  All the adults were exonerated and the kids were silenced.

I was constantly writing in my diaries at that time.  Lori and Brian had become so aggressive that they were literally having roommates cause a fake fight so that Lori could call the police and have them search the house.  It was one of those visits that Bryan, himself, came to the home.  That was the same home that Lori admitted to Bryan that she had been in before.  She knew where to send that threat and she knew where I was living out here too...addresses and all...a fact!