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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Missy Pissy, Jeffy Weffy and the FBI Bank of Laurie System!

"I'm a wanker of a banker," says Jeffrey Katzenberg as he checks on the finances of his kid's friends to see if they are rich enough to be able to remain on their friend's list

What do two frigid remote neural lesbians that hate gay men and a wealthy closeted homophobic father of a remote neural monitoring victim have in common?  Theft.  Jeffrey "The Wanker Banker" Katzenberg has found the perfect way of helping Missy Pissy and Laurie LaTweeker steal from the bank accounts of the remote neural victims of this crime, allegedly.  You see when you are ultra rich and you own a really big company like DreamWorks Animation you have the ability to do background checks; like the really good FBI kind that can find bank account numbers and amounts.  What could be more perfect than that for Missy Pissy and Laurie?

Here's their little scam.  You see Jeffrey, whom is trying his level best to ruin my family, starts by telling the police that he is here to "help my family" then he runs background checks on everyone in my family and finds all of their bank accounts and numbers, leaving a file for each one of us on his desk top for his lesbian girlfriend Missy Pissy to find with her free hand, while the other one is under the desk, presumably giving a hand job.  Once she's finished with the hand job, she thumbs through the file and looks at the bank account numbers and amounts and transfers the numbers to Laurie via remote neural monitoring simply by looking at the numbers that Jeffy Weffy finds for her.  It's done with the intention of Laurie getting the numbers simply by looking at Missy Pissy's computer screen.  Like looking at a credit card number and reading it over the phone to her.

Laurie then goes to the bank, opens up and account or uses a stolen id and takes the money out of the account and viola...she's emptied the account of all of the money and Jeffy Weffy has ruined my family's finances for his live in girlfriend Missy and Laurie.  Why?  Hey, handjobs don't come for free....

Ridiculous...this man is an absolute maniac...and his wife knows all about it...sitting right there in front of Christopher doing it all.  Wasn't he just the most perfect choice for a boyfriend ever?  What was I thinking?