It's that time of the month, or is it that period of the month? Whichever. I don't know what's crawled inside of Missy Pissy's ego, but she's on it again. Jeffrey's self proclaimed, "best friend", is now firmly planted on his lap and freezing off his family jewels, or his money clip. You'd think that a $50,000 car would have been enough for the month but apparently when you dig for gold, you keep digging when you hit paydirt! There is no shame in a gold digger's mine, she wants the whole shaft to herself.
Missy Pissy has now asked Jeffrey to buy her a new place to live in Hollywood because her credit is so bad that she couldn't possibly afford to get one on her three times bigger salary than anyone else's. Blood money isn't stretching as far as it use to these days. She's used so much blood money that my team is calling her Gwen Tamponi, which is appropriate because there is No Doubt that she's the other Blue Widow walking in that Spiderweb! We'll leave a message and get back to you on that one...
In case anyone is keeping track...that's one house, five cars, three sets of diamond earrings, unlimited clothes, huge salaries, health insurance and tons of extras including trips to Vegas and others...and Bessie and Missy have done absolutely nothing for this investigation. The only job Bessie's done is blow. The only job Missy's done is hand. The pair together haven't helped and single solitary victim of this crime, not one single solitary victim of this crime has been helped by their presence. They've managed to enter this investigation and do nothing more than pad their bank accounts, get engaged, derail the police investigation, cover evidence, hide witnesses, help Laurie rob my parent's home, rob my home and create havoc in this community. They've done not one single thing to help me or my family AND they've amassed a small fortune doing it. Additionally they've managed to help put Christopher in jail and tried to help Laurie get another warrant to put me in jail too.
The pair has never done anything but incriminate themselves and single themselves out as the remaining pair of the Triad of Pussy that ran rampant over the gay community of Palm Springs for twenty years.
Dearest Gwen Tamponi, I know what you are doing. I think that you are the most despicable person on Planet Earth. What you've done to our community for your own selfish reasons should put you in prison for ever and ever. On a personal note, my family did not deserve the focus of your anger and hostility. Whatever your tiny little mind has taught you to say and do to us is nothing compared to what I hope the women in prison do to your ugly little attitude and that hideous sense of control that you think you have over everyone. My family has been through Hell because of your snotty little bitch desire for money. Others don't see through you, but I do. If a jury sees a death sentence in your future, I will applaud their wisdom. You've tried to kill me on more than one occasion...I see no reason why you should live another day.
You are truly the worst that humanity has to offer...without a single regret for anyone, you ruin what others have taken years to survive. You are no better than Laurie.