Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Schadenfreude: Lori's Derives Pleasure Out Of Other People's Pain

I thought it would be easy, using Survivor, to show what Shadenfreude is.  When coupled with a sociopath, this can become something like what we have in Lori LaFond.  She has always derived pleasure from hurting members of my family, so much that she got involved in the process when she was in the 7th grade.  She wants to know what it feels like and that she caused it, but she doesn't want YOU to KNOW she did this.  Her whole psyche depends on how much she can fool all of you into believing that she didn't do it or that she didn't know what it would cause.  The worst part about it is when things are going smoothly, she has to do something to my family to cause that Schadenfreude feeling inside of her.  So far that has meant rape, shooting, setting up a murder, bludgeoning me, stealing my family's money, having my father accused of molesting a student and ruining two of my sister's marriages.

She's sick.  Her need for "revenge" against a family that did nothing to her is extremely sickening to me.  That others would participate in these lies and secrets to allow her to continue is suffer-age for me.

Another part of her split from reality comes from thinking that microchipping a person and stalking them means "ownership" of that person.  It means that everything a person has  or loves, is hers, she thinks.  My friends have been the target of this for decades.  Lori thinks that if I have them as friends, that they are hers.  She thinks my boyfriend is hers.  She thinks my sister is hers.  Therefore, she thinks my family is hers...I can assure you, we are not hers.

From what I understand, Lori and Brian are also microchipped, so by that definition, isn't Lori someone's besides her???

I know I don't want her.

You see, after years of following me, I was happy with my job and most of my life.  This made Lori extremely mad.  At that point she'd already set up the murder of my brother in law without any accomplices, got away with it, so she thought she would send her brother into my happiness and insert a bullet.  There were drawings left under my pillow.  My neighbor was complaining about sex noises coming from my apartment while I was at work during the day and nobody was there.  Someone let my cat out of my home.  Someone drugged my food and it almost caused a fire.

There was so much shit going on, all of a sudden, that I knew someone was causing it.  Nobody derives pleasure out of ruining something for me than Lori LaFond.  Look at that fake assed restraining order for a job she doesn't do and a phone call that never happened.  She's crazy.  She's a tattle tale that makes up stories.  That means the tattle is a lie and so is the story.  It's a double lie.