Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

She FORCES Victims to Think About Something, Then Jails Them For Acting Upon It!

I can't tell you how many times I've heard Lori LaFond on this system telling her friends to, "Make him think this...," even though it was a lie.  I want to be very clear about the actions of the victims in this crime of electronic harassment.  The law is very clear, it isn't about what the truth is, it is about what someone forces someone to believe the truth is that is the crime.  The truth is that Lori was forcing these victims to behave a certain way and the police, for their part, enforced it.

For instance, let's say that Lori told everyone she could find that I raped her.  Ewww. First of all that would, could and did never happen, but if she convinced someone that it did and they took an action against me, Lori would then be guilty of whatever crime was committed against me.  The truth is that she coerced someone into believing a lie and they took action.  I've heard this about this girl many times in my life.  There was my father's sexual molestation case, Lori's HIV infection, allegedly driving a car that she pushed some kid in front of and many many others.  The truth is that I've never done any of those things.  She was involved and has an obsession with turning me into someone that I am not.  I am never there.  There is never any proof.  Just ask the police officers that arrested me for being "under the influence" of a controlled substance only to have me test 100% negative for drugs.  This happened six times after I reported my rape.  This is Lori's need to turn me into the drug addict that she is, not the other way around.

What you will find when you look into Lori's past is a huge amount of time forcing people to believe something isn't true, while I'm oblivious and not doing anything like that to her.  I never considered that someone could be so sick that they would spend an entire lifetime trying to make me look like someone I'm not.  Of course, people that really know me weren't believing her, but clueless police officers looking to get ahead in their careers just saw me as another faggot that they could easily arrest and pad their convictions record with.  Rae Fernandez is one of the worst offenders and Nick Andre is another.  What these cops did not realize is that we aren't just some kind of degenerate sub species of human being, we are highly intelligent men and women that won't allow some high school drop out to turn us into somebody we aren't.

Look at that restraining order that Lori LaFond filed.  She wants people to believe a whole lot of lies.  She wants us all to believe that she and a police officer had a four year affair.  She wants us to believe that she doesn't know any other cops.  She wants us to believe that she works for a city as someone important.  She wants you to think that I would be violent towards her when she has always been violent towards me, without a single mention of her history with me.  Lori was always the most violent and most hateful person to me growing up and years later.  She tells everyone that we were boyfriend and girlfriend because she's stolen so many things from me that she can use as props for her lies.  Christopher Monti knows this is true.  She showed him things that she'd stolen from me that made it look like she knew me, but when I was around she'd fly out the door if she thought I was going to see her face to face.  She's a butt faced liar.  There are volumes of proof too.

I never spoke to this horrid girl and I refuse to let anyone in this universe think that I had anything to do with her.  I also want you all to know that I never told on her.  Never got her in trouble.  Never even mentioned her name.  Never told Bryan Anderson about what I knew about her or anything.  She is making this shit up.  She is a fantasizer that does nothing more than sit around trying to come up with another lie about what I did to her and her family when the truth is that I've never had one single thing to do with ANY of them.

So now I have an assignment for all of you...what did Lori LaFond tell you that I did to her or her family?  Write it down.  Sign an affidavit.  Tell me or my team what exactly Lori told you that I did to her.  I can promise you is not true.  I'm so not involved in her life at any point in my life that anything that she would tell you is a fucking lie.  I am so certain that I wrote about this in my diary, when it came to Bryan Anderson, that you will all know that the fact is that she is some kind of sociopath fag hag that simply won't leave me alone.