Morally Conscious

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Monday, August 20, 2018

AT&T, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Terror In The Gay Community

"You work so much harder than the other two," Missy Pissy told Jeffrey Katzenberg while living and working with him in his son's home.   Just prior to ending his partnership with DreamWorks Animation, Jeffrey was under the control of a woman that knew that David Geffen and Steven Spielberg were both fans of this project and not the approach that Jeffrey was taking with it.  Mr. Geffen is an icon in the gay community and Steven Spielberg, arguably the finest director of our time.  When Jeffrey's love became animation the three built a beautiful new facility in Pasadena, California...the finest in the world.   But something happened.  Heretofore thrilled with the new animation facility, Jeffrey became upset with the other two.  Why?  They didn't agree with him on some China deal and this project.  You don't cross Jeffrey twice.

It was around this time that Missy Pissy had her claws into Jeffrey as deep as she could get them.  My project had already been hijacked by the arrival and back stabbing of Bessie Smith, David and Missy Pissy who somehow convinced Jeffrey that his son wasn't as important as they were.  That is one serious piece of work.  How do you tell your son that the chicken hawk that left him to get molested is now your new roommate.  Additionally, Missy Pissy is now in control of all the decisions that are made and will now begin calling the parents of the victims to keep them quiet.

Remember, this entire system is based on access to the Verizon Wireless system, right?  Okay so then comes the radical and stupid decision for Jeffrey to leave DreamWorks because he is so much smarter and works so much harder than his partners.  Um, that's what the not talented producer end of this business is.  Jeffrey isn't an actor.  He's not a director.  He is a financier for these project through companies that he's worked with.  He's suppose to work that hard.  The other two have worked that hard to earn their reputations as the fine men they are.  The "K" in SKG, is silent for a reason.

So after taking a huge amount of money when he left the trio, Missy had accomplished her goal.  Steven Spielberg and David Geffen support my project but they sure as Hell didn't support Lori or Missy or David or Bessie.  They were interested because of the work that I've done and others did.  You don't cross Jeffrey twice.

It wasn't long afterward that we learned of Jeffrey's new venture...a streaming service for old television shows and crap like that.  WndrCo, is "wonder company", which, since leaving DreamWorks has found investors in the amount of over a billion dollars in investments.  The thing is, all of this was happening after Missy Pissy and David were thrown out of their house that Jeffrey owned so that they could live with Lori LaFond.  This was the same plan he had the entire time the knife was still wet with blood from my back...just like Steven and David.

This, by the way, was the same time that he "instructed" Missy, David and Bessie as to how to steal money from a bank account that had my name and my mom's on it.  Now, Jeffrey allegedly says he told the trio not to do it, but at the same time, he instructed them on how TO do it without technically breaking the law.  It was a humdinger of a plan too.  First, make Kevin's mom look mentally incompetent.  Jeffrey hands over a list of doctors that looked at his OWN mother, someone he'd done this to before.  Nice kid huh?  My mother was devastated as my sister took her to appointment after appointment looking for any doctor that would find a problem with her.  There wasn't.  
Then, after you decide that Kevin's mother is "mentally incapable" of managing that bank account, have his sister put her name on the account and have her withdraw the money.  Why did we need a third name on the account that held my money?  We didn't.  If my mother was truly mentally incapable, I was already on the account where I stored my income and money to leave this area for good.  I needed to hire an attorney and I needed medical insurance.  The money in the account was all mine.  I earned every single penny of it.  Eight very long years of saving this money and stashing it where Lori couldn't get to it, made it compelling drama for Dave, Missy and Bessie Smith.

Bessie, who knows my sister but has never told her the truth, sets up a meeting between my sister and David and Missy who convince her to withdraw the money and give it to them.  Why? Who the fuck knows what the real reason was, but the truth was that the trio wanted to steal it for Lori and Brian.  The other truth was that if this happened there was no way for me to legally recover the money that was stolen from the bank.  If Lori, Missy, Bessie or David stole it directly from the bank, then the bank would have covered the loss.  So once Bessie cons my sister out of my bank account they gave the money to Jeffrey for safe keeping...and he's had it ever since.  He can raise a billion dollars for a start up, but he can't give me back my money?  What is the scam.  

Well, I can tell you this.  Both my mother and sister lied to me about the money being missing and acted like it never was there.  Missy, Bessie and David convinced my sister and mother to lie to me after years and years of saving every penny I could.  Jeffrey, knowing that I was using that money to safeguard myself from being stuck in this Hell hole, stole the money....and he kept it for himself.

Forward to now.  You do realize that a streaming service needs satellite support if you want it to stream properly on hand held devices, needed a carrier.  Knowing that Verizon is part of this crime and how he knows about who is on my bank account, decided that WnderCo would use AT&T.  Arguably not a big and certainly not as good with coverage.  This decision is based on the knowledge that Verizon has a huge problem with membership data being stolen by his good friend Missy Pissy and Lori LaFond.  They're doing it right now.  If the rest of my friends stopped listening to Jeffrey and ended this crime, Verizon stands to lose a ton of money.  So Jeffrey used information gained by this crime, to secure AT&T  instead of Verizon.  This isn't the first time he's screwed me either.

When Ken Frank was logging into Jeffrey's database of unreleased movie of which I have about seven, I called DreamWorks and let him know that I saw Ken logging into this database and downloading all kinds of movies that hadn't even hit the movie theatres.  The call potentially saved this man millions of dollars in revenue...maybe more.  Do you think that Jeffrey or his wife had one kind word to say to me?  Not at all.  Jeffrey simply used that information to change his password and he went along his merry way, but I have the proof.  I still have all kinds of movie pre-final edit, which means I have movies that don't even have the same scenes in them as the one that finally got released in the theaters.   This is also illegal by piracy laws and others.  Jeffrey used me to save his movie database without a word of thanks.

Then there was all of his stolen items that were left in storage reported stole by Marilyn and Jeffrey Katzenberg.  I found those too.  I even helped his son positively identify his own rapist.  Not one squeak came out of his mouth.  Nothing.  Like an iceberg he acted.  His wife too.

The decision to throw Missy and David out did not include Bessie Smith.  I think it is because she is far more valuable as a friend of my sister than the other two.  Now that the money that they took from my bank account is gone for good, Jeffrey needs to keep my sister blind long enough for Lori and Brian to strike.  How do I know that?  Simple, the home that Bessie, Missy and David were living in, owned by Jeffrey, was offered to my sister to live in because Lori forced her to move.  Lori has keys to that home, so my sister would have been raped within days.  Not that sending Missy Pissy or David to her home was safe in the first place.  One sliding door left unlocked by David would have allowed Brian to enter my sister's home and place the knock out drugs anywhere she would intake them.  I should know, they've done it to me enough times.

Basically, Jeffrey was allowing Missy, David and Bessie to set up my sister to get raped.  Now that she's seen Missy and David, she can identify them which makes her a huge problem for Lori, Brian and Jeffrey.  So not only did they try to get her to move into a set up, now they have a reason to silence her.

All courtesy of Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenber who, in the nearly two years since Missy and David left have done nothing but raise funding for a start up leaving the rest of us to wonder, "If he's starting a new business venture, the last thing on this Earth that he's going to do is shine light on what he's been involved with since he got here."  In other words, the Katzenbergs have lied to the parents of all my friends saying that they alone would help "Kevin" which isn't allowed by Missy Pissy.  When the truth is this man has now scammed all of us again under the guise of helping the victims.  He's a liar.  He's a baby.  He pouts and acts like nobody else can have a good idea but him.  Remember "Kung Fu Panda" Jeffrey???  I do.  You didn't get a no from your partners, who turned out to be 100% correct, you got a wait for a while and see.  That won't work for someone like Jeffrey and especially when you have Missy Pissy stroking his ego telling him how much harder he works than the world's best director and one of the gay community's finest role models.

This two year hiatus from this project was a waste of our time.  Jeffrey is only looking for information to further his career.  He isn't working on this project for the victims, he's here to vulture all of us.  Steal everything he can and leave.  He put more effort into stealing my money than he ever put into solving this crime.  He's not likely to do it now anyway.  It's time for a new course and a different way of dealing with him, his wife and unfortunately his son.  Not one shred of what he's done on this wire was agreed to by me.  He used it without my permission to steal information that led to the draining of my bank account.  Now that he's got both my sister and mother lying to me...he thinks he's smart.  Asshole.

My family has never taken a dime from me in the past without telling me.  What I ran into when I asked about that account was a fierce mother bear of a sister denying anything to do with it.  I do know one thing though.  Limp wristed David pretending to be a faggot, showed both my brother in law and sister pictured of his one of a kind Bentley.  Um, David can't buy a burrito...and he owns a Bentley?  Let's face it folks the picture was used to sell the scam and I'm offended that David had to act like a big old fag to do it.  My brother in law almost knocked his block off.  If he finds out what David, Missy and Bessie did, he might just do it anyway.  He's kind of protective of me.

So if any of you were wondering when Jeffrey was going to get around to following through with his promises...take a vacation and move somewhere else.  It ain't gonna happen thanks to his good old pal Missy.  The fucking cunt that never leaves anyone alone.  I hope Steven Spielberg and David Geffen read this.  She said you two don't work very hard...that's the biggest amount of crap there ever was.  They support the gay community and aren't looking to start a billion dollar start up while they are lying about ending this crime.  He used me again...but it won't ever happen a third time.

I'm ready now. 

The gay community deserved so much better than what he did to us.  What he came here to do, he's done.   He's ruined my mom's mental health.  He's ruined my relationship with my sister.  He's ruined my relationship with Christopher.  He's ruined my friendships with his lies.  He's been the ogre that he fictionalized in his own move, Shrek.  What he's doing is making money off of the victims of this crime.  If he isn't then why after ten years hasn't he stepped up?  When Missy left he had two years to do anything but sit around.  Instead he threw himself into a new company and told the rest of us to fuck off.  Thanks Jeffrey, glad you aren't my father, but I am certain that there will be other fathers that are going to love having a conversation with you!!! I'll be sure to point them in your direction Marilyn.

Lori steals money from poor people that she devastates and give HIV to.  Jeffrey uses me to safeguard his business and to look out for what could happen with investors if he works with the wrong ones.  He's used our community for the last time. His own son must look at him and think, "My father is the biggest asshole I've ever heard of."

At this point it would be smarter not to contact Benjamin or Martin while they are living and working with Jeffrey and Marilyn.  What will happen to you is not something that I would wish on any victim of this crime.  I'm living a complete nightmare that he created.  What I didn't need was exactly what he and his wife delivered.  What he did to my sister and mother, unforgivable.  He sat and watched Lori destroy her second marriage...and said nothing when he grabbed the check out of her hands so he could laugh at her when she walked out the door.  He took a widowed single mother of two, grandmother of four, and completely turned her against me.  It was calculated and it was done on purpose.  He has no need for $30,000, but it is the most satisfying scam he's ever done.  Stealing from an old woman and her beaten down daughter...and he knew that Lori had done all these things to my father, my brother in law and me.  Heartless, cruel and criminal.  Personally, I hope he gets the chair.

I wanted to do something extraordinary for the LGBTQ community, I ran into an asshole that lied.  I've had this really strong feeling about being someone that was know for caring about's important to me.  Everything, and I mean every god damn thing, I wanted out of this project is now shredded.  It's ruined.  There is no way to fix what Jeffrey destroyed.  He's taken every single thing that I asked his son not to do, and did every god damn one of them.  Sometimes twice.  I told him not to put my family in danger and that's just where he put them.  Him and his two drug addicted partners.  They'll burn in Hell before either one of them gets any credit for helping any of the victims of this crime.  Next stop Steve Fabian.

So, yeah Moneyballs, he's still fucking with me, my sister and my mother.  Your friend is a real shady character.  That's the nice way of putting it.