Morally Conscious

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Monday, August 7, 2023

If A Disabled Person Can Write An Email But Can't Move Or Speak, Couldn't Lori LaFond Just Be Reading Our Minds For Criminal Activity? She Has A History...


I have read a ton of articles over the past decade and a half while researching this crime for my own information.  There are some that are good, some mediocre and every once in a while I come across one like this:
The neural frontier: when brain hacking becomes reality | Cybernews

Contributing writer to Cybernews, Neil C. Hughes, writes a very timely article that has to do with everything that we already deal with outside of any ethical standards being set by anyone.  We are the model for what can go wrong, boy does this article help a lot.

I want you all to indulge in the ethical choices that have been made at the mouth and from the mind of Lori Jean Marie LaFond.  Some of you have even had the opportunity, if you can call it that, of hearing our rapist live.  Lori is a very disturbed and immature person.  This is something that I have known and so has Bryan Anderson for decades.  What she did with a stolen military communications system is unheard of in this country.  While there are other operators in this country that have implanted their targets, Lori went so much farther.  Lori invaded their homes, their privacy, their bank accounts, personal lives and caused irreparable damage...yet she is still free and we have already said who she is.

She's the bogeywoman that comes in to your home one night and steals the rest of your life.  She's the bloody hook at lover's lane urban legend that never seems to go away.  She's been harassing me since I was 9 years old.  I'm 55 now.  This is the woman that, with help, took down the gay males of our tiny community by reading their minds and lying to the police.  You see, when you know what a person is thinking, you can ambush them when they least expect it.  Lori LaFond is, if nothing else, an ambush predator!  She plans for years to do things to people and then executes the plan when she knows they are alone and vulnerable.  There are still identified victims that were killed and left in the desert that aren't connected to Lori outside of this system.  This system is a link to crimes that she has committed and the key to solving all of them,  are the computers that she currently lives with.

The answer to a lot of crime is inside that home she is squatting in and in the stories and testimonials of her many victims.  There are gay men, parents, children, friends and police officers that have stories that will shock and amaze many of you.  I just wanted everyone to know that the time to act is now!  Nobody in this country knows who these operators are, but Lori LaFond is in charge of making those cells work by using HER computers to enable the innocent to be monitored.  Other operators have to come to her to get "hooked up".  That made her important to other criminals...that is why she is so disoriented now.  The crystal meth isn't helping either.  Her old system of spying on people isn't the latest or greatest, but it is the one that is responsible for spying in our area.

We want her arrested, Chiefs of Police, out there!  She is a menace to society.  My friend Kenny needs to be shown the text about my attempted murder in San Diego.  I think it is far more than enough to have Lori questioned by the police.  Given her illegal restraining order and desire to paint me like a bad guy.  I'm telling the truth and she thinks that is a crime.  It isn't.