Morally Conscious

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Saturday, July 8, 2023

Please Don't Misunderstand My Gratitude, I Couldn't Be More Grateful For The Attention, But What The Fuck Was That About?


Why is Bryan Anderson trying to get my family killed?  For that matter why is someone else?  I didn't become a police informant to put myself in danger, I was already in danger with more than two attempts on my life reported to the police.  I became a police informant to warn all of you that Lori Jean LaFond and her brother Brian were behind all the pain and suffering that you have been put through.   You would think that you would be far more grateful than you are, but you aren't.

I want to be very clear tonight.  I really, beyond words or expression, appreciate the attention that the blog got last week.  It was the only bright spot in this investigation in a decade and a half.  The reason that it died in the first place can be attributed to Missy Erickson, David the asshole, and Lori Jean LaFond herself.  Imagine that, the entire group of the worst domestic terrorists were able to keep a secret from the people that they have hurt again.  What a surprise!  Killers getting away with murder.   What I am impressed by was the sheer amount of attention that you gave to my project and I do mean MY PROJECT!  What I am not impressed by is that out of the 24,000 hits we got last month, not a single one of them was by my father, sister, or anyone in my family, the same family that Lori has fantasized about killing since she was a girl.  This is unacceptable on every single level.  I don't understand the concept at all.  It would seem more important to tell everyone someone knows than the people she is trying so hard to kill and steal from.  This is a serious problem and I am furious about it.  It's a game to someone.  I've never been so humiliated by my own team and boyfriend.

Can you just imagine the command from the king and queen?  Tell everyone but Kevin's family.  Does that sound like something that Missy and someone else dreamed up a long time ago?

I don't ever want any of you to think that I don't want you to know the truth, but you should know the WHOLE truth, not just the Hollywood version.   I am in grave danger for telling you who is behind this crime.  The person that wants me dead can be linked to two people.  You can figure out who those two people are on your own.

I am really grateful that I was the person to finally tell everyone who was behind this crime.  Bryan Anderson wasn't the one, he's a dirty cop. Bryan knew since high school that Lori LaFond was behind this crime.  Long before he became a cop or had a four-year relationship with her.  Bessie Smith wasn't the one, she's a dirty friend of my sister's.  Nobody ever thought to talk to General Etnyre, the former commanding officer who Lori hates.  Nope, it was more important to put an even BIGGER TARGET on my sister, father, and me.  They didn't expose Lori, I did.  It's my fault.  Don't worry, I get challenged by them every single day.  I just wanted you to know that I did this so your kid could live.  So that's the end of my rant.

I am still going to work on this crime until she kills me, then you can all feel better about not helping they way you should have.  Shame on you.