Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Give Lori And HIV The Finger: World AIDS Day: Congratulations Harry and Meghan, So Happy For The Two Of You!!!

We all know that Prince Harry is way out of his league now that he's engaged to Meghan Markle.  Come on, a soldier meets a television star with a tremendously big social agenda with the UN?  Doesn't happen.  LOL!

In all seriousness, Harry & Meghan, share mutual friends with Christopher and I, but I consider them to be friends already.  With their tireless work on the HIV testing, Harry and Meghan are already two of our most valuable voices against this horrible disease.  I've been proud of Harry for a long time.  Getting tested in minute all the time to show people how easy it is to find out if you've been infected and where you can get treatment if you do.

I was reading some of the statistics lately and I am so happy to know that AIDS related deaths are down for people that know that they have the disease and are seeking the treatment that most can get for free!  The end of AIDS is coming for those that know they have the is World AIDS Day and the future for the victims of this crime has never looked brighter.

The campaign in the UK is "Give HIV the finger", I think I like that.  I'd also like to extend my finger to Lori, who thinks that nobody should get tested or treated except her.  I'm not surprised.  You don't go around infecting people, intentionally, to watch them live, do you?   I'm happy to speak out about this part of her crime because it brings her so much joy.  Nothing better, for her, than to blab to the Palm Springs Police about what her victims suffer from.  Didn't they ever expect something was up when a girl that hates gay men is all knowing about their HIV status?

HIV or as Lori use to call it, FULL BLOWN AIDS...has been used for so long to torment her victims, their employers, their families, their friends, that I am happy to report that HIV infections DO NOT MEAN AIDS!  They are an infection...and infections can be dealt with and eventually cured if you are responsible enough to get tested and treated.  I want all of the victims of this crime that are still alive to take medication and give themselves the chance to live out their dreams through the nightmares that they've endured.  Lori is a nightmare!

If you are in the area and you are a victim of electronic harassment, PLEASE GET TESTED, EVEN IF YOU ARE A COP!  You need to know if you were infected when you were implanted.  Lots of us were and there is strength and hope in numbers.  There is no shame in having HIV.  Once you have it, it doesn't really matter how you got it.  That becomes a secondary issue for people, like me, who simply didn't understand how this could happen when I didn't have sex or use drugs!  

For anyone that suffers from this infection there is hope.  To not get tested is simply ignorant.  You can take one pill and remain healthy for a lifetime.