Morally Conscious

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

For As Long As I Can Remember, Lori LaFond Was A Hypocritical Tattletale!!!

 Just a second to note that yesterday we got our 250,000th hit on this blog!!! That's incredible news!  I am so proud that people are interested and trying to wrap their heads around what has happened in Palm Springs, California over the past 35 years.  Today we are looking into the need for Lori to create the problems that she later tells the victims' families about.  She just loves being the bearer of bad news!!!

One time, in high school, I think I was already 18, a friend of mine wanted to buy some weed.  I was working, he wasn't so he needed me to pay for my half.  I said I would but intended to give him all of it.  I wasn't really much of a pot smoker and I didn't know where he was getting it from.  He got it and gave me half.  When I went to give it to him he told me to hold onto it,  I figured when he wanted more he could just ask me...not the end of the story.

I could not have had that pot more than one day before Lori LaFond talked to my friend and revealed that I was the person that he was buying this weed with.  Lori then got ahold of my sister at College of the Desert, who came home and went looking for the weed because Lori told her I had it.  It was locked in my foot locker and nobody ever went in there.  My sister did though and so did Bessie Smith.  She took it and flushed it.  I was kind of mad at her for doing that and was even more surprised that she would snoop in my room.  Totally unlike her.  This would be the beginning of what Lori thinks is a "sisterhood" with my sister.  It isn't.  It is two people going behind my back to take something that I am responsible for.

This wasn't my first encounter with Lori Jean LaFond either.  She had been bothering me for years.  She had also graduated the year before so I hadn't thought about her.  I never did anyways, just "be careful that weird girl is out there somewhere".

So does it surprise any of you that Lori would rape and implant your kid and then call you when she got him in trouble?  It should not surprise my sister one bit.  I doubt it does.  You can't imagine how many times something like that has happened to me in my life, and now I know why.  Lori is the kind of serial that likes to humiliate her victims and their families.  She was like that on the military base too.

The Long Island Serial Killer used to call some of his victims' sisters on the phone and tell them that their family member was a whore or that he was going to do the same thing to them.  It's not without understanding that criminals like to be proud of their handy work.  Lori isn't any different.  Whenever she falsely reports a crime against someone that she doesn't like, she finds a way to contact the victim's family and shame them there too.  It's really not funny.  She even called Bryan Anderson to let him know I was in jail on my first arrest.  I told him that, "It wasn't what it looked like," but cops hear that shit all the time, especially in Palm Springs, Ca.  Simply, I'd reported the rape and Lori had already kept the hospital from knowing, so she had me arrested the next day, twice!  They took me to jail wearing only a towel.  They made me walk home in paper jail clothing at the end of October in Palm was freezing!!!

Lori not only likes being the bearer of bad news, she damn well is the cause of it too. She just loves when she infects someone and then finds out when they tell their parents so that she can do it first.  For me, it was that same day.  For some, they have no idea their kid has HIV.  Lori loves ruining their health and then calling their sisters or family members to tell them all about it.  It's no wonder she's a know it all.  She spies on everyone in our community and if you aren't implanted, you are giving someone who is, information she uses to hurt you with.  She's a sexual sadist.  Your pain and suffering gets her off.  Don't let her.  Do something today to stop her.