Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Does Lori Tell You She's Been Tested? Her Own Virus Shows She Isn't Being Treated For Thirty Years...IRRESPONSIBLE!

Consider Lori's big get away, ruined!

Today is World AIDS Day!  Right now I am listening to Lori screaming about how nobody explained to her that "even if AIDS were curable", she would still be accountable for the people that she infected, if it's true, because the virus inside of all the victims has HER DNA!  She doesn't quite know how HIV virus works still, 30 plus years since her initial infection.   How can I say that with so much own HIV virus is not mutated from my initial infection in 1987 and the second attempted re-infection in 2007, her virus had mutated but it didn't infect me because of the drugs I was taking.  HIV drugs, that is.

What I am trying to get across to Lori is that it doesn't matter, for her and this crime, if AIDS is cured.  Her virus, if she is the Blue Widow, lives in her DNA strands in all of her victims.  She may someday have the ability to be given a vaccine that kills her AIDS virus, but the transmission to others has her fingerprint that never goes away.  My team has their blood saved for testing while we still do have an undectable amount of virus.  Undectectable doesn't mean a cure, it means that it can still be found in a person's viral reserve in tiny amounts that are testable for transmission from a person to another.  We know genetically, every AIDS/HIV survivor, who infected us.  It's the way the virus works.

Lori thought she could continue to say she was HIV negative then "get the cure" and pretend that she was never the Blue just isn't possible for that to happen, in fact, that kind of a story is even more diabolical than the previous.  This is who she is.  Infect as many gay men as possible, ruin their lives, take their money and then cure herself so that she could laugh at all of them.  SOCIOPATH 100%

Does this remind you of the morning you came over to Steve's, Lori: