Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

LGBTQ Hate Crimes and Pride: Why I'm Never Going To Be Unhappy To Be Gay

One really terrific thing about being the victim of this crime that I am, is that I realize what our community is like with people like me.  They will love away the pain, the hurt, the anger and the tears.  We have a very unique minority that knows hate crimes better than just about any minority.  We rally around the victims of these crimes and wrap our arms around them.  We nurture their pain into strength.  No longer do we cower in fear that we can't go place and talk about what has happened.  We stand up and support each other.

As a minority, we have more homicides than any other minority...the percentages are much higher in the LGBTQ community.   To stop this I have put together a team of Lori's victims and their families that will fight for justice until this girl never sees another computer screen again or the sunshine of freedom for the rest of her life.

I don't like being a "living" Matthew Sheppard, but I'll tell you there is a responsibility for those of us that were almost beaten to death by hate to stand up and tell people about the experience so that nobody else will get harmed.  You can say what you want about a man being raped by a woman, but in the end the law says a person was raped by another person or people.  It doesn't matter what Lori had conditioned the police to think about someone.  All that matters is that we can prove that Lori was there, she participated and she did all kinds of things to cover it up.  The mistakes she made, for me, aren't a surprise.  She's not smart, she's well connected.  This is something she flatly denied under oath and penalty of perjury.

So while I'd rather that Lori never touched any of my friends, especially Christopher, I'm glad that we've survived long enough to tell the story about the girl in Palm Springs that likes to rape gay men for pleasure and profit.

I will continue to say "victim" of this crime until there is an arrest.  Once we have that secured, I will then be a "survivor".  To survive Lori LaFond, I can only tell you that the truth has been essential.  I told the truth the entire way through that rape investigation farce and I continue to tell the truth today.  I know Lori's voice when I hear it.  It sounds like a violent person that hates gay people.  Look at that restraining order...she is adamant about not being a lesbian, but she isn't saying that she's heterosexual either.  She doesn't like the label of the clothes she's wearing, but she's still wearing them.  Only a homophobic person would have filed such a bogus piece of garbage.

Unfortunately, Lori represents the worst the LGBTQ community has to offer, even if it mean that she hates her brother so much that she lies about him to everyone.  He's no angel, but she drives the train down the track of hate.

I am extremely proud to be gay.  I wouldn't change who I am or what my sexuality is even if I could.  There was a time when I thought I could do that, that is what we all got through for the most part.  Then I learned about who I was and became even more proud of myself despite all the shit Lori was doing in the background.  I'm sure that Bryan Anderson heard it from Lori first.  Just like so many other people that she ran around to and spread rumors about.  I've heard all about it from my friends too.  They knew more about me than they ever let on.  I've heard the stories that Lori's made up too.  I can tell you that they aren't true, but this isn't just about me.  It's about all the people that she spies and lies about.

How can someone that doesn't know any of these people tell people all about them.

Lori is a gossip and a liar.  She needs no more attention from me.