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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Why Are The Katzenberg's So Incompetent??? A Simple Call To The Arizona District Attorney or Riverside District Attorney or Any Assistant U.S. Attorney Would Have Stopped This!

There is more than shit on Marilyn's shoud she what she did to two little boys! She got the carpet fixed.  The boys she left to die. Me too!

Fun fact: Marilyn and Jeffrey rescued a dog from Lori that she abused (from their home robbery) and cleaned the carpet in her home, but left all the gay victims to suffer worse than the capet or the dog!

 A question for you.

If you got a call saying that your car that was stolen during the burglary of your home (where the burglar shit on your floor) was found in Arizona with two people that had drugs in the car, wouldn't you get ahold of that District Attorney and tell them what you know or at least find out who it was that stole your vehicle?  I would.  It's common sense.

Why then didn't Marilyn or Jeffrey Katzenberg do this?  Simple, they didn't want to.

Rather than "get involved" in an answer to "who robbed our home," Jeffrey was already working with the burglars.  His wife was in Arizona stalking me at the time with her son, allegedly.  She even delivered the bail surety to the hearing for the two people arrested in that car!?!?!?!  Can you believe that?  It is an absolute travesty of justice that Marilyn Katzenberg let them go.  They raped her son.  Gave him HIV.   Nope, it is alleged that Jeffrey and his father posted the bail money by giving it to Missy Erickson so that it looked like she had the money to bail out the two criminals.  Jonathan Mendenhall was told that the money was given to the LaFonds by Jeffrey himself.  Jeffrey, in fact, lived with Missy Erickson at his son's home in Joshua Tree, before and after the crime occurred.

There is no excuse for what this poor example of a father and mother did and failed to do.  It is a crime.  A very big crime since Missy Erickson is the same person who stole my MRIs from the hospital in Palm Springs, California where I went after being nearly beaten to death in a home right near where Missy Erickson lived.  Marilyn actually delivered the girl to Arizona who tried to kill me after Lori did.

Missy Erickson then went with two more people who lived with Jeffrey and his family in Joshua Tree to convince my own sister to take all of my savings account out of the bank to hide it from me.   That money was in the savings account that my mother and I set up so that I would never have these kinds of problems again.  Once again, Jeffrey and his lame-assed wife, decided upon a criminal action, elderly abuse, to take something that I worked for my entire life.  This is the truth!  I don't care what anyone says, I know it is true.  They both then encouraged my sister to lie to me about the money and hid it somewhere in San Diego, California where Jeffrey was defrauding other victims of this crime.

In fact, it was Jeffrey who told my own team members and friends, not to speak to me for at least one year after Sedona, Arizona happened.  That is also highly illegal.  He wanted me dead.  That is the truth.  What he has done with his wife and child is commit domestic terrorism.  I will never be held responsible for the mistakes that Benjamin and his friends made.  This would have been simple and easy but Jeffrey wanted me to die.

It is alleged that Jeffrey then tried to move my sister into a home where he had an interest and could control her.  Whether the home she moved into was his or not is still up in the air, but the contact of a police informant's sister or family member is highly illegal given his family's actions prior to that move.  He is insanely jealous of this entire investigation and has shown so every single day since he got here.

Marilyn and Jeffrey are also putting so much pressure on my father that I could...I could make a statement, but I won't.  If you want to know, ask that bitch Marilyn what has happened.   Jeffrey can't say he wasn't aware of the ALzheimers that my mom is dealing with.  He told my sister where to take her.  He knows what he has done.  I can't wait for him to act like there was nothing he could do.   Say it once to my face Jeffrey...just one time.