Morally Conscious

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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Sex Cult Branding and Sexual Slavery: Think A Woman Wouldn't Do This? Think Again!

Lori likes to call it, "marking her territory", but what it really is, is sexual slave branding and before any of you think that a woman can't or wouldn't do something like this, meet Allison Mack.  Former star of "Smallville", Allison was just arrested for her part in running a sexual slavery ring under the guise of empowering people in similar situations.  Yes, folks, it can happen and it has been going on in Palm Springs, California for a long time too.

Lori likes to leave her calling card on some of the victims in the form of a bite mark.  Sometimes on the buttocks, sometimes on breasts...but the mark is to do several things.  It is meant to mark or damage the victim so that "nobody will want them".  To make matters worse, these victims in Palm Springs are microchipped and infected with HIV so that Lori and her brother, Brian, can track them.  The entire last 15 years that I've been under attack, I can tell you that it is focused on sadism and sexual control.  Lori and Brian LaFond have been using remote neural monitoring to create a slave class of women and gay men to fulfill their sexual fantasies, which usually means violence towards another person or to commit crimes for Brian and Lori so that they won't get punished.  I should know, I've been a victim of this crime since 1987, but Lori's been abusing me for many years earlier.

Victims are, like German Holocaust victims, given a number that corresponds with a microchip placed under the skin, for identification and control.  The numbers corresponding to the chips can be found inside of everyone from gay men, women, and even police officers, whose sexual encounters are then used, like Allison Mack, to blackmail the victims into silence.

I remember once, Lori and Brian told me, after my rape, that while I was knocked out, they'd put a child in bed with me and took pictures, so I shouldn't tell the police about the rape.  In the case of Allison Mack, she likewise took compromising pictures of women, hired to "mentor young girls", so that they too wouldn't speak.  If you look at the picture on the top, you can see the "AM" branding of some of the women.  This is what federal prosecutors are calling a "sex slave cult".  While the members of this cult were paid a lot of money for "life consulting" what they apparently were doing was having sex with women that Allison found and hired.  It's sickening.

In our situation, here, Lori and Brian have been known to follow the victims of this crime out of state and rent a home so that they could continue their "knock out rapes" fantasy and film them.  I've been told that the videos were called "On The Road With Under Cover Videos".  Jonathan Mendenhall, Anthony Dabiere and myself were all stalked to Sedona, Arizona by this group of rapists so that they could continue to follow and sexually abuse the three of us while we were knocked out.

Allegedly, Leah Fauntleroy, was sexually assaulted on this trip in the home that Lori and Brian occupied.  Were there others?  I don't know.  Anthony, Jonathan and I barely escaped with our lives.

After we left Arizona, Lori and Brian, then embarked on a campaign of "getting rid" of all of us.  This included filing a "workplace violence restraining order" for the City of La Quinta against me (apparently Lori used another Lori LaFond's job to do that), she placed obituaries in two or more newspapers for Jonathan Mendenhall, she had both Christopher and Anthony thrown in jail.  All of these events were due to the informant work we were doing against her sexual slavery cult and perversion.  There is proof that Lori contacted both Anthony and Jonathan on that trip...and I know I was harassed the entire time.

To this day, I can't even go to sleep without Lori trying to burn me with microwaves if I won't perform sexually by myself.  It happens all the time.  She use to call me, "The Hardest Working Man in Show Business" because of the way she followed and tried to control me sexually.  She's also done the same to Christopher Monti and many others.