Morally Conscious

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Saturday, May 22, 2021

And Her Crimes Just Keep On Coming: Molly Coddling The Criminals Shows Me More Than You Could Ever Know


They allowed it to happen again!!!

I knew that Lori Jean LaFond and her brother, Brian, moving back to 29 Palms would mean that people would suffer.  There isn't anyone that knows the pair that doesn't know that pain and suffering follow Lori like her body odor.  Most of the people that help her end up in jail or dead.  Most of the people around her also end up in jail or with HIV or dead.  Death follows Lori and Brian for a very good reason, they kill to get their way, even if you don't use their drugs.  I would never.

Once again, Lori and her brother focused on people that I work with.  This isn't the first time.  When I worked for Holiday Inn Express, Lori had one of the people that live in her complex try to cause problems.  This is a theme for her.  I was given a head's up by one of my co-workers that overheard a conversation between Lori and a woman named Jackie Smith at a local restaurant.  The co-worker came into work and told me, "You know they hired a new person to work with you, right?  Well be careful, she was at a restaurant where I was the other night talking about doing something to one of the people that worked at the hotel she'd just been hired for."  You see, this woman, was told to apply at my work by Lori LaFond, who then proceeded to sell her drugs and tell her to steal from things done on my shift.

This woman was a problem.  She came into work high on GHB and her friends came in and beat up a guy in our lobby.  There was blood everywhere.  I'd left my shift only minutes before.  The employee who got fired for the incident was on the floor behind the desk passed out on GHB. 

I've also seen employees of a local casino implanted and harassing me.  They even did this in front of my sister.  They also lived in the 8-plex complex of houses where Lori's family has an interest.  All of the guards for the casino that were implanted were then fired for using these devices at work.  I filed a complaint against them.  They no longer live where Lori does.

The money that was stolen from me "to keep Kevin safe" wasn't what it was.  It was stolen so I couldn't protect myself with a lawyer looking into that bogus lab report and the lack of legal process given to my rape and smashed head.  I was never assigned a district attorney like a woman would have been.  If I had, the MRI's would have been sufficient to keep the case active.  What ensued was Jeffrey running around and telling witnesses to that crime to dummy up and shut their mouths.  "Don't talk to Kevin ever again," he told them.  They didn't.  Now they have their own legal problems.

Once again, last night, one of our employees was abused by Lori and Brian using number portability and Bitcoin.  Usually when this kind of thing happens, it's because I know the employee and Lori learns about them through me, but this time, it is clear that she and her friends did their own research by cyberstalking her text messages and joining a group on Groupme, where Lori learned about this employee's relationship with our owner.

The information used to defraud her was only something that Lori could have learned about through spoofed text messages where she pretends to be my boss and the employee.  For example, I've never talked to this employee before about her relationship with the boss.  So Lori knows nothing through me.  What the caller knew about this employee's relationship with the boss is that neither has ever met in person and that they've never spoken.  So Lori steals my boss' phone number with number portability, and calls the employee.  My boss, played by her brother Brian, says, "Hello employee, it's good to finally put a voice to your name.  I need you to go into the till and take out x-amount of money and go across the street to the Bitcoin kiosk and send it to me."  The employee, who has never heard my boss' voice was confused.  Brian, pretending to be him, got angry with her, "I do this all the time with the manager!  I need this done right now!"  The kind of stuff that intimidates the employee.  Of course, to make matters worse, Lori forwarded my manager's phone number too, so that if the employee had any questions about doing this, Lori would be right next to Brian answering the questions for the theft.

She complied, but was very upset, when the real boss found out that she'd done what the caller said.  She was in tears last night.  She could lose her job.  Once again, Jeffrey and his friends, stole from a business where I work, for Lori.

This shit is getting so old.  Lori's opinion was, "Well, that's her problem."  Really, what happened was that Jeffrey and all the operators of this system spent a week watching her set all this up and did nothing to stop them.  Not one fucking thing.  So a co-worker of mine is now stressed out and looks bad because Jeffrey can't get his shit together enough to stop the woman that raped his son.  I'm a different kind of person, I think that karmically, he's just bought his own family a whole lot of problems.  Someone will finally realize that you can steal from the Katzenberg's and they won't say a word about it.  Not a word.  This is far more important for a billionaire with endless assets than it is for me who has already lost my life savings to Jeffrey and his wife.  It's going to be a really bad energy for him for the rest of his life.  I won't help him and you know he's never been here to help me.  Apparently, he's just here to steal and help my rapist and her friends.

Stealing from my work.  Bitcoins?  This whole problem is all about Jeffrey's inability to prosecute the woman that raped his son AND shit all over his wife's floor after poisoning her food.  I hope you all can see what he's done to me.  He's singled out my family with no ties to this tech or Lori LaFond for torture.  He's even said he needed me to stay here for Lori to have someone to punish on a daily basis.  Jeffrey is a non factor for most, but for me, he's a thief that has put my life and my sister's in danger.  As proof, look at all the friends that fled Palm Springs, to get away from Lori and her friends.  Ask them, they'll tell you.

This isn't going to bother me any longer.  You all made your choices.  I know what you did to me and my family for decades before now and I know that you all will get everything you deserve.  If I am required to make sure that happens, I can guarantee you I will show you the same amount of respect you showed me.  I am no longer helping people that don't help each other.  Friendship is a two way street not just a toll road to Alice's hideaway.