Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

What Lori Doesn't Know About Friendship Could Fill A Large Library: Mendenhall Week

For as long as I can remember, Lori has tried to "steal my friends" from me.  I find that concept to be an odd one, don't you?  You see, where I'm from, friends are friends.  Who they are friends with, doesn't really come into play.  I have never told anyone that they shouldn't be Lori's friend.  Me, I avoid it like the wouldn't want to be friends with someone that lies like my thought process.

Lori never had many friends in school, if she was ever there.  One friend, Julie, was always the person she drug around with her when she wanted someone to back up her craziness.  I saw it so many times that I got use to seeing Julie cringe when she would walk by, hoping that Lori didn't see her near me.

My friends from back then seem to be people that Lori is concerned about impressing.  I don't know why?  I'm sure of one thing, she wasn't friendly with any of them while we were in school, not one.  Nobody was her friend.  My friends rarely spoke about her unless she was acting up.  I've heard everything from "she's weird" to "she's crazy" to "lesbian in the closet" and so forth.  I never commented.  I didn't need to, she'd already gone crazy on me so many times in front of people that the whole school knew she was a bully.

Lori doesn't understand that friends and their parents have a "relationship" that isn't something that Lori is use to.  I know Jonathan and over the twenty plus years that we have known each other, I can tell you that my name has been mentioned.  We've been friends for way too long and he's been a victim of this crime for just as long.  Mentioning me is a natural.

Lori doesn't think that it is respectful for me to talk to the parents of my own friends.  Have you seen the message fro Mrs. Monti's "friend" that tells me how "inappropriate" I am?  It's a ridiculous mess.  There is nobody better prepared to confront that piece of evidence than Mrs. Monti, in person.   She is the person that told me to watch out for Christopher and I'm doing just that.

Mrs. Mendenhall and all of my friends parents have the right to know that someone is stalking us.  They have the right to know who it is and what she has done.  I can't help it if Lori introduced herself, half nude, to most of them.  I don't have control over her big fat mouth any more than any of you do.  One thing I do know is that I am being the best friend that I can possibly be by letting them know what she has done to me and my family.  What to watch out for is imperative.  

Lori acts like, since they have money, I'll be nice to them.  The truth is that at one point she and her brother made a ransom note and pretended that Mrs. Mendenhall's son was dead.  To rub it in, Lori, allegedly placed obituaries in Jonathan's parent's own home newspapers.  That's fucking disrespectful.  How could any parent forgive her for something like that?  Jonathan didn't deserve to be put in this situation and to make matters worse, Lori implicates his own parents in the fraudulent death and memorial.  

My job is difficult but it is something that I wish someone would do for me.

One thing I can rely on is my friendships.  I do know about my friends...Lori thinks she knows the important stuff, but it is feelings that she doesn't get.  Friends have feelings that she doesn't understand because a "friend" to Lori is someone she "can use until she doesn't need them any longer."   Drugs and friendships don't usually mix very well and if Lori gets a choice between one or the other, she picks drugs because if people "really knew the truth about her", they wouldn't like her anyway.  Most people feel that way.

You see, my friends don't like her because they know that she is trying to kill me.  It's kind of hard for her to make them her friends when she is constantly telling them to hurt me physically or she will do something to them.  I find that to be ridiculous.  I'm not afraid of this Little Miss Potty Mouth...she's got much bigger problems than me.