Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

You Might Want To Read The Book and Ignore The Cover: Lori Is Crazy When She Is At Home

This picture above is interesting to me for one reason.  You've all read about how Lori steals our pictures then tells people that, "She took that picture."  The play on words is often misunderstood.  Lori means that she took that picture from Jonathan, not photographed him.  She steals every kind of photo memory that a victim has.  She just loves trying to put a face to a name that the target has in their lives.  Then she does something really strange.

She wants to see how she would look as a member of YOUR family.  She cuts out various photographs and tries them on herself.  "How would I look with those tits?"
"How would my face look on that body."  It's the oddest thing I've heard of.  Now some of that I know is part of a scam to make it look like she is "close to the victim's family."  The truth is that if any family knew what she was like under the make up slathered all over her, they would find a girl that is very immature, nosy, looking to cause a problem and there for reason that have a different motive.  Lori is never paying a visit to be friendly, she's always there trying to do something.  Usually, the "something" is evil and intended to make a problem for one or more other people.  She loves to instigate then run home to watch the damage.

Lori has a social anxiety that shows itself by being obnoxious and causing a scene.  She usually thinks that everyone will join in with her, but usually the bar ends up throwing her out.  Lori is an expert at being evicted.  She isn't the kind of person that knows what is socially acceptable and what it just plain rude.  Rude and obnoxious takes many forms.  She'll throw a glass at someone or smash it on the ground.  She'll look for a specific person so that she can tell them some kind of secret that she has found out or spread a lie that she made up.  Lori suffers from many things, but her ineptitude at being "normal" costs her legitimacy.  Now she thinks she can act as outrageous on this system and "pull it off" in person with a cop.  Nothing is more disgusting than a police officer being fooled by an idiot.

So much bullshit goes into a live Lori performance.  Remember too, she usually has people at home telling her what to say, what to think and how to act.  Though Lori isn't as good in person without her computer, there is a small chance that people will believe her and once they do, she uses them to excess.  You always have to wonder about the people she fools.  I see the phony the second that I look at her.  I've seen the face of rage and now I think of the hundreds of men that she infected.  How can I know what I know, not say something and then see her around a group of my friends?  It's very uncomfortable to me to have to watch them struggle with her constant berating of others.

Roll up her sleeves and look at her arms.  Give her a blood test and see how sober she is.  Do more than a five second interview that she controls.  Understand that there IS A WOMAN that does with the police and that Lori calls the police to have men arrested.  Now Lori may get away with fooling people from the town we're from, because it is way behind the times, but how can she get away with fooling the very police that she harasses when she wants them to do something for her.

At one point, Lori got so tired of the police taking so long to arrest someone that she doesn't like that she purchased three or four police outfits that match the PSPD officers.  She then sent them into Steven Frey's home to steal his drugs and throw me out.  They didn't get the drugs because I put them away, but they did manage to throw me out into the street from a private home.  It was the darndest thing.  How can two cops, without a police car, come over to a home and come inside to steal drugs?  This shows you the kind of impatience that she has with not having people that she hates arrested, when she says to.

Actually I was the person that called 911 that night after Lori told me to.  She said that Brian was outside with a gun and he was going to kill us so I should call 911.  Of course, Lori had already forwarded the 911 call so it went to her.  The "cops that showed up" were definitely not police officers.  They were there to look for drugs and confiscate them to give to Lori.  I was dismayed, once again, at the level of professionalism that was shown.  What kind of cop shows up to a home and throws the boyfriend of the resident out.  Steven and I weren't in any fight...Lori knows I have already been shot at by her brother...the danger level was high.

I've considered all of the alternatives to avoid this crime altogether, but, in the end, someone else always ends up having to deal with Lori and he friends.  You can scrape her off of you like gum on a shoe, but that's not really a solution to the problem.  On Lori's end, this is really all she knows.  She can't survive in the world without stealing, making more victims and hustling from other drug dealers.  This is her lifestyle, but it isn't something she can call illegal for me to talk about.  I'm a police informant and I know that the job at hand requires much more than I thought it would.  It's a tough circumstance to be put in but I've been in hard places before.  I've already seen the futility of having the police tell on themselves because I've already had another drama caused by Lori that pitted me against the place I worked.  I was right in that case, and I am right in this one.

Right now I'm listening to Lori say, "I'm not that way!"  The reality is that she wants to put on another performance from someone to make her look like she is some kind of a victim.  The last time she did this she broke several federal laws and statutes.  She put an attorney at risk and showed everyone the steps that she goes through to "make herself not look that way."  In doing so, however, she left a perfect path of destruction to follow.  Pretending to be someone that she wasn't.   Pretending to work somewhere that she didn't.  Calling the Commissioner's chambers and getting a favorable ruling.  Then going back to the Commissioner to have a warrant issued even though the blog in question was taken offline.  It was quite a performance, but it was all a lie.  The next one should be a real Academy Award winner of a performance.  This girl is a self admitted hypocrite and liar.  All a police officer would have to do is nail her down to her past work history and her DNA and you will see this little girl has more problems than she could ever lie her way out of.

Lori is this way and she's shown it over and over again.  How many times have you ever seen a police department go on television to say that a rape victim, by name, "has mental issues."  Like I've said before, every rape victim has a mental issue, and who in the Hell is our police department to tell the world that they think I'M LYING?  Bullshit.  This was a choice I made to do the interview after finding out what they said.  I knew there would be others out there that became HIV positive without an explanation.  Men and women that were raped in their sleep and woke up infected with a smashed in skull.  If you think that Lori is a victim, then why do so many of the people that she talks about end up with the injuries?  Lori doesn't have a single injury from me.  She doesn't work because she never wanted to.  She doesn't go anywhere because she is devoted to the computer, drugs and this system.  She hasn't paid taxes ever.  She can't possibly be as innocent as she says when she has so many fake id's.  Check the id's we have and see what she was in trouble for.   When she gets in a jam, she produces another fake id, then never uses it again.  Unfortunately, the person she was pretending to be does have this problem.

Someone was arrested or cited, the police just can't figure out who she is.  I know that this is how she got away with so much.  Even the police chief has to admit that someone living in the apartment that Lori abandoned was using Steven Frey's sister's name to rent the place.  Lori's DNA is everywhere, but Steven's sister's nowhere to be found.  There are other apartments there too that have names on them bearing the names of people that I know.  One is a radio station owner from the station that is where I am from.  So much bullshit from a little girl that is addicted to the computer because of all the drugs.  You see it all the time with meth users that are online.  They can't tear themselves away from the screen.  I've seen it so many times that I will leave if I see them sitting on the computer..they aren't able to have conversations because they are disengaged from human contact.  Whoever is chatting with them online is more of a person than the one standing before them because the one on the computer is believing the lies, the one in person saw that disastrous apartment and knew what a pig she was.

Now she lives in a home with five other people that "take care" of her.  It's like babysitting her.  She can't poop or pee without having to announce the event.  She doesn't shower regularly.  She doesn't provide food or clothing for herself.  She has no money but she has a huge stash of drugs.  Look at her arms for God's sake.  Right now she is writing all this stuff down but even she can't make up the stuff she needs to make her the person that didn't implant the police...even though they are implanted.

If you will only lie for her...she needs someone to cling on to.

So while all this time has passed and her friends are starting to quilt together some kind of alibi for her, you have to understand why this makes me so angry.  While I'm working my ass off trying to stay alive and keep my family alive, she's sitting there trying to come up with another reason to have me arrested, but nobody sees the days and days of harassment that goes into my anger.  She constantly is trying to push a button that will make me angry.  I use to see that with Steven Frey too.  He said that life with Lori in it was like, "living in a concentration camp."  That's what he said.  I can't agree more.

Lori gets all the time in the world to make up some story, like Anthony living in Hollywood, and there is nobody calling her on it.  You can feel her dilemma and solution while her friends try to keep themselves out of jail by coming up with a lie that will work.  It's sad, the position I was left in to fend for myself out here with her.  If she gets enough time to make up another lie, she will use it.  Half of her day is working on "red herrings" involving my friends.  The reason I know this is how she is, is because I've been through this for so damn long.  If you give her a chance to lie to someone, she will lie.  She's going to anyway.  This whole stall for Missy thing, that's just, "we need more time to make Lori more presentable."  That's all it is.

Between her brother, Missy, Leah, Christian and David, she has more than enough people to dress her, feed her, come up  with solutions/lies and advise her.  I have none of those.  What I have is a broken skull and a bullet in my car door.  I have pictures of her in Sedona at the same time I am there on vacation.  I can assure you, I did not go to Sedona to see Lori, she was there to hurt me.  My mom made my reservations...

The problem with the approach taken is that it pays no attention to what the police did to help her out of the last bad situation she got herself in to...the rape.  There isn't any way that she and her brother should have gotten out of that.  There was more than enough evidence, but the cops gave her so much time, Lori made a fake DNA report and sent it to our careless Chief.  It's what she does.  Look at that evidence and tell me how she gets away with it.  It's a scam like every other one.  Someone picks up the MRI's at the hospital, someone calls the hospital, someone calls off the police to take the clothes into custody, someone tells all these lies, yet, there is that postcard, there are my labs, there is my skull and the bullet was still in my car door.

The reason I'm so over this is because I get no help keeping her from trying to do something else to my family.  All I can do is write and tell you about it.

She'll tell everyone that she doesn't live with Missy, Leah, Brian who she calls "Junior", Christian who she'll call "Chris" and David.  If you want to know what a true psychopath she is, offer one of them a deal and see what they have to say about Little Miss Throws You Under the Bus.  Lori is a professional liar.  She's only as good as the person that believes her.

I'm a dead man out here alone.  It's fruitless to even bother.

The whole thing rests on the silence of my friends and their ability to forget what she is really like.  So I have them to thank for this.  Pay it forward is a useless concept when it comes to this crime.

As far as I am concerned, the local police have given up their right to help.  They had her caught with the evidence.  Now, she is on the record as saying, "I haven't known anything about him since high school."  The blood found in my clothing says something completely different.  So you see, there is always a way to prove she is lying.  The bloody clothing has been in the PSPD's custody for a long time now, but it can't disappear or they will get in trouble.  There is no such thing as a rape case that can't be worked on...the Police Chief is just a pussy.

When you leave one of our six people alone to fend off Lori and her friends, one of us ends up going to jail.  I've been in this position with Lori before, but never without someone I could talk to about it.  Now it's a lost cause for me, but maybe this will help out someone else.