For everyone that didn't hear, Colton Underwood has come out. I am really proud of everyone that gets this opportunity to be their authentic self. We all know in our community that this is a process. A learning experience. My friends and I wanted to extend our friendship to Mr. Underwood here so that he knows that there are lots of kinds of guys that come's not as scary or as sinister as some people make it. This is life, a journey. Better that these revelations come at an age where love and friendships can be made with the people that he is attracted to...I'm reminded of my own experience.
I was definitely not as open as I could have been and played the "should I or shouldn't I" live a double life game for years. It wasn't that my mom and dad couldn't handle it, I don't think I was ready to handle it. When I did come out it was more of a question and answer session with my mom. I finally got fed up and said that I was took some time, but my mom still loved me very much; as did my father. That decision opened up my world. I lived in the gay neighborhoods of San Diego, Hillcrest/North Park/Golden Hill/ became a great learning experience. Good and bad...Andrew Cunanan to Lori LaFond, dating to long term boyfriends, love and loss...but mostly I learned that gay people were pretty good people to know. That means every letter. It took some time to get good with all that too...but I did.
My wish for Colton is true happiness. I was in a relationship with a woman in college, lived with her, worked with her, and just couldn't make that work. She wasn't the problem, I was. Now she and I are both happy people. She's still a good friend. Her now husband even lived with us for a while too. Good things happen.
Congratulations Colton, we are proud of your epiphany, but we want to help if we can too. Talk to Gusaroo and see what we are like. Offering our hands in friendship is part of the experience of being a good or otherwise.
What a terrific time to know who you are in this world.