Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Queen Mal-Sniff-A-Scent. aka Lori Jean LaFond Hopes You All Are Thankful For Her!


You know I've been patiently waiting for someone to figure out that you can't do what Lori has done for so long to so many without the help of a lot of people...whether they were aware they were helping or not.  My opinion of this situation is that there is an evil serial killer out there that thinks of herself as some kind of self appointed "Queen of Gay Men"; if you are a guy, this is offensive...same for the letters of our community.  Lori isn't some kind of queen, she's a tweaker with a big mouth that has way too much help because of the extortion and bribery that she has from her past.  So how do we dethrone the queen?

"They think of me as some kind of deity...", Lori Jean JUST said to me!  I can't think of one single person that thinks that, AT ALL!  In fact what they do think about Lori is far far from god's much less than she thinks.  She's an evil person, but just a person.  I've pretty much seen her handy work since I was a little kid.  There were a lot of mistakes made in how she was able to use this technology and self appoint to the position of head bitch in charge of the police.

A deity.....?

Yeah, I know what she thinks she looks like to everyone, but the reality is that everyone just ends up thinking the police are dirty and that they employ really negative and illegal tactics just to have the gay community suffer in Palm Springs, California.  She isn't a deity, she's a piece of shit.  I don't worship people that act like that.  I worship God, that would be against my religious beliefs.  No, what Lori is, is a tattletale that rapes and kills.  This is how she "gets rid of her victims".  She either makes them disappear with the penal system or they die of diseases that she gives them.  A deity doesn't do that.

This is basically a homeless girl that squats in locations that she has run people out of.  She's diseased and disgusting.  The police chief needs to take a read of the first crime lab report then understand who he let loose on society.  This is a serial killer, a biological serial killer that refuses to get treatment for her own diseases even when they are free and could save her life.  She thinks of her blood as poison that she creates.  It fits directly with what the lab reports.  Frozen blood is premeditation.  When it ends up in the arse of a gay man, it's an attempted murder, and that skull MRI is proof that Lori wasn't there for a social visit!!!

A deity?  Not hardly!!!  She's a monster.  She makes Aileen Wournos look like she was selling girl scout cookies on a Sunday.  Lori is death in a body.