Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mendenhall Family Awareness Week: Lori Fears Parental Involvement

How could I possibly question the death of my friend Jonathan Mendenhall?  Easy, Lori lies so much you can't even believe a death without checking into it fully.

My first clue was a "death notice" from Jonathan's father and mother in law where his father starts talking about a memorial service for Jonathan that he was too busy to attend.  Huh?  Lori obviously does not know the relationship between Jonathan, his father and step mom.  I do.  There is no way in Hell that was the truth.  Jonathan's father is a priest...something like this would devastate him as opposed to someone like Lori whose father's death would mean an empty home for her to rob while everyone is at the ceremony.

There are so many inconsistencies about Jonathan's story that I wanted to devote a week to "Mendenhall Awareness".  How do I qualify for this, simple:
1.) Jonathan and I have been friends for a VERY long time.  Longer than Anthony or anyone else.
2.) I am an informant for the People of the State of California and Jonathan was employed by me at the time of this alleged death.
3.) Jonathan warned me that Lori was like this and has tried "faked deaths" with others.
4.) The word "ransom" was used in the letter; what is to say that she doesn't have him held captive somewhere waiting for the Mendenhalls to pay for his release.  I am responsible for his well being as an informant.  There is no proof that she hasn't done this before, but the threats to do this are many!!!
5.) Multiple emails came from the same address from completely unrelated people.
6.) I was told a long time ago that Brian was a hitman for the mafia by Steven Frey and that a gun was held to Jonathan's head in Sedona.

My right to question this death is based on the information that I have and the strange disappearance of Anthony and Jonathan from my life.  There was no falling out.  There was no argument.  I went from seeing them every weekend to never...and that is puzzling.

I also have a right to protect the families of my friends that I know have been targeted by Lori and Brian for extortion.  Lots of families have been.  Either pay us or else.

I have those in questionnaires from other victims.  Lori is always trying to get money for her relentless harassment.f

So welcome to "Mendenhall Awareness Week" where I will show you why Lori has scared people into hiding.  She's a ruthless killer that Jonathan knows all too well about.  Ask him, if you can find him.

One thing that I want to clear up off the bat is this.  Lori loves to make it seem like Jonathan's parent's don't like him very much.  This is because of Lori's own experience with her own family.  Now she'll act like they are "really close" but her own real family, wouldn't probably let her inside the house unattended.

I knew from the beginning that Jonathan's father and he had discussed Lori in the past.  This I know because I have a very long standing friendship with Jonathan.  I know that they were very well aware of his problems or use of chemicals, but they, in no way, didn't love him.  He and his sister are really close friends too.  Their family is all close.  He has family in California, but Lori likes to say things like, "more or less, they've had enough of Jonathan's problems".  It's bullshit.  Jonathan is very loved.

The other key is the use of the name "Jon".  Nobody, I've ever known besides, Lori and Brian ever called Jonathan, "Jon".  Nobody calls him by that name, but every single communication between Anthony and me became about "Jon" when it was in email format.  RED FLAG!  Nobody calls him that.  He's fastidious about it.  It's like calling Benjamin, "Benji", he doesn't like it.

Lori doesn't pay enough attention to a man to know what a man picks up.  She notices what a woman would pick up...and even then it's a dulled memory.  I am an investigator and I know Jonathan very well.  I knew what to do about his "storage locker" that I found after his "death".  I knew what to do about it for his family.   I still know that Brian is in "love with Jonathan"...because he's ALWAYS in love with one of us.  I have a boyfriend who won't put up with Lori or Brian, and now, so does Jonathan.  From the same family now Brian is thinking if he and his sister can piss me off enough, I'll give them information about my own in laws...not going to happen.  Monti's protect each other and their friends.

Good luck Lori, you aren't making any progress with me.