Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

COVID-19 and HIV: Why One Virus Should Teach People About The Other


One thing that I hope comes from all of this social distancing and mask wearing during a pandemic is a greater understanding of HIV and how to prevent getting it until there is a cure.

Certainly, right now, if you could take something that would prevent you from getting Covid-19 you would be lining up at the pharmacy waiting for the shot.  The unfortunate side of this with HIV is that THERE ALREADY IS THIS KIND OF PREVENTION AVAILABLE  for HIV.  People need to understand that the HIV virus can be completely avoided simply by taking PReP and PEP: one if you already have the virus and one to keep yourself from getting it.

You do realize that in England the death rate, which was already smaller than ever from HIV went from about 2100 deaths to about 1200 in one year, and the amount of new infections for people on these drugs is about zero.   This is because we have the answer for people and HIV, but not enough people are taking it prior to exposure to prevent themselves from having the disease; these transmissions are also only possible because people, like Lori, living with the disease aren't taking the meds either.  You can't transmit something you don't have, so now the responsibility is not just with the HIV infected, it's with the not infected too.

We need to show everyone that the end of HIV is possible, but there have to be people out there spreading the correct news, not just the disease.  Either way, if you do or do not have the virus there is a treatment or a prevention for both.  Nobody ever has to get HIV again...and that is good news for all of us!!!