Morally Conscious

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Friday, August 10, 2018

Lori Always Knows How To Start A Fight, But She Never Knows How To Finish One!

You and I both know one thing for sure.  We know what to say and what not to say to our friends and families when it comes to "What will start a fight", right?  It's something that Lori LaFond thinks is her "super power".   It's nothing short of when a baby cries for attention or when you say that one person's name that isn't spoken know what I mean.  It's like taking your piece of pumpkin pie right out of the middle, isn't it.  A fight isn't hard for anyone to start, the thing is that Lori wants to start it including anyone but herself.  She likes the thought of a fight, but she isn't ever there to realize what it is like.

I've known this girl since I was a child.  She was an instigator from the time I met her until now.  She is a no good, problem causing, wreck of a person.  What many of you don't realize is the odd twist her set up fight ambush is going to cost her.  She never wants to know how it is going to play out for her.  Well let me tell you the latest set of odd logic that Lori and her friends have come up with.

Lori, this is for publication, is thinking that I will be used against the parents of my friends when she befriends all of them and they turn against me.  First of all, my friends' parents haven't really done that much to help me in the first place because of whatever she did to keep that from happening, but in the second place think of all the things that they would have to ignore to make me the butt of their problems with Lori.  I didn't steal any money from any of them, I didn't give their sons HIV, I didn't call them on the phone and pretend a lie to them, I didn't do anything but come forward with the truth.  Now that is not a reason to have done anything to me.  I just wanted them to live instead of live inside of a prison or a casket.  I came forward to help them, not hurt them like Lori is trying to do setting up conversations between Anthony and Jonathan's mother about Jonathan's death and subsequent "foundation" that the two of them would like to establish.  It is solely Lori's game.

I'm the person that has been humiliated many times by this girl so I know where to draw my boundaries.  I won't let anyone know how I am truly feeling about this plan in order for Lori to contact and try to convince them to help her.  Lying for this monster is not recommended.  What I will say is this.  It is simply just more of the same from the little girl that thinks that she knows how to become me.  She isn't friendly with any of my friends, so how does she think that she is going to befriend them now that she's stolen from them and put each one of them in jail?  It's a joke to me that this little thing has this fantasy of becoming me.  I'm friends with their parents because they are my friends.  Not in spite of it, like Lori.  I can't tell you how many times Lori has told me that Mrs. Mendenhall use to be her friend...that's a lie.

It's true that I have had my issues with how things have been done, but each and every time it is only because I know what she has done in the past and what she is most likely to try in the future.  I have no doubt that the parents of my friends will love me and understand how this has been for all of us.  Right now, my concern is letting you all know how evil Lori is getting right now.  This morning, she claimed that she is going to be "worse than ever" again.  Worse than having me shot at and beaten nearly to death only has one other outcome.  I don't like being told things like this, but it is important wherever my friends are that they know she is plotting again.

I will keep working tonight, but for now, I know that none of these parents will ever accept what she did to all of us.

Lori has, once again, been threatening to come to my family's home and demand that I stop writing this or else.  Or else what bitch?  If that girl shows up on this property or confronts my parents at any place she can be assured that those emails will be going straight to the local sheriff's department.  I already have her threats recorded and her presence is definitely not going to happen on our properties without punishment.

That is what she needs to know...stay away from all of us Lori or you will be picked up.

As for the rest of these families, remember, you are not allowed to be harassed either, friends of informants and employees of informants and their families, are not to be harassed.  You are all part of this solution so use what the law gives you as protection against her.  She harasses informants and their families, she will go to jail. Period.

The problem that I have with these parents and their silence is this.  Without a word from you and knowing that this was what you were asked to do, is that Lori has a tendency to pretend to BE YOU!  She will act like she is Christopher's sister or his mom or Jonathan's mom and literally take your place with complaints about me.  Lori has been known to do all kinds of things like that...Mrs. Monti should know about this by now and should also be very concerned that Lori is using Christopher's family this way.  She did it at the Ranch and has done it at a Los Angeles rehab... so now we all know what kind of person she is.  I need to know that Lori will not be able to use your families, the families of informants, to try to cause more problems.  I'm a one man operation here...she is six or seven deep and her friends are not bright.  Remember, diligence is reasonable, ignorance is negligence!  Reasonable people do reasonable things...negligent people do nothing.

I hope that this helps people understand my anger better.  I'm not mad, I'm trying to stay alive here.  She is a killer, no doubt, she has to be stopped.

Lori can't represent any of these families as she is not a lawyer nor is she a personal assistant to any of these people...she is the lead suspect in an investigation of multiple felony crimes.  She can not continue to play like she is someone else's family member.  The only reason this primary suspect is acting this way is because she is guilty of doing what I say she is.  She is using remote neural monitoring to keep and eye on everyone again and hoping to run interference every time someone does what is reasonable to stop her.  Reasonable people know many things.  The PSPD is not helpful.  They know that Lori has already injured their loved one.  They know that she has contacted me before on their behalf and they know that she has put these men in jail before under very suspicious circumstances.  Given all of that, what is reasonable for these parents to do?  That is for them to figure out.