Morally Conscious

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Saturday, September 1, 2018

Should Anyone Living With Lori LaFond Be Out In Public???

By a showing of hands, how many of you out there are concerned that six people live in one tiny house and at least one of them has active tuberculosis?  You can open every window in the house and wear masks all you want, the fact is that tuberculosis is a killer when left untreated, especially in HIV patients.  This is still summer in the desert, air conditioning or fans are probably the worst thing in the universe to help spread this disease.  

In cases where people are diagnosed with active TB, they are quarantined, mostly because it is very hard to avoid infection when living in close proximity to the person that is active.  This is an airborne bacteria that gets on nearly everything and can infect a person easily.  Annually tuberculosis kills 1.4 million people a year simply because they don't get tested and treated.   It is by far the worst of the epidemic causing diseases and is found mostly in countries with extreme poverty.

I find it odd that both HIV and Hep C were the weapons mainly used by the RFID Rapist, and now one is completely manageable and the other is curable.  Tuberculosis is also curable, but it is necessary to isolate and treat the individual with as little contact with others as possible.  You know what I think is odd?  Both Missy and David moved into that home after Lori spent years living there and knowing that she or her brother or both have active tuberculosis.

The treatment has to be quarantined because of the high risk factor of reinfection with others around.  I should know, I lived in an apartment complex where the four main cottages were treatment homes for people with active tuberculosis.  Nobody ever went inside the cottages.  Instead all contact was at the front door for medications and meals.  Nobody ventured inside and the patients could not leave the facility.  It's a very scary disease.  I would go to sleep at night hearing all four cottages coughing all night long.  

I love that science is catching up with the RFID Rapist's disease spreading body.  As I have stated before, I've been told that Lori loves to go to a target's home.  Cough and wheeze all over their bathroom hoping that the person will get the same disease that she gives them.  That way the person whose home she was infecting, will get whatever she has, then go to a doctor and get medication.  After that person gets the medication it is just a matter of time before Lori has her brother go back to the home to steal the prescription.  Hundreds of medication bottles have been we know who she stole these from.  If these men have what she has, this is an indication that they may be RFID victims too.  Just look at the prescription bottle label.  You'll find out where Lori and Brian have been.

Most popular for Lori and Brian to steal are antibiotics like Bactrim that kill the staph infections that Lori and Brian get.  You see, they live in such filth that once they have killed the staph infection, they forget to clean and disinfect their squat houses, so they reinfect themselves.  The cycle is passed on to her housemates too.  If Lori can't find someone like me to infect and keep an eye on, she then turns to infecting her roommates.  Nice huh?  She tells them that they have to go get medicine and pay for it but give Lori half of the medication.  Isn't that slick?  There is nothing like being treated like a lab rat, constantly being used for a personal science project for Lori's STD's.  It's horrible.

Using people like a test strip with an insurance card is humiliating and expensive.  Lori knows she's infected with something that makes her cough and break out in staph infections, at the very least.  Infecting other people is like inciting a riot, or spreading an infectious disease intentionally.   People died because of her need for them to get medicine for her to steal.  It's a sad racket.

So I ask you, should six people be living in a home so that they can go out and spread this disease hoping that they'll find someone they can use to treat them with?  Six infected people living in one a dynamite stack of deadly disease waiting to go off. They have to eat, so they have to be having contact with someone in the public.  I've seen Lori at functions with food being served.  It's nasty to think that you know something is wrong and you can't really say anything because you know Lori will go off!!!  The truth is that I wanted to tell everyone, "Don't eat the food...someone here has tb!"

We can't allow our investigation to outweigh the public health.  It's important to take what we know.  Justice means that these suspects have to live...for their day in court.

I will suggest this, if you do come into contact with Lori or one of her friends, you get sick, immediately go to the hospital at the first sign...don't wait.  The staph related pneumonia is the killer in this rapist's arsenal.  The faster you get seen, the faster they can get to the pneumonia.  The other factor to consider is the HEP C and what it can do to your liver prior to treatment.  If your liver gets too badly damaged, some HIV medications may not be able to be prescribed.  You must cure the Hep C...and make sure they test you for TB and the Bacterial staph!!!  It's so important.  I've been hospitalized twice with this pneumonia!  It feels like a knife going through your chest to your back.  This has to be seen right away and treated with Cipro...a constant drip.