Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

New Year, New Attitude: Let Me Begin With An Apology

You know something?  I wanted to make sure that this new year, 2019, starts with a new attitude.  I want everyone to be sure that I come from a place of love and light.  To some of you that may seem odd, but to my friends, it's what I have always said.  I believe in love and light.  My life has no place for hate and darkness.  So I want to issue a blanket apology to the Katzenbergs and to anyone else that I may have offended on this blog.  I don't mean to offend, I mean to enlighten.  This is a place for my friends and their parents to come and find out about electronic harassment in Palm Springs, California.  This isn't a place to air dirty laundry, it's a place to wash it c clean.

I live in a world where a stalker pretends to be my friends, their parents and law enforcement.  She is neither a friend or family member of mine.  My experience has taught me that if I am friendly with people, she goes after them by phone, text or email either as herself or as someone close to the person that I am friends with.  I want to be clear.  I don't have the ability to be someone else, I am me.  That's the only person I can be.  I have to live in this body that my stalker has treated like a switchboard and like a human experiment.  I want to bring light and love to that experience too.  It can all work better if we make a bigger effort.

I also want everyone to know that I will take responsibility for anything that I've said on here and will back it up with as much proof as I can.  We all know that this is a crime that has no end in hate.  Only with love will we find the ending.  I will do whatever I can to make it better and make it up to the people that I have upset.  It is my responsibility to become a better I will.

I also wanted everyone to know that I will try not to mention my friends' parents any longer on this blog because I think that our stalker has caused them enough problems without my adding to them by being critical of their actions.  People make decisions based on their experience.  They need the space and time to make that change.

I don't need to make any excuses for who I am or what I've said.  If it was wrong I will apologize.  In the meantime I'm trying to keep my family safe from someone that I have experience with.  She's a liar, she's a killer and she needs to be in a place where she can't harm anyone else.  I do not owe her an apology nor will she ever get one from me.  I have a family responsibility to my sister and her kids to get to the bottom of this situation and I will succeed.  In that regard I don't need anyone else helping this monster to hurt anyone else in my family.  We have little kids that she has, as recently as last night, threatened.  These are two and five year olds people.  They don't need someone coming around and trying to ruin their lives.

They are already short a father and grandfather...this situation can still be resolved with peace and love.  I will never allow this person and her brother to talk about us again without seeking further justice from the law enforcement that I have been in contact with and others.

I do feel extorted, but the circumstances surrounding that situation are something for someone else to decide.  I need to be who I am all the time.  There is no reason why I can't use this blog as informational and as an aid to anyone that is being harassed anywhere.  It is my intention to use this blog as an informant, witness and victim of this crime.  Anyone that would try to stop me would be guilty of witness tampering and that's the law.