Morally Conscious

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Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Next Step: Crime Lab Reports, Bryan Anderson, Lori LaFond and the Connection!


Did you ever get that feeling that people are lying to you and you aren't acting the way you should knowing the past with these same people?  I do.  I am very concerned that there are avenues to pursue that haven't been because I was led to believe something else.  After all, without all of the pieces of evidence together, I am left with my own logic to figure out what is going on.  In reality, there hasn't been any action on this case since Sedona, Arizona in 2010.

I don't ever want to get to the end of my life and say, "I should have done this and life would have been better."  I get the feeling that I'm doing that right now so here's how I am going to break out of this feeling and move on with my pitiful life.  No, drugs aren't part of the solution for those of you that doubt me.

There's a way into the end of this case that two principles never really considered.  It goes like this.

1.) I have two emails in my possession that I can link to Lori LaFond that threaten me because she was being "paid by someone" to threaten and stalk me electronically for what happened to my father when I was 10 years old.  In it, she is very threatening to me and my family.  Both are from "Laurie Johnson" on Gmail. 

2.) I have an application for a restraining order from the City of LaQuinta and one of its employees.  That employee is Lori LaFond.  The same girl that went to high school with is clear from the text that she is the person that filed this application.  In it, she refers to being an informant for Bryan Anderson and she makes the announcement that she and Bryan have an amicable four-year relationship split going on.  Whether or not that is true is something that can be proven by a video and Bryan himself.  I know he knows her and calls her "a friend" in front of my parents.

3.) I was shown a crime lab report from the County of Riverside's crime lab.  I brought Anthony Dabiere with me to the police headquarters and he witnessed me being taken into the back offices.  He stayed in the lobby.  I was shown a completed crime lab report that I looked over and was assured had viable suspects from my rape.  The then-police chief, Bryan Reyes, showed me the report at a metal desk downstairs across from some blue lockers.  When we came out of the bottom floor Anthony was waiting, the chief said, "Kevin you've been right on the money with your information," and "We're gonna get these guys."  The same police officer chief then called me a long time later, in March or Feb of 2010 to tell me that the crime lab report gave up no suspects or suspect DNA and there was "nothing more his department could do for me."

I know that the report showed a lot of things...not a complete blank like the chief told me over the phone.   It was a clear lie.  After which Lori screamed into the microphone, "I can't believe I got away with everything!"

The report was rumored to have been taken from the police and retrieved by Lori LaFond, long before it was ever shown to me.  That gave her time to come up with a solution...motive...she's the rapist.

It is true that Bryan Anderson, at the time the report was received was the Capt. of the Crimes Against Persons division and the same person that I signed up to do informant work for and the same person that Lori LaFond has had a relationship with.  It is also true that no Riverside District Attorney was assigned to my case at the time the report was taken nor when the crime lab came back with suspects from the rape.

4.) I now have in my possession, two sets of MRI's from the local emergency room.  I didn't get these until years later when my father was in the hospital with kidney failure.  By chance, I stopped by the radiology desk and had them printed out for me.  I didn't get to see any MRI's the nights I went to the ER for my broken skull.  Instead, I was shown two xrays not MRI's, the attending ER doctor, the same on both visits, said nothing was wrong with me though an examination would probably have yielded results too...she sent me home with this skull.

5.) With this information above I am preparing to do the following.  I am going to either visit the Riverside Crime Lab or send them a letter that says that their report from that crime was completely ignored.  These were the other medical findings that were hidden from me at the hospital and they also support having been raped and beaten.   They were not considered because the ER doctor said nothing was wrong and because I didn't get to see them until years later but you can tell from the name and dates that they are 100% mine.  With Bryan being the CAPS Captain and his longtime relationship with Lori, the two seem to have come up with a way to get rid of her crimes by discounting the evidence.  Remember, Bryan has never mentioned anything to my family that went to him before the rape because of what Lori had put me through in the weeks before.

Bryan even mentioned Lori at that meeting, to my parents.

My thinking is that the two have conspired to commit the crime of police officer misconduct, hiding evidence, and collusion.  The only way that Bryan didn't get involved in a case where he told me to report the crime, is if the Chief of Police broke the law.  I am not impressed with any dirty cop but in this case there are more than you could ever dream of.

6.) I will also be letting the Riverside Crime Lab know that I will be taking their findings to attorneys for the U.S. Government because issuing a second lab report must have been done.  Two conflicting reports from one rape is unheard of when it comes from the same lab.  This could set lots of criminals free that were convicted of rape and other crimes from a questionable lab.  Perhaps the crime lab will want to know why Bryan and Bryan didn't do their jobs with the first report?  Maybe they'll even talk to a Riverside District Attorney to bring charges.  Two little boys went on to be raped in Arizona because of that situation...the DNA should have been in CODIS.  Lori should have been caught.  Bryan should be put under oath and made to tell the truth about Lori LaFond and Chief Reyes.  I am furious that they think I am so stupid but I will call into question the legitimacy of that lab...and I will do it publicly.

Have fun explaining to your wife why you didn't do your job Bryan...don't pretend to care about my sisters' kids either.

I will remind you all also that the restraining order was illegally issued during a federal stay when witnesses were available to testify that Lori followed me to Arizona and was arrested.  That same court issued a warrant for my arrest from that restraining order too.  Lori also used an implanted cop, Dep. Fiebig from La Quinta to try to have me arrested.  I am not playing any longer.  I have a right to be free from her.  I'll also remind all of you that Lori, as Bryan Anderson well knows, as an amicable friend, that I was his informant and that Lori didn't work there.

The restraining order and everything that came after is illegal.  You see what I was trying to do was expose the illegal activity of Lori LaFond and she did all the rest of the work for me.

I will remind you that Jonathan without the help of anyone that was there to help us, turned Lori in for molesting those two boys.  By the way, on a side note, I also went to where those two boys lived and put up flyers about Lori's involvement with kids.  I tried to protect them and was chastised on the court record for putting them up.  The same two boys were tied up and molested in Arizona.  Thanks again, Chief Reyes.

This case has gone on way too long for me.  There is more than adequate evidence of Lori's crimes even without this system of brain linking.  Why any police officer would ignore that only supports the theory that they are trying to protect her to get rid of witnesses against them.  I don't support sloppy police work, but I do love law enforcement.  Someone may actually pick up the ball and run with it, but I'm not taking any chances when I can get that lab involved and probably the Riverside DA.

This is MY LIFE too Bryan.  I deserved just a tiny bit of respect from you.

I don't have to threaten anyone. I simply need to put forth the facts of this case to show the illegal relationship between Lori and Bryan extends through that police department.  Lori's already told everyone she works for that department and that she is allowed to do this.  That's a hard thing to prove wrong with all those implanted officers...isn't it Bryan?

Here's the thing.  I want out of this god-forsaken desert.  I don't want to live here and I can't leave until Lori and Bryan are put in front of a courtroom and a judge to be made to tell the truth.  Lori, of course, will lie, but Bryan has too many strikes against him that can be's a hard road but he chose it.  I wanted to be honest and have an honest dialogue.  It wasn't what happened.  I was honest and he hid like a coward.  So did a lot of people.  I can put her in jail for good and I will make sure she goes whether she kills me or not.  I know some true crime writers out there would love to call Bryan and Lori into question.  There is no doubt about what is there and can be used against them.  Lying wasn't a good idea for them.