Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Laurie Is Threatening My Family Again

God forbid that someone have compassion for my family.  Instead of spending one more second focusing on the absolute chaos of the disaster that is the Katzenberg pending doom, I have a better idea that would work and serve all of us better right now.

Why don't we get the Mendenhall's together with Stephanie Campbell or Bryan Anderson and have them come out her and get Christopher Monti out of that war zone of a Hell hole with Ken and go to my parent's home and have a talk.  Get this out of Jeffrey's hands once and for all.  Once that is done, we can make arrangements to leave this area and be done with Laurie, Missy, Jeffrey, Marilyn, Bessie and this group of infidels forever.  I can then put together a group of people that will astonish and amaze the PSPD, SDPD, the U.S. Attorney and the District Attorneys for Riverside and San Diego Counties in a multi district presentation with my team that will knock their socks off.   I have all the connections made and I'm ready to do this job in a clear, concise manner with all the skills of a professional presenter.  I've taught MLE credits for Bar Attorneys before and am a certified trainer on the federal level.  There is no doubt that I can prepare my team and the police informant's team to give a presentation on behalf of the police department that will make both departments look like incredible geniuses.

We need to move out of this area.  Jeffrey is a liability at this point.  He's decided on a course of collision.  He hasn't made any kind of good faith effort with the families of these victims or any of the friends of this team.  He's been a subversive disaster with his actions.  I've begged him, pleaded with him, discussed with him, reasoned with him, tried, over and over again and he remains as stubborn as ever with his efforts to negotiate with Laurie, a terrorist that is forever going to try to hurt my family.  She calls my dad "her father" and my family "her family" like she owns us as property.  This has me tremendously concerned.  No little sociopath is going to refer to my loving family as "hers".   She's killed one member already and it is a filthy thought for me to have to stomach this little monster going around telling people that my family is "hers."  She's a god damn monster.

Jeffrey has decided to play a game with me using Missy as some kind of remote neural bait.  "Her safety" he claims is the reason for his reluctance to do what he said he was going to do to help my family to safety.  In other words "he CAN'T and WON'T help me because it would ENDANGER Missy"; THAT IS A CROCK OF SHIT!  Missy is no more in danger than Laurie is.  Laurie is the person that puts people in danger and so is Missy.  To say that Laurie is in danger is to say that Laurie is pointing a gun at herself.  Missy is the same way.  The only danger that the pair is in is what they have done to themselves willingly.  This isn't a situation where anyone is pointing a gun at them.  Laurie tells people "he's hurting my family's business"...her family's business is "killing Kevin's family members", now I don't know about you, but when you are Kevin himself, it is my business to stop that from happening.  That's kind of stupid don't you think.  How convenient it is of her to claim that I'm hurting her family when her "job" is trying to kill me.  HUH?  Um...that's a crime.  Stupid fucking Jeffrey doesn't seem to think it's ridiculous to be working with her accomplice whom admittedly does this with her.

Laurie's "business" is "getting into MY BUSINESS" and everyone else's.  I am an informant.  I am suppose to inform you.  I am doing my job as an informant.  Christopher isn't.  I am informing you that this situation is dangerous.  It isn't a situation that exists without someone like Jeffrey keeping everyone quiet about it.  His whole family won't talk about it because he won't let them.  He won't let anyone that I developed as a witness talk about it because he spied on me and gagged them pretending that he was working with me, but was actually derailing my investigation that took years to put together.  If you don't believe me, ask him what he's done to help me?  Nothing is the answer because he hasn't done a single fucking thing.  If he hasn't done anything then how could he possibly be helping me?  Taking and hiding evidence and witnesses is NOT HELPING, it is obstructing justice.  He's put me in a horrible situation and created so much pain and suffering that I am in fear of losing my home, my health, my life and everything around me will be gone in less than two and a half weeks.  He is threatening me.  He is threatening my family.  He is threatening my friends.  He won't stop.  The police won't get involved.  My life is essentially ending in two and a half weeks and they are all watching it unfold with Missy leading the charge.

I've begged for help.  I've worked my ass off.  I have the absolute perfect case for prosecutors that is air fucking tight against Laurie.  I can prove the case way beyond a reasonable doubt.  There is no way she can get out of it.  The situation is so dangerous here that I've heard that even Laurie's own family members have moved out of the area or are planning on moving.  Nobody thinks that this situation is safe.  Jeffrey has started a war here.  He and Marilyn have literally started a war in Palm Springs too.  They have infuriated the operators of this system to the point where they were lied to for information that they intended to have Laurie arrested then nothing they are angry with him because Missy used them too.  He has literally lied to everyone.  Palm Springs is a war zone...and Jeffrey has started a war with these operators whom still believe that I can give a peaceful solution where he can not.  Nobody likes Missy or Laurie or Bessie or Jeffrey or Marilyn because they have lied to them.  You can't trust a liar.

The police chief does not know what kind of war he is in for.  Jeffrey has literally sided with the enemy when he began screwing over all of the positive contacts that I made in preference for the girls that nobody likes.  It got so bad that my Cat City team had to move.  Now they are safe and the unrest is worse...they are furious that they were used for information that was supposed to stop Laurie was never used.  Missy, Bessie and Laurie are the most hated operators of all time.  The Katzenbergs started a war with these people because they trusted that they would help me and my team stop Laurie they are helping the wrong side.  Nobody wants to see Laurie succeed.

I offered an olive branch to Jeffrey many times and I don't know why I had to.  I was his number one fan for almost nine years, then I found out he'd stabbed me in the back.  Nine years of working for the end of remote neural slavery for all of us ended with a billionaire helping the enemy get back on her feet was not what we envisioned. We wanted a peaceful legal non violent solution and everyone was happy...Jeffrey wanted controversy apparently.  He wanted Missy only to be happy.  Missy and Bessie.  That was his biggest mistake.  Fuck the gay men.  Make Missy and Bessie happy.  That unpopular message lasted the whole nine years.  Now I know what his plan was and he's riding my family into the ground with it.  I'm so sorry I didn't know this long ago. I would have put an end to it sooner.  My plan to go around Jeffrey above is the perfect solution.  Bryan, Jonathan's family, Christopher and my friend Ken can easily help bring and end to this situation using the information that was provided to us in good faith by the good people of Palm Springs and San Diego and can be used to protect them as best as possible still without Jeffrey.  Go around his evil intentions to hurt the gay community with extortion and more pain.  I still believe in all of you.  I still believe in the goodness of all of you that believed in me.  I can help you still.  I'm sorry that Jeff took advantage of you, he took advantage of me way more.

Let's still be friends.  We can defeat the rich and still help one another to a better life ahead.  Are you with me?  Bessie, Missy and Laurie don't deserve a better life than all of you or me, they deserve the jail cells that we all had to sit in.  You know we deserved better than that.