Morally Conscious

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Sunday, August 13, 2023

Cops Were Shooting Them In The Parking Lot Lori Got So Bad!


She was killing our friends in the streets...

The PSPD has a considerable amount of blood on their hands because of Lori Jean Marie LaFond.  Mine is only some of it.  My friend Larry was shot and killed in the Big 5 parking lot while going shoe shopping without a gun or anything but a wallet.  I was supposed to drive him that day.  I didn't.  Got a really bad feeling just before I was going to get him and asked him to have Nico drive him around.  Nico ended up in jail and Larry breathed his last breath that day.

So what's worse,  a cop that listens to the single worst serial killer of gay men in modern times or a drug dealer on his way to buy some tennis shoes.  Larry wasn't on a single radar at the PSPD.  There was no investigation into his home.  Nothing into him.  He was careful and smart.  He wanted to buy some new shoes.  Lori had an officer lying in wait.  The police made it seem like it was a threat.  It wasn't.  It was a person and another person in a car.  That's all from what I know.

Lori was willing to kill off other drug dealers to ensure that nobody bought drugs from anyone but her.

After being shot at in San Diego by Lori's brother, I took this killing as a direct threat to my health.  After all, I was in the area looking for my shooter from San Diego.   That's why I came back to Palm Springs, Ca.  Now my friends were being killed in the streets by cops that listened to Lori.  How is it that we get a felony record that keeps us from working and the cops get promotions for killing gays?  How is this possible?

The rumor that I've heard is that Brian and Lori went around to the homes of gay men that she didn't like and were firing bullets through their windows.  Lori has been doing this since she was 17 years old and probably earlier.  I have two friends, Paige and Becky, that were BOTH shot at in high school.  Lori has this thing for scaring women.  She loves the terror in their eyes.  It's like one of those true detectives covers this!

This type of terror is something common with serial killer types.  They have even said that pornography and magazines like True Detective depicted women in fear for their lives.  Everyone knows that Lori loves people to be afraid of her, but if they are, doesn't that mean we have a terrorist amongst us?  I can tell you that my high school bully was a HUGE FAN OF SCARING PEOPLE with guns and violence.  Her whole life is like this.