All posts on this blog should be considered allegations. They represent my experiences and opinions alone. The information contained is for the victims of illegal remote neural monitoring. I seek a peaceful and non-violent solution to this crime. DO NOT commit any illegal acts because of this blog. This is for public safety and for warning about the crime that the police won't. Be SAFE, Be Aware...Law&Order only
Lori Jean LaFond, Lifetime Self Appointed Hall Monitor as Randall Weems in "Recess" - You Know Lori Has Always Loved The FIST-er!!!
In our case, Lori aka Randall Weems, is the tattletale, but she is also the one that started the food fight. Everything you need to know you can learn from "Recess" or "The Magic Schoolbus with The Frizz" either McKinnon or Tomlin's versions. Both!!!
Lori, I want to remind you that the kid's code of honor is the same as there is no honor amongst thieves...when the heat is on, they'll all tell on you.
(Yes, I know it's Finster, but Lori is more into a Fist than a Fin; every victim knows that's the truth!)
Remember Lori the rule in drug dealing is...
Go to jail
Stick your head
In a garbage pail"
- The Recess King
Snitches get stitches...but rats get trapped!!!
Today I was told that Lori's been talking to someone about the police and Lori's relationship...something about "a small problem" vs. "a big problem" AND about how Lori called Rae Fernandez, "her partner" and "her sister-friend". So I guess that Lori is squealing on Officer Rae Fernandez first!!!
In the meantime I ran across an article today about military experience and domestic terrorism. Lori Jean LaFond fits this profile too. Her experience with Remote Neural Monitoring came directly from her time as a dependent with the U.S. Marine Corps. Her father and mother participated in this program in the late 70's and early 80's which fits our timeline for Lori's life in Palm Springs, California. She tells everyone it was her "father's invention" but the truth is that Lori stole these computers and the devices used by the military to implant the lgbtq community and police officers. Nobody was implanted there outside of Bryan Anderson (who was also implanted by the USMC) until Lori Jean LaFond came to Palm Springs after 1985...the year she graduated! Check it, you'll find out I'm telling the truth!!!
I have one good solution...put Lori Jean LaFond's friends in prison with her. That should stop one extremist that has been committing domestic acts of terrorism and human experimentation for decades. This one is a no brainer!!! Show the military that this is not acceptable for anyone to do in the future with a nice long life sentence in a max security prison. The death penalty should apply.