Morally Conscious

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Friday, August 10, 2018

How Do You Stop A Green Overly Aggressive Rage Monster?

In order to show you all that I still have a sense of humor, I thought this would be a great way to illustrate that in order to stop a rage monster, you need to be more Spiderman than Thor.  A reference that Jeffrey Katzenberg should

Here's the thing, it's a really hot a muggy day where we live.  As you all know, I hate the shit out of living in the desert.  If the truth were told, I would not live here had I known that Christopher had gone home.  It's tough to walk away from a project devoted to saving someone's life, when you still think that they are in danger.  Now that he's out of the way, there is a bigger problem, we still have the rage monster rubbing testosterone into her body like a man with AIDS and she is getting so much meth into  her system that she has been angry and looking for anyone to piss her off so that she can find a reason to yell at her brother.  You see this is an old adage with Lori, in order to get her brother to do what she wants, she has to piss him off.  The rest of you are safe because he can't really drive anywhere.  From what I understand it would have to be Christian, David, Missy or Leah that would co-conspire with Lori and Brian to hurt someone else.  That is of little comfort to me.

Yes, I probably would have moved if I had known that Christopher was going to be in jail for as long as he was and that when he got out he would be leaving.  This is one of those things that you can't change now, but wish to Hell that you could.  Because of my living circumstances here, I probably could have saved my Social Security Disability and lived without problems somewhere else.  Not San Diego.

There is just so much hatred that comes from the mouth of the beast all day and night that you get to the point where the heat, the tiredness, the constant negativity are far too much to want to be around for.  Then, I can imagine, when you get away, you don't want to think about her any longer.  I get it.  She is inconvenient.  But I'm the person that she pushed people away from so how am I suppose to live.  Under the circumstances there have been way too many other people involved in that decision.

It was something else to learn that nobody would be helping me with this when the proof was simple to find.  Sometimes you run from the monster before you learn how to fight it.  I've been fighting this bitch for almost fifty years.  She's not going to go away with a stern talking to.  It doesn't work.  It isn't going to work to have two drug addicts living with her working for Jeffrey either.  They aren't about to get themselves in trouble, not even for him.  There is strong opposition to the two of them having anything to do with the solution after they used the tactics they did to put a police informant in trouble.   Stealing money from a police informant is beyond stupid and the way they did it to members of my family, knowing what they know, is beyond pardoning.  They did it with malice and forethought.

So to think that fighting Lori with drug addicted people that are also implanted, who she calls, "her family", is a bit more than is ever going to happen under the current plan.  Slugging it out verbally with Lori is a worthless conversation and the Earth needs the oxygen.  Why bother trying to do what I've already done with my friends? It made no sense to re-create the wheel for selfish reasons.  There wasn't any other person more qualified to teach what Lori does than Jonathan.  He's by far the person that knows her criminal activity the best, how do I know?  Because of Missy's own method of getting rid of Lori when she wants to do something...she tells on one of us to get Lori's attention while she goes out to play.  This is a priority difference between who Jeffrey wanted to work with and who I do.  You see, Lori's top priority isn't keeping Missy's hurting one of us.

If you want to distract Lori, you use me. That is something that I'm still not happy with knowing that her distraction comes with a hand gun or a bottle to bash my head in with.  That wasn't the smartest idea and it was forbidden for Benjamin to use this system that way.  It was not to be done.  It was anyway.  How did I know this would happen?  Because Missy has always been the person that chose my family's ignorance over her need to get high.  She would rather the children of my dead brother in law become targets for Lori's hate than to spend one second not doing what she damn well pleases.  She would rather defraud my sister, a widow because of Lori, out of money and my bank account of $30,000 as "protection for me from Jeffrey"?  I'm still not sure how that one works.

I didn't need another decade of Lori, I needed to stop her.  I can't really afford to sit here and slug it out with her because I am all alone.  It wasn't my decision.  The thing to do is LESS THOR, MORE SPIDERMAN.  Use your brain instead of bullshit conversations to stop this girl.  I know what is done to me all the time. My family is sacrificed every single time there is an issue concerning Lori and Brian.  I hate to tell all of you this, but what you've been through is a day in the park with ice cream compared to what she and her friends did to my family and someone decided to let you in on it.  Lori needs to be made to face the music, with evidence and without all of her friends helping her.  Let her defend herself and let her do it in a courtroom where it belongs, not here, in the hot, steamy, horrible desert where I hate it the most.  This was a courtesy for all of us that I came forward, you all need to stop feeling so privileged and start understanding why I told you the truth.  It was to stop this for my family and Christopher's.   Where is the last time in this fucking investigation, Jeff.  When will your words match your actions?