Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Hey Parents and Victims of Lori Jean LaFond and Her Crime Family (Not Her Real Mom and Sister - They Are Nice!)


Missy Erickson and Lori Jean LaFond were here!!!

In a real sense, this is what you are left with once the girls and their criminal "family members" get ahold of one of your loved ones and steal their thoughts.  What was once a beautiful home full of love and happiness is now in rubble on the ground with nobody left there that once inhabited the dwelling.  This one isn't burned down like my friends Christopher and Tracy's was...Lori didn't like them either!

I have a post that I am thinking about with regards to spying on people, stalking them, and using brain link tech to destroy a family or friends just for fun.  "Let's go over to Lori's house and play with people's lives," Christian Johnson used to say to people that liked using electronic harassment to decimate a family from their bank account to their interpersonal relationships.  These people are usually drug addicts that want crystal meth from Lori. Sometimes Lori does this just because she is bored

I am working on a future post that will deal with the criminal liability of planned homewrecking; something Lori enjoys more than anything else about what she does with this stolen tech.  In the meantime, I am reminded that there are thousands of stories out there.  I recently heard one about a family that was so destroyed, a family that had lots of money, that ended up living near the Salton Sea for a long period of time because Lori manipulated their identities and personal lives to ruin them.  I would love to hear from them or have their story told.  I want to hear from some of you that have paid a huge emotional price for having had someone you love to run into Lori Jean LaFond's "criminal family".

What did she do to you that was simply to humiliate and destroy you as a human being?  I have friends that committed suicide, I have others that were given a poisonous syringe of drugs and other chemicals and told, if you don't use this needle, I won't trust you, by Lori LaFond. 

There are lots of stories.  My family has a death, most likely caused by drug addiction and Lori LaFond.  I had a bullet come through my car window and I had not heard from our about Lori in many years.

So what did she do to you that we can tell people?  Send your story to Benjamin Katzenberg or a team member of mine.  I'd love to be able to show all of you that what she does isn't just for money or drugs, it's spiteful and hateful in the same regard.

Don't be fooled by these girls, they would just as soon slit your throat than save their own families the pain of the truth!!! I know it, I've been there.

There is a great cathartic feeling in telling your story to people that already know that you aren't lying about the "voices in your head" and what they did to your family outside of it.  Lori acts like the crime she commits can't be seen so it can't be solved.  That's not true any longer.  We have five senses that when used together create the sixth.  Tell us your story, truthfully, so we can tell people what these girls and their friends are really like.