Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

How Many Inches Does Lori Need? If It's Just One, Maybe That's Why Junior Gets The Job Done? Ya Think?

First of all, not one of you should be giving Lori an inch.  A snake only needs so much room to escape.  I've heard Lori talking so much trash lately that I've blacked most of it out.  For me, an informant wearing a wire, this is tedious work.  I am constantly being monitored for quality assurance, but the truth is that I've just found a way to take Lori's system and use it against her.  It took very little convincing to find people around her that were willing to defect.  There are so many times where Lori has nagged and threatened a person to help her by committing some stupid criminal act, then she uses the act against them like blackmail.

It's a lot like, "Here, you told me to steal this for you or you'd tell my family my secret.  Now don't bother me again."  To wit Lori would respond, "If you won't help me do something else, I'll have to let someone know that you stole it and I got it back for them."  That's the kind of thing that makes people around you not want to be there.  It's the kind of thing, that, over time, can build up a resentment.  A resentment can turn into anger.  Anger can turn to frustration and then you have found the right person to contact inside Lori's organization.  You see, it doesn't really take that long to find someone that doesn't like Lori.  Usually the only problem is that they think her  name is Jessica.  I've heard Lori has a fake id with "Jessica" on it.  Maybe even more.  This is why most of us know Lori as someone else.  Would you tell anyone your true name if you were ripping off drug dealers and throwing them in jail?

I knew who Lori was "back in the day", she's no different now than she was then.  Now she has many more years of experience being mean to someone, but she also has earned a bad reputation for doing so.  You see, you can only burn the police so many times.  You can only impersonate the district attorney so many times.  You can only call the Commissioner's secretary so many times before your attitude and the "story" gets all too familiar.  Lori is a creature of habit and anger.  Her frustration at not being able to get something done that a police officer can, is something that really pisses her off.  So rather than accept that she doesn't qualify to do what she does, she pretends to be that person on the phone.  After all, she's spied on enough cops to know what to say, even if she doesn't understand what it requires or means.  Her understanding of the law is "If I call Commissioner Bests' secretary, I can get the Commish to have anyone arrested that I want."  So when the police refuse to arrest someone, Lori goes over their heads.  Like some kind of supervisor.

I can't imagine how many times people from the courthouse must have called that police department to talk to someone that had no idea about what the call was regarding.  If someone pretends to be an officer in a case and gives the wrong information or requests that they be handled "in a special way", then someone is going to find out about it.  There will be a person blamed that had no idea that Lori was using them, there will be a secretary or a district attorney, that will swear she spoke to this officer, but nobody knows why the two have no idea what the other is talking about.  I think Bryan Anderson knows what this is like, doesn't he?

In Bryan's case, the district attorney okay'd a sting operation using questionable methods, but when Bryan did the operation and people were upset, he said that a district attorney okay'd it.  Wanna bet that the district attorney that gave him the ok was a female?  I'll bet she sounds a lot like Lori LaFond on the phone too.  The thing is that if he gets a message that says "do it this way" from a district attorney, and the district attorney (a female) was used by Lori, then she would have no idea what Bryan was talking about.  Men had to register as sex offenders because of that.  Bryan got blamed for the whole thing.  Someone said there was a video tape of him saying some kind of slang about "cocksuckers" but no tape ever surfaced.  Lori's done that one to me before too.  I still have a CD that Lori LaFond claims that I say all kinds of things that I've never said.  Only problem is that the disc, doesn't play.  She relied on evidence that doesn't can't because I never said it.  So then she tells people what the message said even though she can't back it up.  That's just a lie.

I'll bet you that when Lori spoke to Bryan using this device, she told him all about what was happening in Warm Sands.  She probably told him that the police needed to "do more" if they wanted arrests.  Bryan probably said, no, I'd need to get approval from a district attorney, Lori pretended to be one...and all of a sudden the police are doing what Lori told them to do, legal or not.  Where's the videotape?  The funny thing is, again, who did Lori make take the fall?  Why it was her four year boyfriend that did it...Bryan Anderson.  So Lori gets the arrests, Bryan goes through Hell, the men get convicted and then Bryan gets in trouble.  It's a win win for Lori, but the district attorney looks like a liar, Bryan looks like a liar and Lori skips away unscathed again.  This is how she does it.

Lori has caused more men's and women's careers and dreams to fizzle than an FBI background report.  It's about knowing the rules of your employment and who to complain to that is of the most importance to Lori.  That's why when you start a new job and they tell you what you can and can't do, Lori is sitting right next to Christian writing all of that shit down.  Soon, at your new job, you will be violating all the rules that Lori can remember that YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO BREAK.  I've seen it so many times in the past now that I've come to learn how to protect myself.  I carry cameras on my body recording at all time.  If there is a discrepancy, I will have it on tape. Like tonight.  I have on camera on my body that is recording at all times.  I also have two other cameras that can start a recording with the push of a button.  You see, I like my job and I like the people I work with.  The camera system here is good, but the one I am wearing is fool proof.