Morally Conscious

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Friday, July 21, 2023

Can You Spot The Serial Killer (Allegedly) In This High School Picture? (It's Already Circled...LoL) I Can Do The Same With My High School Yearbooks Too...If Lori Didn't Steal All Of Them!!!


The reason I can tell you with absolute certainty that Lori LaFond is the loud mouthed person on the microphone using this brain link system is a whole lot like this picture above...I KNOW what she is does Bryan Anderson, PSPD.  He knows that Lori has used this system before on the USMC base in 29 Palms and got in a lot of trouble for it before she even got out of the 8th grade.  You see, if you grew up around someone like Lori or Rex here, you know what they are capable of if you have the kind of history that I do with this monster!!!

I'm pretty sure that when you are a pedophile, rapist, serial killer, it is a full time job.  It's not really something that you do on the side.  Since it has to do with sexual fulfillment and the odd ways it manifests in these types of people, it's kind of hard not to notice....and people did...Lori's system helped her to escape.   She's not going to be able to do that ever again.

Unlike many of her victims, I am someone that knows her.  Knows her past.  Knows who she has hurt in the past too.  I know she is the person because this is who she has always been her whole life.  She intentionally infected me at 19 years old but her torturing of me and my family is a lot longer before that.  She wanted to hurt my family so she started with my mother and father.  Later she would move to my brother in law and sister.  Then she moved on to me and my then boyfriend.  Now she is trying to pass herself off like some kind of employee for the City of LaQuinta and she doesn't even know where it is or any of her coworkers' names.  Lori, unlike she tries to tell all of you, is completely incapable of having a job.  She's not even allowed to have sex, allegedly, because of her psychotic intentions left in a diary for her father to see.  Lori, you see, has a problem with her HIV...she wanted to spread it as early as her freshman year in high school...allegedly.  It would make sense, she was a total reject even then.  I never spoke to her, but that didn't stop her from bullying me.

When you see the stuff that was done to me in San Diego and in Palm Springs, California, things that would normally be good for a case go completely know, if you know Lori, that it is her.  The "Young and the Restless" drama that Lori includes in her crimes is vintage and has been used in the past.  For example, she goes out and rapes me after I talked to Bryan Anderson about becoming an informant.  Only Lori informs the police about crime, it's her #1 rule. So she takes her frozen blood and goes over to where I am and rapes me...leaving her frozen blood behind.  She makes sure to blame her brother by having him add his DNA, then leaves it up my ass.  Then she fucks up the police investigation by sending a cop with an attitude and the wrong information to my home, she steals the MRI's from the emergency room but tells my sister that I'm there (big mistake since I don't talk to Lori ever), she screws with the detective assigned to my case and he doesn't assign a district attorney...all of this shit can only be done if Lori is reading my mind.  Lori LaFond would never have known about anything except she's the rapist.  Period.

Bryan Anderson knows full well that she has the tech and ability to read minds, his own police officers have been warned...allegedly.

Lori is also homophobic to the point of violence and she has a thing for little kids.  Even disabled kids aren't immune to Lori's sexual and emotional abuse.  The fact is that Lori being the urban legend that infects gay men and hates homosexuals by sending the police to arrest them with illegally obtained information is not new.  She sold drugs to kids in high school and called their parents as soon as she got home.  I know.  I was there.  I saw it happen.

She a nosy busy body that starts rumors about adult married people with families and creates evidence to make it look like she is telling the truth.  The TRUTH IS that it is all Lori Jean LaFond.  She's a daydreamer that uses this system to effect her crimes and like I heard last night, this type does not take a day off from being a pedophile, a rapist, or a serial killer, it's their primary focus.  The other people that are around her are secondary and definitely are helping her to make her fantasies come true.  Even Missy Erickson met my sister and so did David.  That's her fantasy too.  Lori fantasizes about hurting people and killing them.  Her need to hand on to her HIV and other diseases when free help has been offered, shows you how she really is.  She is sick.