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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Is Lori LaFond A Peeping Tammy? The Paraphilic Concerns For Psychologists That Have Observed Lori's Behaviors...


The whole concept of "Eye in the Sky" is one that we have dealt with for many years.  Honestly, I don't really believe that it is "Big Brother" that is watching us, I know it's "Little Sister" that's really involved instead.  Little Sister just spies on all of her older brothers and sisters until she has something she can use to tattle on them.  I'm sure that there isn't a single brother or sister of Lori's that would say that she is a private person that stays out of other people's business.

Globally, we are looking into other situations where this crime could potentially be an even worse case scenario.  We, Lori's rape victims, know all too well what happens when police officers get the wrong information or they are not well versed in legal procedures without Lori coaching them.  Lori, by the way, has no idea what she is doing and has asked cops to do things that they normally wouldn't do...for Lori.  The problem is this, what happens when a country has the ability to impose this kind of tech on their own people.  I can tell you that it leads to chaos and communication break downs...but in our case, it leads to a serial killer that likes to watch her own progress with her rape victims.

What is going to happen when communist countries or singular rule countries get ahold of this tech and start spying and manipulating their own people?  This crime turns into something even more horrific than it is for the victims of Lori's rapes here in Palm Springs.  It really goes Big Brother then, but Little Sister is practicing now for a future that she doesn't have...she'll die before this tech becomes mainstream is what my experts are telling me.  Lori says she is training the "next generation" for the "final solution".   To a history major, this is a sign of oppression to come that we have seen long before now.  WWII is based on genocide and becoming singular minded...that's not what God intended.  We have free will for a reason...taking that free will and turning it into a "world domination where everyone thinks as one person does" is a reversal of "free will" because it is based on respecting each other's individuality.  This is a problem for Lori because nobody agrees with her.  She thinks if her free will is to control everyone, then everyone should leaver her alone to do it without saying a word.

Thanks to the Police Chief and Lori's need for kiddie porn, she has already implanted a new generation of 20 year old's that will turn 30 in the next few years.  A whole new generation of rape victims that may or may not know they are HIV infected and implanted with a chip.  This should have been stopped for good when Anthony went to the police with kiddie porn visual confirmation.  The police chief wrote me and told me that Anthony was useless.  That's the most bullshit thing I've ever heard of.  Anthony was approached to market these illegal films and HE DOESN'T POSSESS CREDIBLE INFORMATION?  COME ON CHIEF REYES!!!