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Sunday, July 23, 2023

Big Sister Is Watching and She's Gossiping With The Police (And Anyone Else Who Cares To Be Harassed)! Nothing New For Lori LaFond!


It takes a certain kind of person to spy on someone else.  Take advantage of what they learned to ruin a family.  Use whatever scheme to free themselves from prison.  Lie to their own families about what they do for a living and who they do it for.  It is all about emotional distress and when you are one of the Palm Springs victims, you don't have to guess if it is a female or male behind this know it's about women that hate gay men!  It's that simple.

Uberveillance, in an article called, "The Machine Inside You," by Caitlyin Thompson from .Coda online magazine, the term is coined and very well defined.  Ms. Thomspson likens George Orwell's 1984 reference to Big Brother watching all of us from inside of our bodies where nobody can see the crime going on.  There's a problem with that, however.  That information is the subject of the Fourth Amendment of our Constitutional rights and the right to privacy has given way to the right of two angry lesbians that do nothing more than try to break the hearts and souls of every single man and child that they stick their electronic microchip tampons inside of.  It's sickening to think that they soak up all of our information and thoughts, then use them to create as much pain and suffering as they can.  They make calls to the victims' parents and especially their sisters to engulf a victim into some kind of feminazi incel sex crime that everyone has heard about from San Diego to San Francisco.  Now the pair of homewreckers want your sympathy.  I don't have any for the two of them or the people that help them.

Here's the other thing.  Lori has a long and storied past when it comes to causing a problem and then threatening the people that she caused a problem.  For example, Lori likes to fantasize that she has a reason to be mad at someone.  During my pre-adult years, she would tell everyone that she was the one that got my father put on trial for allegedly having sex with a male student.   She would tell anyone and everyone that my father was homosexual and a predator, but at the same time, she would tell people that she was the person that caused all of that and that she made it up.  Apparently, many people knew this.  Then when one of them would find out and do the right thing, like tell her that it was illegal and they were going to tell my parents, Lori would then threaten their lives, for real.  She would pull out one of her father's guns and then would show up to shoot at the people inside the home where the person lived.  Lori likes to kill, so this isn't new.

Lori has a problem with people not being violent enough for her.  She doesn't like nice people or smart people.  She doesn't like honesty, but half of the time, she would get in trouble and then blame whoever was near.  She once broke into our high school and stole some computers.  She got caught and then blamed two of my basketball teammates.  These were two guys that were never in trouble.  Straight-A students that were the twin sons of one of the teachers in school.  Lori doesn't have anything but crime in her past and when I heard that my friends were suspected, I could not believe it.  As it turned out, it wasn't true, it was just good old Lori LaFond stealing again.  She also broke into the high school and tore up the teacher's lounge too.  I don't know who she blamed for that one, but it was just more of the same from Lori LaFond.  She's a bad person.  Later on in life she would make good on her threats to kill anyone that told on her.

Since I never spoke to her, I never got blamed for much until she tried to shoot out my friend's home two times in one week.  Lori is delusional.  She told everyone that I was there and that I had run over her friend that was actually pushed under a moving vehicle.  I intentionally did not go to the home where Lori dreamed up another problem, instead choosing to stay far away.  Low and behold, she tried to blame me, because the person driving the car somewhat looked like me.  Lori has fantasies, but they aren't real.

Lori LaFond, it would seem, has been behind all of that gang stalking I went through and then the constant harassment and rape that happened in Palm Springs.  Her ties to the police kept her from getting into trouble.  It's such a horrible situation to be in.