Morally Conscious

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Sunday, July 9, 2023

My Parents Didn't Even Make The Top 24,000; Why Is That Pause For Concern?


Did anyone notice?  I sure did.  Last month was a complete bonanza when it comes to exposure.  I really liked the way everything looked in terms of notifying the public about this crime.  It's definitely a good thing.  Of course, there are still those that think that there's a family that might try to pull some kind of bullshit and act like they didn't do anything wrong and were on a mission to discredit me.  I have heard Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond both try to solicit a crime like this before and there is no reason to believe it not to be a credible threat.

Look above.  What you are seeing is the ALL TIME hits on this blog on a monthly basis.  This is what it looks like when your blog (which btw is unheard of for a blog) goes viral.  This is a 24, 000 hit month.  Before now the best we ever had was just around 5,000 for the month.  That is five times our best ever!  I was impressed.  On average, we get about 1,000 hits a month. That would be about 24 times the amount we had last month.

I wanted to let everyone that is still reading know that I was stoked until last night when I was, once again, lambasted by Christian Johnson and Lori Jean LaFond.  It was an all-day, all-night torture session of screaming and yelling that involved my workplace and my family.  Lori uses so many drugs with Christian (who, btw doesn't exist according to Kevin Cole) that she just loses it.  I was smart enough and exhausted enough to sleep them away.

Then it dawned on me.  Why, if this was such a move in a positive direction, was my father and my sister, left without whatever Benjamin and his team sent out.  Doesn't mean anything more than my family doesn't make the top 24,000 when it comes to someone that controls everything in my life.  It's one way to show support without committing to who.  I think it is a complete sham to let everyone but my family know the truth about Lori, so I don't believe that anyone is being positive when it comes to this case.  It looks one way but it smells another.

I wanted to remind all of you that I wanted to hire a lawyer to handle the job of the crime lab report and the bogus restraining order that led to two young me being raped in Sedona, Arizona.  It took a lot of effort from the police and one family to make that happen.  I wanted to let them know that I don't appreciate the snub or the idea that 24,000 others are more important, to tell the truth than my own family.  This is a Missy Erickson special.  This was her plan from the beginning.

I wanted to point out that it was Missy Erickson that stole my MRI's from the hospital and submitted someone else's xrays to the attending physician....she did it twice.  She is the person suspected of bailing out Lori and Brian LaFond in Arizona.  She is the bail surety that is swearing that the pair are two other people.  She is the person that is currently living with the pair of fugitives.  In short, she's the one that stole my bank account from my mother.  I want it to be known that the disrespect is still being shown by one man.  Guess who that is?

I told him the truth about this crime from the beginning. 

I'll just bet that he had conditions for you being able to read about the truth too.  I want you to know that I am still not a priority for this investigation that I BEGAN MYSELF.  He assuaged his guilt by telling everyone he knew the truth, but he still disrespected my family by not telling them.  So did you Christopher.  So did the rest of the families involved.  It's a slight and it is more than imagined.

I hope that you can all read about my new avenue today and hope you understand that this information about the crime lab report and the fake restraining order was available over ten years ago.  Bryan Anderson and others will be held responsible for their non-actions.  I will be seeking the truth whether he wants me to or not.  This is getting to be one of those, "I wish that I had done this a long time ago" situations.  I'm not going to live my life without doing everything I can to bring justice to the victims of this crime.

Read the next post for the details...I still should have been allowed to hire a lawyer or had a Riverside D.A. help me with this rape case.  It's a huge problem for me!!!