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Friday, November 27, 2020

To Catch A Killer: Online Predators of Dating Websites Are Growing; My Idea To Make These Sites and Phones Safer


So, for a long time, I've backed off looking at this crime as a whole.  There is certainly the crime of human experimentation going on here and we know that it is highly illegal, but tonight I want to take a ground level look at how we can make it safer for people that date online to protect themselves against the growing number of predators on these sites.  I want to be clear here, I don't blame the victims or the websites for these crimes, times change and predators use what is available to commit these senseless acts of violence.  Obviously my first priority is the LGBTQ community at large.

In our case we have a girl that uses remote neural monitoring to gain access to our accounts.  She is also a sexual sadist with homophobic overtones.  In other words she spies on gay men and their sexual habits.  Before I came to the Palm Springs area and even a bit afterwards, I used online dating as a way to meet people.  I even met Christopher online and talked to him a couple of times before we met in person.  I've met some of the greatest friends I have online too, but that was 25 years ago and times have definitely changed.

It has really come to my attention lately that people that hate gays are being targeted on these sites because they can be lured, isolated, and injured or killed but the privacy laws still seem to protect the criminals which is why, I am sure, that the predators online have grown to the size that we see a case every couple of weeks now.  As gays, we know that there is a danger factor on these sites...but there is a sexual factor that seems to overcome that fear.   In the past, that may have been stupid but safer, but now it isn't.  There are way too many people out there that want to hurt gay men and women.

In our situation we have Lori Jean LaFond.  From my own personal experience she is fascinated with gay men and blonde women.  When she started following people around with this system there were no gay dating sites.  There weren't even a whole lot of laptop computers.  Everyone that was hooking up was doing it through chat rooms on AOL.  So while Lori was spying on what people were thinking about in Warm Sands, the computer industry grew.  In ten years lots of people were online and the dating online sites grew as did digital photography.  No longer did people have to have a photograph scanned into a computer for someone to see what they looked like.  It made the whole thing a lot easier.  Nowadays a dick pic is like sending a smiley picture on these sites, no judgment from me, but back then it was a lot harder to get this stuff online for dating.

Lori then could start gathering pictures of men and using them to create her own "gay male" profiles online.  That's how I first heard about the urban legend of Palm Springs, California.  I think my best recollection was hearing about a girl that liked to pose as a man online to invite someone HIV negative to a party where that person would get knocked out and infected with HIV.  I didn't know about the microchipping aspect then but it now makes much more sense.  Then I heard that this girl worked for the police, as little sense as that made, by selling drugs then turning these men in.  I had no idea at the time that I'd already been in her presence.  I was infected in 1987 while staying with a friend in Warm Sands, right across the street from where Lori's brother lived.  I wasn't using drugs or having unsafe sex, I was simply knocked out and implanted, of course, Lori already knew me from high school so I was like some kind of prize big game for her.  I would soon fall sick to the HIV and then would be followed everywhere from that time on.  Something else happened too.  Someone, I know now it was Lori, was talking to my friends, fraternity brothers and family.  Whoever it was, was using my thinking to tattle on me to people that were in my world.

The coincidences were happening at an alarming rate.  People would say and do things that they should have had no idea about.  Usually it was some kind of confrontation with me, but it was never something I could really explain.  Then it became such a hassle that I began keeping all of my thoughts to myself and paying better attention to what I let anyone else know.  It was about this time that my brother in law warned me about Lori LaFond keeping tabs on me and my sister.  He didn't like it either.  He just kind of gave me a head's up, but it came at the end of my living situation in Redlands with a former girlfriend of mine.  Actually, it was two of her friends that came over for a party that I didn't attend, that made the whole situation surreal.

Bear with me on this.  My then girlfriend and I worked at a restaurant together.  I bartended and she was a waitress.  I think I have a picture from that time...let me look.

Ah, success!  I found it.  Okay, so I was working as a bartender with my girlfriend, a waitress.  She and I were taking a photography class together at UCR.  She took these pictures as an essay for class about a day in the life of a waitress.  At any rate, we had lots of friends that worked with us.  One of her friends was Elaine.  Another student from UCR who had a boyfriend that I knew from fraternity stuff, Ashok.

At the time I was being stalked by a ton of people that would come into the restaurant while I was working.  I am the blonde guy above.  That's me bartending in 1991 or so.   I also began using crystal meth as a way to cope with the stress of being followed and the HIV test that I still couldn't believe was possible.  I'd not had sex or used needles.  To have a positive result seemed odd but I still lived my life like I was HIV positive.  Lori will say otherwise but she also said she knew "nothing about me since high school"  in court documents, so who will you believe?

Elaine and I were friendly but Elaine and my girlfriend were BEST FRIENDS.  So when my roommate/girlfriend decided to have a party at our place in Redlands, she invited her friends Elaine and Ashok.  I wasn't really feeling party mode at that time, so I went into my room, into my bathroom, and smoked meth.  Then I went out.  Okay so my doors were locked, my bathroom was locked, there was a guest bathroom in the hallway, but when I returned all the locks were unlocked and the meth I was using was on my bathroom counter....this was to let me know someone had found me out.   It was Elaine and Ashok!!!  I was offended that someone had been in my room and really offended that they would look for meth, find it, then leave it out.  I'm like the cleanest meth user ever.  I put everything away and hide it.

It wasn't a long time until I moved back home with the help of my sister and brother in law, but that is when I noticed that someone had been talking to my sister about me using meth.  In particular, smoking it.  The only people that I know of that knew this were Elaine and Ashok.  Maybe my then girlfriend/roommate, but she was dating the man she would eventually marry.

Here's where the coincidences happen.

Knowing that Lori always freaks out when I mention a girl I'm attracted to, my girlfriend, a real beauty pageant queen...I knew that somehow Lori LaFond was connected to that whole thing.  Remember, I know her from high school and she was the biggest tattle tale I'd known of.  Hearing my brother in law say her name, knowing that someone had spoken to my sister, Elaine and Ashok going way farther than I would have thought (we are friends btw) all seemed a bit too coincidental.  Then my girlfriend was getting married to my other roommate at the time.  I was invited and told her I would come.  When I showed, it was weird again.  Elaine, her maid of honor, made it a point to wait for me at the door then shuffle me into the room where my girlfriend was getting ready to be married.   I thought, "Why is this happening?"  I was cool with both bride and groom.  At that point I was living in San Diego and was being relentlessly followed.  All the way to the wedding....

Then something else happened.  Of course, by now, I was kinda thinking that Elaine and Ashok must have been approached by someone to do these things.  They are really nice people.  

So I'm living with my boyfriend by then and something else happened.  We lived in North Park in a really nice area and one of the houses across the street was vacant.  Believe it or not, all the way from Riverside, Elaine and Ashok, moved in as neighbors.  It's like one house across the street down.  I was like, "This is weird...what are the odds?"  Of course I was happy but I was still being followed and now these guys from college are right there again.  Then I came home from work one day and my former girlfriend, the one that got married, was sitting in my living room with my boyfriend of two years???  This is the kind of stuff that happens when Lori is following you.

If you know Lori you know she is constantly looking to cause a problem in your personal life.  Now, at the time, she was living in Palm Springs, California but you know that remote neural monitoring is done REMOTELY.  Watching what a person thinks can be done from any living room with the correct web address and with people that are implanted.  So the stalking with cars and people is as easy as knowing where a person lives then following them everywhere to take pictures and find information out for Lori while intimidating you.  For an alcoholic, this would cause drinking.  For a drug addict, drugs.  It's a very odd thing that someone would be paranoid to the point of drinking or drugging, so that they might become more paranoid and nobody would believe them.  That wasn't the case with me.  See my diaries.

So linking up gang/cause stalking with electronic harassment or remote neural monitoring is as easy as finding out who has an obsession with you as the target.  In our case, it is a heavily weighted homosexual vibe.  Lots of these men were online.  In Palm Springs where the online crown is severely smaller than cities like San Diego, Lori began to create online profiles that would make luring someone to their demise easier and easier.  Fake profiles was one thing,  She could also learn the passwords for implanted members' accounts then logon as them.  She could find out where people lived and where they went partying or for sex.  This made her think she could send police officers to wait outside of homes to bust the person she didn't like.  Jonathan was the victim of this crime and Lori planted drugs in his vehicle then called the police to arrest him when he left.  Jonathan didn't even know he had drugs, but the cop stopped him before he even went in the vehicle then opened his tailgate and went directly to where Lori planted drugs.  He didn't even search the rest of the truck.  Jonathan didn't even open his truck from the tailgate because it was broken.  So the cop just stopped him coming out of a gated complex, then searched his car, and found the drugs Lori planted.  It was a total set up.  At this particular location, it happened all the time.

This is what Lori's life has become.  It's not unlike high school where she would get drugs from her brother by blackmailing him about stealing these computers with her, so that she could sell the drugs at school or trade them for favors; most of the favors were violent or hurtful.  Lori usually would then call the parents of the people that Lori gave drugs to, just to get them in trouble.  This is the kind of life that Lori has led.  It's so odd that a drug dealing organization would be led by someone that is more into causing pain than she is about stealing drugs from people.  Lori's emphasis, I can tell you by experience, is to ruin relationships.  My sister has three or four that Lori involved herself in, I have many many more.  Lori uses propaganda and lies to try to distract people from who they really know.  She then also uses number portability to make her targets think things that aren't true, also a good device for luring people into danger.  

You see once, about 11 or so years ago, Lori procured the Himalayan's worth of crystal meth.  For most people this would seem a lot.  I've worked in federal court so the amount is big, but not the biggest by any account.  I likened the purchase to buying enough drugs for "entrapment" and to keep Lori's huge drug addiction going.  You see she could then use parts of her drug supply to put into people's homes or cars so that she could call the police on them and they wouldn't know about the drugs.  You know, the old, "Those aren't my drugs" defense?  I've heard it too and never believe it either, but this is Lori LaFond.  She's already done this to her two cousins Brian and his sister, since I've been here.  She can also put drugs into cars and keep a record of where it is so that if she needs to call the police she can.  Sounds farfetched, ask my team if she has done this in the last ten years?

So there are a lot of things that need to happen to stop this kind of predator.  We know that most aren't using remote neural monitoring but we also know that if Lori LaFond is doing this, even less sophisticated predators would be doing this too.  I propose that we start looking at making the process easier for detectives to find these predators.   My first thought was to work with the phone companies and web dating sites on a prior consent situation where, in cases of violent crimes being committed, the owner of the phone or the keeper of the online ad, can give consent to the providers to let someone open their account in the case of a violent crime to the user/phone owner.  I know I would give consent if it would deter predators from using these sites and I would rather a detective be able to open these accounts for information.  My proposal would be for the law enforcement community to be able to use these "unlock clauses" in the cases where a victim has given prior consent to having this done in case of a crime.  It would be easier and cost less, if the victim was able to do this in lieu of court proceedings that can take years or months.  In true crime, time is of the essence.  Predators move, but more importantly they kill again.

Law enforcement would then use the information for their investigation.  I think there are probably many pieces of evidence stored on devices in these online predator killers and on the victims' computers.  These two must connect at some prior consent is vital for time saving for the victim.  I would also add that some prosecutors or cops won't even try to unlock these phones or accounts because of the time it would take to have it done in court.  These are the cases of the gay victims and others.....we know in our case Lori used all stolen computers so some of the information is the user/owner, but much of it is stuff Lori has used herself since the theft.

Also the phones used for portability blanks are stolen.  So basically these phones belonged to someone else at some point and we can probably find that out, but getting into some of them would have been easier with prior consent.  Lori's crime is a crime of violence when you consider a rape occurs when she places a foreign object inside a person's body.  So, my thinking is that prior consent could be a major detractor for predators.  I've been thinking of others too.

As an advocate for every single gay man and woman that was living in Palm Springs from the late 1980's to now, I want everyone to know that there is a predator loose in our area.  You know her work.  She's caused all kinds of problems for the gay resorts in our area (I will also testify that I saw Lori LaFond there while she called herself "Jessica" to everyone) trying to shut them down for sex related crimes or drugs, she's also the one woman army that was trying to shut down the Gentlemen's bar in Cat City where she was once a "VIP" then kicked out for good.  She's the same girl I saw in high school and at Cathedral City Boy's Club, a gay clothing optional resort.  She is certainly the person my friend Steven was selling drugs to and bought her big supply from.  I'm sure if there was no chance of him being prosecuted, he would tell you he did that for Lori and her friends.  He didn't sell to them for the money, he was forced to sell to them or they would call the police on him; which they did many times until he was arrested and sent to prison.  I tried to avoid all of that for him too.  It was reported to my police contact before he went to jail.

You see there are drug dealers and there are people forced to sell drugs.  Lori steals from drug dealers then forces someone to sell drugs for her.  When it is convenient, like in Anthony's case, she'll use those drugs in a home with one of her friends to lure someone over, then call the police on the place and they arrest Anthony and the dealer.  The dealer in Anthony's case has police in his family so he gets dropped from the case entirely; and Anthony, the visitor to the home, got busted.  How is that fair?

It was all a game of portable phone numbers, lying texts, and Lori's need to hurt someone that saw her child porn movies and was not impressed by what he saw!  This was a warning to Anthony not to say anything about those movies, he tried, Lori intervened again and I still have the text from the Police Chief, Bryan Reyes, that lies about the entire encounter.  Did the chief send the message to me or was it Lori?  The chief needs to answer to this because Anthony was asked by the chief to come to the headquarters with this information, through me, an informant.  It's either a warning to Anthony or it was set up by Lori LaFond.  I know she does this because of what she did with the lab report from my rape.  Everything falls in favor of the girl that manipulates everyone's thinking.  Trust me, if the chief knew what Anthony had seen was real and true, he would be furious with Lori LaFond.  I've seen some too.  Lori is a very bad person in these videos.  Her hatred is never better seen and heard.  It's sickening.

Now it's been over ten years since we reported those kiddie porn films.   I want justice for those kids and their families.  Can you imagine your 12 year old son is knocked out, raped, and implanted, then comes down with HIV?  I mean come on...this isn't hard.  When a kid gets an STD alarm bells should be going off everywhere!!!  This chief is under some assumption that Lori and I are former friends, um, that's not the case at all.  I'm the kid she bullied for being gay in high school.  That is the extent of our friendship that doesn't exist.  I never had a thing to do with this tech.  Nothing.  Simply a person she implanted and hung up as a poster child.  You've seen the postcard right?

Yes, that's my face, after the rape this was a postcard sent to the home I lived in.  I'd already been to the emergency room twice for MRI's that were shown to me as x-rays.  I'd already been accosted at my apartment when I reported the rape to Officer Kelley Fieux.   So the rape was reported.  On this system Lori told me she'd taken pictures of me at the rape with a child in bed with me.  Then this card shows up and there actually was a picture from the rape.  Leading me to believe that there could have been a picture with a child while I was knocked out...I didn't remember this being taken and there it threat is real at this point.  There are diary entries about being told that she'd taken these pictures...and you can read how upset I was about it there.

So you can see that Lori isn't exactly as "not involved" as she says she is.  This whole thing needs to be discovered and taken down but predators in the future are here to stay unfortunately.

For me, this postcard sent to me as the victim of a horrible gay bashing, was more like this:

You see when I got this postcard, this is the MRI from the hospital, and I was about two month after the rape.  So the postcard may have looked like a man getting punched to you, but to me it looked like above.  The MRI is about four days after the rape, I couldn't bear the pain in my head.  There is another MRI from the day or two after the drugs she knocked me out with wore off.  My brain is swelling and you can see the cracks forming to adjust for the swelling.