Morally Conscious

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Friday, August 31, 2018

Lori LaFond Wants You To Know, "You Haven't Heard The Last Of Me Yet!!!"

She's not a female, Lori's a female impersonator - Steve Frey

Can't you just imagine what Lori must look like in her own mind?  She already tells people that "she's a celebrity of sorts" now, but can you imagine what life must look like when you have a pea sized brain, very little intelligence, a brother that does whatever she commands him to do and a bunch of drug slaves telling her what is right, wrong, stupid, smart and whether or not she used a word correctly.  Lori has her own editorial staff, but she still doesn't use them.  It's like it takes a village to be Lori.  I'd like to remind her that it also took a village of angry mobs with pitchforks and torches to stop Frankenstein and his monster too.

Beyond all of her sexuality issues, which we all know plays a huge role in this case with the victims and how she treats the police, don't you get the impression that she thinks she's hot shit?  I do.  It's so not warranted.  Lori's not where she is because of intelligence, connections or superiority.  She's not the fittest that has survived.  She survived on dumb luck and a police department that never quite understood how evil she really was/is.  The funny thing is that her problems have always kind of had a sexual quality to them.  I'm not talking about a hate crime kind of issue here.  Lori likes to feign that she is the victim of some kind of hate crime.  I'm not in any position to discriminate against her.  I can't take anything she has and I'm certainly not going to ask anyone to hurt her physically.  No, I'm the opposite of that.  I want her caught, alive, healthy, and swearing her mouth off like we all know she will do.

You see Lori's life of "fabulousness" is really limited to meth, syringes, internet porn, sexual frustration and fantasy denial.  See this picture reminds me of Lori's mind.  She thinks she's someone that she isn't, and isn't that something?  How do you go through 51 years of life and still not have any kind of identity that is uniquely you without people knowing who she really is and what she really does?  Everything in her life is a lie, it has to be, she's a monster and they don't last this long without someone helping them/her.  The law doesn't allow you to break it then hide behind it too and it certainly doesn't say, "When you commit a criminal act against someone, you then have the right to try to eliminate them before they catch you."  That's what Lori thinks she is doing right now...defending herself.  How can you defend yourself by committing the same crime to do so?  She's a force of confused immaturity...and I'm not a fool.

Her lack of intelligence and the weakness of her slaves living with her is the result of many years of finding and grooming like minded individuals to do what she wants them to do.  It's been one long manipulation that has led her to her destruction, not me.  She was an urban legend long before I started investigating, that's why it has taken so long.  There were a lot of permanent obstacles that had to be destroyed, a lot of myths that needed exposure and a police department that needed to know that we know who you are, what you've done and how you've helped her.  She didn't need a bigger ego, Chief Reyes, she needed a reality check, a hard one.

All night long...for three days again...Lori acted like she was trying to force me into a situation where I would break the law.  This isn't going to happen.  I refuse to let her sexuality be the issue.  It's not.  The issue is  that her sexuality seems to be rooted in violent crime and theft...if that happens, she's then opened the door to an exploration of what that means for her.  Being a lesbian that is closeted with gay homosexual fantasies of rape...isn't a hate crime issue.  Rape is a felony, so no matter how it plays into her sexuality, that is controlling.  Her fantasies don't erase my rights as a person.  Think about it.  If Ted Bundy got a sexual charge out of raping and brutalizing women, would it be possible to charge the police with a hate crime if he said that rape was part of his "sexuality"?  Not going to happen.

Lori you aren't being railroaded.  You aren't a victim of anyone.  You are a drug addict going through exactly what drug addicts go through...denial, avoidance, lying, stealing, excuse making, poverty, hunger and debt.  Those are the earmarks of a drug addict, not a victim.  Don't you think it's time you stop being such a burden on your family?  You have, more or less, used up every single drop of familial loyalty your family had for you...and our families aren't going to extend our understanding to you or your friends.  Uphill battle isn't even close to describing the journey you are about to embark upon.  You should rest.  More or less, you remain the black sheep of your family.  Quit blaming your problems on everyone else when it is clear that you alone are responsible for your actions.  Don't be so smug, I know what hurts's a thing called the truth.

So above is what you think you look like, Lori...all gay male and fabulous, but this is kinda how it plays with the rest of us.  Too old for this's time you look for a home.  Look for one that serves porridge on Thursdays...we know how delicate your palate is.