Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Jeffrey and Benjamin Katzenbirds: They Don't Chirp! They Cheap!

I'm not saying that the two men at the center of the team that didn't do anything to help me out in this investigation are cheap, but when it came to the expenses that came with informing the public, let's just say the Katzenbirds, flew first class, while I flew under the radar...way under the coach...with the Wright Brothers...or walked...alone...without bare feet....

I won't say that Jeffrey spent a dime helping me out, because that would have been ten cents more than he spent.  Actually the guy cost me more than it would have been if his son hadn't ever contacted me.   I actually gave Benjamin's boyfriend $5 bucks once and Jeffrey stole mine away and wouldn't let him talk to me for years.  It figures, I help his boyfriend out and he helps me out of my boyfriend.  Let's just say one thing here that is very clear.  There isn't a quid pro quo going on in this investigation.  I do the work and the Katzenbergs take the credit for all of it.  I do the investigation and Jeffrey acts like he's the one that is smart.  He's not.  I've put the time in developing the people that know what to do and we are the ones that know how to do it.  Jonathan, Anthony, Barbara, Tracy and I are the ones that really do the investigation....Martin, Leah and Benjamin work hard too, but the bulk of the manpower here is done with the people that I put together, not Jeffrey's flunkies that take money and sit on their asses watching the Jeffrey and Missy show.

We aren't really the sum of Jeffrey's parts.  This is a team built by friendships that Jonathan and I forged over the years.  This isn't the Team that Missy built.  This is the team that Jonathan and Kevin built.   Jeffrey did nothing to "team build".  He's stripped us of our identity.  This team succeeds or fails on our ability to go around Jeffrey not to succeed with him.  Anyone that believes that we are better because of him is wrong.  He is a hurdle, an obstacle, not a fast track to success.  He's simply another person that got in the way of the victims of this crime.  An unexpected hole in the road to success.    We are not better because of him or his wife, we are better in spite of them.  Make no mistake, there isn't one of us that has to thank them for making us better people...we survived them, they didn't teach us a single lesson that we didn't already know.  They wanted to hurt us and tried their level best to reduce us to our knees with a different approach...kindness and deception.  Not completely different from the bait and switch that Laurie uses with her drones in Palm Springs everytime.

Most of us have seen this before.  I've never seen parents do it but I'm sure it's been tried.  I've seen many boyfriends do it.  I've seen a few couples try it.  I've seen lots of friends try it.  Lots of online hookups try it.  I've never seen a father do it to a son, but I have seen Christian do it to his father and his sister.  Nothing really surprises me any more.  There is just a dark side to the human condition that exists.  People think that they can outsmart each other when they can not be seen doing something in person.  It doesn't work as well as they think.  I'm an expert in the bait and switch.  I've grown accustomed to disappointment and expect failure.  I succeed often but I never expect it.  I know all too well that Laurie and people I trust will let me down.  Trust nobody.  Especially the people you trust most.  The people you don't trust can't hurt you, it's the ones that you do trust that Laurie wants to use most of all.  Never trust them.