Morally Conscious

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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Intentionally Spreading Disease Is Lori's "Favorite Thing"!

I can't believe the state of emergency we are all involved in now!  Seems odd to me that a flu virus has been so well publicized and someone like Lori LaFond with just about every disease known to humankind, has been intentionally spreading HIV and tuberculosis now for years and years.  Have you ever encountered her?  She's constantly trying to infect other people with coughing, wheezing, sneezing, not to mention putting frozen blood up my ass.

The thing about pandemics is this...viruses and bacterias adapt to human beings.  I should know.  I've had HIV since 1987 when Lori gave it to me.  That doesn't make me an expert, but it does make me good at knowing how diseases like the coronavirus work.  I also know that someone like Lori is reveling in this latest crisis.  She's sick and refuses to get tested simply because she knows that the HIV virus and her tuberculosis will keep her off of the computer indefinitely.  Someone, like me, needs to call her on this...and I am ready.  I want her to get tested and treated because she lives around me and my family.  I can't transmit the disease, I've been taking the current HIV meds for over 15 years now, so she has lost her ability to tell people that I am the person that spread it.  I wouldn't, couldn't and would never try it.  I would be mortified to think that someone else got HIV from me, not the case with Lori.  I think she believes that people will think that Lori slept with them.  In my case, definitely not true.

I was infected without any contact with Lori, yet I have her HIV.  They can tell.  Lori doesn't want her mother or sister to tell anyone that they also know Lori had HIV before I came in contact with her while sleeping at a friend's home.

Now we are in the midst of quarantine for a virus that people get very easily.  I think most people that have the coronavirus will be able to understand how we, the victims of Lori, feel.  Through no fault of their own, these people are now suffering from a deadly virus that they don't know where it came from.  It's not because they were promiscuous, or using needles, someone had it and passed it on.   It's is irresponsible of Chief Reyes to allow Lori to continue to spread disease through her frozen blood.  He should have known better.  What I am concerned about is that so many people have been infected by her and she is afforded a place to stay to mutate her own viruses and bacterias into another pandemic type germ.  These little monsters get stronger over time and the way Lori self medicates, it is no wonder that she posses the "power to kill" with her own bodily fluids.  Not remarkable.  Every untreated HIV patient has that ability, most of us are not that irresponsible.

While there are quarantine options available right now the six of the people living with Lori could be put away in a place of sterilization so that nobody else gets sick.  Why isn't that the best option?  Lori feels like she shouldn't have to be tested, but she certainly loves it when one of her victims does.  She's all for us finding out what she did to us, but boy is she afraid of having her DNA matched to criminal databases and HIV strands that shouldn't be where she's been. 

Lori's newest profiles online say she is some kind of media consultant in the greater Los Angeles area.  Funny, she lives right down the street from me and she must commute a Hell of a long way for that non-existent job.  Come on mom and sister, she's hiding out.  Drugs are not media and the only consulting she's doing is with a needle every minute of the day.

Think about what Lori does intentionally then think about how AIDS and Coronavirus are different.  We can prevent one, but the other is passed anonymously like Lori used to do in the early 1990's and with an unconscious man.  Come on everyone, Lori is a disaster waiting to infect you.