Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Actually Lori, It Does Stink, Just Like YOU!

On the 23 pair of chromosomes in the human DNA chain, you have the determination of sex of an individual.  It's in every single cell in your body.  You can tell if a hair follicle, fingernail clipping, saliva or whatever came from a male or a female.  The same thing exists also on the retrovirus that gives someone HIV.  The transmission can show if the DNA came from a male or a female.  So now we have another interesting match that we need to discuss.  Poop!

One of the big characteristics of the rapist that implants, rapes and infects the gay male and female victims in Palm Springs, California is that she is female, now we know her intent is to rob people after she has implanted's her poop!

Not only is this girl, with a brother that also has HIV, going around and initially infecting these men, she is also leaving her poop everywhere when she does it.  She isn't doing that on accident, she's leaving pile after copious pile everywhere she goes.  It's the same girl DNA that has infected the victims of this crime that is being found in her poop, along with a copious amount of drugs!  How much is she using?  A whole Hell of a lot.

It would appear that Lori LaFond is not only infecting gay men, but she is then using this technology to find out if their parents are home (or the victim) to come into their residences, shit on the floor, leave written messages all over the place and rob them.  The "Shithead Bandit" may have help, but she is spitefully infecting these men then humiliating them further by entering their home and defecating.  It's on the walls, the floor, the carpet, in Arizona...pretty much everywhere that this pig follows the victims around to and from.

I've even heard that she's a huge "2 girls 1 cup" fan...ewwww!

If you don't know the reference, it is a porn movie with two lesbians depicting some of the foulest things in the world for everyone to see.  Lori is a big fan of the movie.  Most people can't watch it, it is so gross! 

This shows motive.  It isn't just about infecting someone's kid, it's about humiliating their families.  It says, "I can follow your kid around until my brother and I break into your home, rob you, steal from you and I'm going to shit on your floor because I know the police won't do anything to catch me!"   It's reminding me of that postcard with my face being punched on it.  It's bravado from a girl that thinks she's like the men she hates!  She's the most obnoxious female I've ever known, and filthy!!!  She has TB, active TB, and she is entering homes and defecating?  This could have serious repercussions for entire families!  This has to stop!

Too many lives are in danger!!!