Morally Conscious

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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Lori Threatening Financial Ruin of Anthony's Mother....Using Her Phone System To Charge Extraordinary Phone Bills To Anthony's Mom


This is Carmen Dell'Orifice not Anthon's mother...but this is who Lori says is Anthony's mom online. She is a real supermodel...but Anthony's mom is precious to us. 

I'm writing today for a friend's mom.  Lori Jean LaFond has been on the microphone trying to threaten the parents of my friends.  She does this all the time.  I don't like it.  It puts me in fear for their lives.  She's done this many times using my own shooting and brother in law's death as evidence of her strength and power.  That is also an admission to committing those crimes.

Right now she is using Anthony's mom's cell phone service to attach to someone's RFID chip from the computer she has at home.  The bills keep getting bigger and BIGGER and the phone company knows it.  The IP address is going to be found by authorities and Lori will be arrested but I wanted everyone to know that she keeps doing this to hurt Anthony for the movies Lori made with little boys.  Lori is afraid someone is going to find out.  Anthony was shown these videos so that he could market them for Lori.  When he saw the content, he was sick and told the police.  Lori intercepted his visit to the police headquarters with a cop that is implanted.  The Police Chief, Bryan Reyes did nothing and I have the emails from him lying about Anthony's visit.

Someone needs to take these computers from Lori and her  This is extortion and he doesn't deserve that.  His mother especially doesn't.  Anthony's mom lives in Colorado...out of state.  This must be in violation of federal laws.  It's time to stop Lori's terror and extortion.