Why in the world would someone like Jeffrey or Marilyn Katzenberg spend so much energy on wasting the rest of my life?
This crime is wasting everyone's lives and all Jeffrey has done is help the enemy with his lazy ill informed approach. I sincerely doubt his sincerity. How else could a man know what he knows about his own son's rape and do so very little about it?
The last few weeks have been spent trying to extol the virtues of the Erickson Family from Long Beach as if their daughter has anything good inside of her. Most of Lori's crimes have been committed under the name of Jessica Christine Erickson and with the help of Missy Erickson, they keep getting away with it. Jeffrey's need to help the enemy with silence has been a huge distraction for everyone.
Meanwhile the Mendenhall's and the Monti's have all but given up doing anything productive for the victims of this crime. Why? Why in the universe have these families taken such an interest in helping the criminals get away with what they have done to our community? Why won't they go and see the U.S. Attorney that I told them would help them?
I've been screamed at, burned, tortured, and manipulated for the last four months while Anthony, Jonathan, Christopher and their families do absolutely nothing for me or the victims of this crime. Shouldn't someone hold them accountable for their lack of civil action? Aren't they in some way responsible for the problems that still exist?
Jeffrey is still in receipt of the funds stolen from my bank account in the amount of $35,000 without doing anything to stop this crime. I want that to become a huge issue in this case. Either he coughs up the money that he stole from me or I'm going to call the lawyers that I know to get them on his ass.
I'm planning on making sure the Erickson Family is charged for the continued obstruction of justice that they have been involved with knowing that their daughter, Melissa, has used their family name to try to confuse the investigation. Mrs. Erickson is not helping the victims of this case...in fact, it was Melissa that caused this to happen.
I want Christopher to know that he is killing me and my sister by not telling the truth. I hope he can live with himself knowing that he sold me, my sister, and my family out. You and your mother are wasting my life and putting me and my sister in tremendous danger, something that we would never do to you. This is at the point where the Mendenhall's and the Monti's are purposefully not doing what the law requires of them. I have been tortured endlessly since Jonathan and his father are playing dead.
I'm not someone that any of them can play with like this.
What in the fuck has Jeffrey actually done? Nothing from what I can tell. He's tried to garner sympathy for our rapists and the terrorists this whole time. What isn't happening is anything for the victims of this crime. He fucking robbed me of my life and I'm not god damn happy about it. What Marilyn has apparently done is gone along with the whole thing. There isn't anyone that made a bigger mistake in this case than mom and dad Katzenberg and they had every chance to understand what this was from the beginning. He's covering his ass by keeping everyone silent.
Lori LaFond is a god damn terrorist living with a mountain of crystal meth that Jeffrey refuses to let my team turn in. What in god's name is he doing here? He's protecting the girls that tortured us for three and a half decades. One is living with his son right now! I want my fucking money back Bessie Smith, you are going to prison for it.
I want everyone to know just how much covering up Jeffrey has been doing. This bullshit has got to stop, to-fucking-day!!!! He is helping a terrorist get away with murder, either that, or Lori is making it seem that way!
I'm being tortured for Jeffrey's attention while he holds my money to keep me from finding an attorney to represent me. It isn't legal and it isn't funny. Lori and Christian spent all day long screaming at me again...they apparently think that Mrs. LaFond and Mrs. Jacquie Palmer are allowing them to do this. I think there is a lot of lying going on and the only person telling a truthful account is me. Not the Mendenhall's, not the Monti's, not the Katzenberg's, not the LaFond's, not the Erickson's, and nobody else. Meanwhile Lori has been plotting again to cause another murder in my family...I can't tell you how disappointed I am in all of you. This is why I quit helping any of you ever again.
Torturing an innocent man? How indecent all of you have become. I've never met a more irresponsible group of people in my life. You all act like you would stop an act of terrorism if you had the chance, but like most of you out there, this is happening right in front of you with your own kids and you've done virtually nothing. How stupid people would be to believe in any of you. People like Bryan Anderson should be held accountable for their actions as the public trust is based on law enforcement done well. This is anything but done well.
I think that ignoring terrorism is just as bad as committing it. Why can't the Monti's from New York City do more than watch a plane flying into a building? This situation called for action, not sitting around complaining about it. Pastor Mendenhall, you should be ashamed of your son allowing this to continue without telling the truth. What is wrong with your family?
I tried to tell you the truth and bring your sick son to your doorstep in Sedona and all your family can do is take away my boyfriend/informant so I have to live with this monster killer by myself for the rest of my life? What kind of people are you? You are intentionally torturing me for absolutely no other reason than to keep this torture secret. It's inhumane what Jeffrey and his wife have done to me....dogs have been treated better.
Every single minute of every single day for at least 16 years has been nothing but Christian Johnson and Lori LaFond screaming at me about being raped and talking about it to the police....thanks Bryan Anderson, that was your suggestion and your department that failed to do anything for a victim of a horrible gay bashing. This is so tired now that I have no sympathy for my own friends any longer.
Tracy and Joe Johnson turn Christian in for what he's been doing to me! It's your time to stop this crime. He will never be the brother he used to be.
This crime has to do more with apathy than it does anything else these days. Nobody seems to care about the person that told the truth, do they Alice Mendenhall?
Lori needs to be thrown out of that house she is in. She's highly infectious and all of the people that live there...six in total have tuberculosis! All of them! Mrs. LaFond, your daughter is causing more problems again and your daughter doesn't seem to know what to do. If you can't call the Marine Corp base and do more than this, there could be problems for everyone in the future. I wanted this to end, not get worse for you and me.
Jeffrey continues to extort my family by keeping my money and ignoring the problems that he, alone, caused. I want a god damned attorney. Christopher refuses to do the job he signed up for.